One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 670: Meet Xiao Nan

God horse stuff

Roya heard the system's abrupt notification sound and checked the details of the system notification just now. It seems that he accidentally made a benevolence today, and unexpectedly appeared a hidden task.

The blessings of the hidden mission world You can obtain the Diamond Mission Treasure Box 12 by subduing the reincarnation of Indra and the reincarnation of Ashura.

The name of the mission sounds like a bunker

The blessings of the world, no matter how you hear it, are things like the protagonist’s fate, and it’s half of the difficult thing to subdue a little kid. Now it’s half of the time. In other words, let Indra reincarnate the second pillar into a little brother. , You can get the diamond mission treasure chest.

However, I didn't really like the user who had the full level of pretending to be a good guy. No matter how he looked like he was not pumped, I was afraid that he would accidentally be pumped to death and lose his good subordinate, Itachi.

Luo Ya shook his head speechlessly, and temporarily left the matter behind. This mission treasure chest was the most troublesome mission treasure chest he had ever seen.

When Xi Rihong was accepted as an apprentice, he directly popped out a treasure chest of master and apprentice. The hidden missions were always known only after completion.

The first time I saw the hidden mission out of the diamond mission treasure chest, I still only completed half of it. If Roja had no complaints, hell hell, the system is really unpleasant.

Roja has almost summed up the rules for Quest Treasure Box 827. Silver-level quests are just a word for himself.

The gold level is a little bit more troublesome, but it can be done in a short time. The opening conditions of the diamond mission treasure chest are like an old lady's footcloth, which is smelly and long.

Chakra, who collected the nine big-tailed beasts, didn't talk about it.As for the task of cultivating three shadow-level powerhouses, there are only Xiao Nan and Xiao Gu.

If it hadn't been for a few years during World War II, with the convenience of a vital seal and various tools for cheating, this task might still be left alone.

Roja rolled his eyes and continued to move towards the Yile Ramen Restaurant, while Naruto stood up from the ground with tears, and followed him closely.

"Even if a man bleeds, don't cry."


When Naruto heard Loya's words, he quickly wiped away the tears and showed a happy smile. Today is the happiest day in his life. He found his relatives.

When he came to a noodle restaurant in Yile, Naruto sat next to Roya's bddc and yelled, how much he must eat this time. After he saw his uncle’s appetite, the whole person fell into endless Inferiority complex.

Naruto has always been most confident about his appetite. One person can eat two large bowls of tonkotsu ramen, invincible of the same age, but Luo Ya can eat dozens of bowls at one meal.

Looking at the restless Naruto jumping up and down, Luo Ya directly knocked one of his fists down, secretly saying that he really had nothing to say about this kind of bear kid, and he was so angry.

After eating, Roja returned to his home and stayed with the second stunned son. He was afraid that his IQ would be seriously lowered.

After a few days of silence, seeing that the time to meet Xiao Nan was about to come, Roja's ability to mobilize the momentary appeared in the land of the rain.

The original hut was already covered with vines, and the walls were full of mottled marks left by the years. In such a humid environment, the house was aging much faster than the wood leaves.

The emerald green moss on the steps showed that no one had set foot here for a long time, and with a creak pushing open the closed door, Roja walked into this dusty cabin.

The original furniture has aged over time, and vines with thick arms have grown from the bottom of the house and spread throughout the house.

The room was dotted with small flowers on the vines, and people couldn't help but feel a warmth. Seeing this familiar and unfamiliar scene, Roja had a slight smile on his face.

There are five small signs with frog heads in the corner, and the names of Jiraiya, Xiaonan, Nagato, Yahiko, and Loya are written underneath. At this time, all the frogs are facing up. This is not where everyone is present. meaning.

When this rule was first set, Roja looked stupid and stupid looking at Jilai. What the hell was this, a ninja who was good at observing could definitely discover the secret of this in the first place.

Now seeing the frog board again, Luo Ya raised his eyebrows, remembering the days he and Xiao Nan had spent together, the two of them have always turned the brand together and are inseparable.

Does that little Nizi still like to cook like she did at the beginning, or do she read the recipes every day, study various foods, and give others the best things possible?

The little girl who was dumbfounded by a pile of paper cranes has now grown into a girl.

Roja walked to the frog board, reached out and turned it over to the red side, turned around and walked to the low table, sitting on the floor full of branches.

I took out the origami paper left over from the system warehouse how many years ago, when I folded Thousand Paper Cranes, Luo Ya folded them up one by one.

A faint wind blew, waving paper wings, Xiao Nan soaring in the sky, slowly fell to the front of the wooden house, saw the half-open door, the pupils under the purple eyeliner, a gentle flash.

Xiao Nan stepped onto the moss-covered stairs, and after pushing the door open, he saw Roya sitting at the low table with a stack of paper cranes. The sun shone on him, and Xiao Nan saw the scene many years ago in a daze. .

Stepping up to the frog board, Xiao Nan turned his sign over and sat beside Luo Ya, quietly watching the birth of each paper crane.

A thousand paper cranes were held up in the palm of his hand. The neat edges and corners and the wrinkled body made Xiao Nan a big smile.

With a slight trace of chakra, the paper cranes began to dance in the wooden house. Slowly, the whole house was surrounded by flying paper cranes, reflecting the crisp vines and blooming flowers, making people feel like they are in a dream world .

"Brother Qiuye, I miss you." Xiao Nan spoke softly, and the purple rose hairpin on his head glowed with a soft purple light, illuminating the pale orange eyes.

"Well, I miss you too." Luo Ya stretched out his hand and pulled Xiao Nan into his arms, rubbing the smooth hair as before, with a warm smile on his face.

The two were speechless for a while, immersed in each other's embrace, feeling the joy of reunion after a long absence, and the paper cranes were flying up and down, as if they were happy for them.

"Xiao Nan, let me take you out of the Xiao organization, it's not suitable for you." Luo Ya put his chin on the top of the girl's head, and closed his eyes and spoke softly.

"Brother Qiuye, Yahiko is dead, but his dream has not yet come true."

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