One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 677: I will be very light

"Sister Xiao Nan, I heard that it hurts for the first time, is it true?" Xiao Gu lowered his voice to the limit, leaning in Xiao Nan's ear, with a hint of expectation and curiosity on his face.

"We, still, not yet" Xiao Nan's head burst into heat, his entire face flushed, as if he was about to faint in the next moment.

"Sister Xiao Nan, why didn't you call me last night? I heard Aunt Huizi say that it would be comfortable to call out." There were small stars in Jiu Xin Nai's eyes, and Xiao Nan almost wanted to find a ground drill. Go in.

"No, not what you think"

"Sister Xiao Nan, did you use any strange postures? I think there are some speechless postures in the intimate heaven. What are they using?"

Xiao Gu and Xiao Nan's curiosity were already at full value, and they eagerly surrounded Xiao "One Four Zero" Nan, so that the thin-skinned girl looked at Luo Ya for help.

"You two are too much, how can you talk about this kind of topic here?" Luo Ya rolled his eyes, and could only help this girl with a word, otherwise the meal would be unfinished today.

"Hi" Xiaogu and Jiu Xinnai turned and bowed slightly, obediently, but their eyes exchanged quietly. They can't say it here, and they will pull Xiao Nan into the room after a while.

After eating quite awkwardly, Xiao Gu and Jiu Xin Na looked at each other, set up Xiao Nan and entered the room, giving her no room to resist.

Roya stroked his forehead with a headache. There was really no way to take the two Nizis. Kagura watched Xiao Nan's face flushed when they asked him, and a smile hung on his face.

In the evening, Xiao Gu and Jiu Xin Na took Xiao Nan to soak in the hot spring together, while Luo Ya was assigned a task by the two Nizi to visit the alcohol-poisoned Sakumo Hagi.

The old drunkard was poisoned by alcohol. When Roya heard about it, he felt like a joke. At any rate, he was also a strong shadow level. After decades of drinking, he would still be poisoned by alcohol.

Reluctantly bought a fruit basket on the street, Roja wandered to the Ninja Hospital in Moon Country, and Kagura glanced at it and saw the ward where Sakumo Hagi was located.

This guy is now enjoying the considerate care of a young woman, feeding the millet porridge with small mouthfuls, and seeing the happy expression, he is obviously enjoying it.

"Brother Mao, are you full, do you want me to serve you another bowl." The female ninja in her thirties looked at Sakumo Hagi with tenderness. Although this woman was not outstanding, she was weak. The taste is really not what an average woman can have.

"Li Ji, I'm full, I have worked hard for you, and I have to take care of me after a busy day." Shumao Hagaki also had a tender expression on his face, touching the hair of this woman named Li Ji, the two of them were so tired to die. .

"You are my husband. My favorite husband. Taking care of you is the happiest thing for me." Li Ji sat on the side of the hospital bed, lying on the arms of Shumo Hagi, her expression full of obsession. .

"It's nice to have you." Shumao Hagaki looked at the sunlight outside the window, with a bright smile on his face. To be able to look at life as the sun is now, the woman next to him has given me an unknown amount.

"Cough cough" Luo Ya stood at the door of the ward and coughed twice. Shumao Hagaki is nearly fifty years old, and half of the old cows who have to enter the soil eat tender grass. He still shamelessly distributes dog food everywhere. Do you know this will be condemned by God?

"Yeah, Qiuye-kun is here." The embarrassment on Hatake Shumao's face flashed away. He was just looking at sweet honey, but he didn't expect to be watched straight. It was really embarrassing.

"My lord, hello." The middle-aged woman tidied up the broken hair on her temples a little flustered, and bowed to Roya. She knew very well about her husband's past, and naturally knew who the man in front of her was. .

"You don't need to be so polite, Shuo Maojun, it seems that life is really happy now." Luo Ya put the fruit basket aside, with a trace of teasing on his face. The second spring of this old man is really bearable. Can't help but complain.

"Qiuye-jun, just laughed, Li Ji and I are sincere."

"Okay, it's okay, I can't stand you in front of me and show affection. I'm here to see if you have any problems with your drink, and to see if you still have energy. I'm relieved."

"Qiuye Jun is surrounded by beautiful family members, so don't make fun of me. By the way, I don't know when Qiuye Jun will go back."

"I should go back in a few days, after all, there are still many things."

"Help me bring a letter to Kakashi, except for Akiba-kun, I really can't think of a suitable candidate."

"no problem."

Roya agreed, and Sakumo Hagi took out a somewhat yellowed envelope from the inner lining of his shirt, which was obviously a long time ago.

After receiving the letter into the system warehouse, Luo Ya chatted with Shumao Hagi for a while, and then returned to the small courtyard. He had to prepare barbecues for the three niezi, which was a heavy task.

The atmosphere of the barbecue in the evening was quite warm, with small bones who like to be noisy and Jiu Xinnai who is vying with him, Xiao Nan's mood is getting better every day, and his smile is getting more and more.

After eating and drinking, it was already midnight, and everyone was ready to take a rest. Xiao Gu and Jiu Xin Nai looked at each other, directly set up Xiao Nan who wanted to escape, and stuffed it into Roya's arms.

"Master, Sister Xiao Nan, I have already washed you for nothing, very white"

"Come on, brother."

Xiaogu and Jiu Xinnai said, nodded solemnly, and then ran into the next room with a slam, and closed the door tightly.

The expression on Roya's face is so wonderful and wonderful. He is lying in a big groove. This matter can still be used as a wingman for this purpose. These two Nizis are too dedicated.

Xiao Nan didn't dare to move a little in Roya's arms, the red cloud on her face made her wish to find a seam to get in. 39 In the afternoon, she was stripped directly by Xiao Bone and Jiu Xin Nai, and the clothes were completely vacuumed.

Roya saw Xiao Nan's movements and knew that this girl had no intention of resisting at all, raised her eyebrows, held Xiao Nan and walked directly into the bedroom, stretched her feet and hooked, and closed the door firmly.

"Brother Qiuye, does it really hurt?" Xiao Nanping lay on the soft couch, his whole body immobile as if he had been cursed, and closed his eyes nervously.

"A little bit, I will be very light."


Luo Ya unzipped the zipper on Xiao Nan's back and took off his clothes little by little. There was a thin layer of goose bumps on Xiao Nan's body. The delicate body that did not have a strand was looming and moving in the weak light. Soul..

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