One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 676: The Whispers of Xiao Bone and Kushina

Haaki Sakumokai doesn't actually have many ninjutsu. He is the kind of ninja who specializes in one ninja. In addition to the instantaneous skills, stand-in skills and transformation skills that assist combat, he has always been above the sword skills.

"System, open the ninjutsu treasure chest."

"Congratulations to the host for opening the ninjutsu treasure chest and getting the flag-wood sword art silver sword flashing."

The silver knife flashes the flag wooden knife, and the sword is like thunder and lightning. It can almost match the speed of the second stage of the thunder god. After a flash, it can seamlessly connect the second flash and the third flash with each flash, speed and power Doubled, the load on the body doubled, hence the name "Konoha White Teeth".

Seamless continuous knife operation

Roja raised his eyebrows. This kind of swordsmanship is completely different from his swordsmanship. He takes a different path. His swordsmanship always pays attention to one strike and kills. No matter which trick is used, the connection of tricks depends on The user's understanding.

And this move of Sakumo Hagiki relies on the skill of swordsmanship to link up the continuous swinging of the sword. A sword is faster than a sword. Although the load on the body is relatively large, it is a skill comparable to the eight-door Dunjia. The prohibition.

Flying Thunder God is space ninjutsu, and the second stage Flying Thunder God of Wave Feng Shuimen surpasses the second generation of Hokage Thousands of Hands, and can be compared to the second stage Flying Thunder God. Such swordsmanship is rare in the Ninja world.

Roya looked at Haaki Shumao, who had fainted on the ground, had lost consciousness, with a bright smile on his face. With one trick, he could eat all over the sky. With such a trick, he was able to save himself, as long as he was a living person. Can't resist the constantly superimposed forces.

"Xiaogu, send someone to send Shuo Maojun back. Don't worry about his mother-in-law." Luo Ya raised his eyebrows, held Xiao Nan's shoulder, and swayed towards the bedroom. He drank so much. It was a man. Can't stand it.

"I think it's better to send it to the hospital. Not everyone has a body that is invincible." Xiao Bone gave Roya a coquettish white eye and waved his hand to call a man on duty from outside the door. Ninja, let him send Hagi Sakumo to the hospital and inform him of his newly married wife.

After drinking so much, let alone ordinary people, even if you are a strong shadow level, you will burp if you are not careful. No matter what happens in the end, it is better to pay attention.

In the first two years, Sakumo Hagi had somehow met a female ninja. After a year of eyebrows, he couldn't bear the woman's obsession, and finally rejuvenated his second spring. Smelly.

When Roja knew that he was renewing the string, his jaw dropped. Kakashi's mother died not long after her birth. It was not easy for Sakumo Hagi to walk out of the shadows and re-establish a family. .

I just don't know, after Kakashi knows the truth about all of this in the future, will he spit Shumao Hagi with a sip of salt soda, or directly suffer from a heart attack or cerebral infarction.

"Brother Qiuye, let me cook some sober soup for you." Xiao Nan helped Luo Ya's waist with a worried expression on her face. She was afraid of something short and long after drinking so much wine.

"Why don't bother, it's okay, it will be fine in a while." Luo Ya was still quite confident in his physique, put his arm around Xiao Nan's shoulder, and walked into the bedroom.

After Xiao Nan put Luo Ya on the chuang, she was about to go out, but was pulled into her arms and held tightly, leaving her with no room to break free.

"Big Brother Autumn Leaf" Xiao Nan's cheeks flushed, his stiff body gradually relaxed, lying on Loya's arms, feeling the powerful heartbeat.

Thanks to the mellow aroma of Noah's oath, the wine in Roya's breath is not unpleasant, but there is a light fragrance, Xiao Nan also became a little drunk after smelling it.

"It's been a long time since I slept with Xiao Nan in my arms." Luo Ya did not open his eyes, muttered in a low voice, turned over, put Xiao Nan on the soft couch, and hugged her into a deep sleep.

Xiao Nantong's cheeks were red, and the nails of his little hands were almost digging into the flesh, but he did not wait for what was expected to happen next, he was relieved in his heart, and he was slightly disappointed.

Jiuxinai and Xiaogu glanced at each other in the small courtyard. Xiaogu directly hugged Jiuxinai's shoulder and placed one hand on her newly developing poached egg.

"Little Jiu, how about my sister helping you get bigger tonight."

"Asshole, don't do that kind of weird thing."

"An la, an la, come on, don't you want to be bigger too, only then can it thrive."

Ask for flowers

"Who, who wants to be bigger."

Jiuxina blushed and retorted Xiao Bone, but in this tone, he didn't sound too firm at all, and he was directly pulled closer to the other bedroom, and the two of them played smoothly on the soft couch.

In Luoya's arms, Xiao Nan felt the same stability as when he was a child, slowly closed his eyes, and plunged his small and exquisite body into the warmth of his chest.

"Brother Qiuye, it's nice to be able to meet you." Xiao Nan whispered in his mouth, clinging to Luoya's chest, he fell asleep deeply.

Early the next morning, Luo Ya and Xiao Nan, who were intertwined, opened their eyes, and after looking at each other, red clouds rose on Xiao Nan's face again.

Luo Ya's two hands, one was placed on Xiao Nan's jade leg, the other got into the skirt of his clothes, placed it on the murder weapon, and wiped it with nostalgia, and then pulled it out angrily.

Such a small gesture made Xiao Nan's complexion redder, but he didn't dodge in the slightest, but arched into his arms again, like an ostrich.

"Brother, Sister Xiao Nan, have you gotten up and lunch has already been delivered," Jiu Xinnai shouted from outside the door, and Xiao Nan sat up from the bed immediately, hurriedly tidying up his clothes.

"Change into another suit." Luo Ya once again took out a lot of clothes from the system warehouse. In the numerous shopping in Pirate World and Naruto World, he had already collected this kind of things for a long time.

"Yeah." Xiao Nan saw that he slept all night, full of ruffled clothes, nodded lightly, quickly took out one from the pile of clothes and changed it, and in the meantime made some tadpole full of tadpoles. The guy feasted his eyes.

Using paper to make a delicate comb, Xiao Nan combed the messy hair neatly, and brought the purple rose hairpin that will never fade.

"Let's go." Luo Ya took Xiao Nan's hand and took her to the courtyard. She slept too late last night and drank some wine. Breakfast was saved, so it would be fine to just settle the dinner.

Xiaogu and Jiu Xinnai saw the two come out, and directly and mysteriously pulled Xiao Nan aside, and began to whisper. The content of the conversation made Roya stunned..

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