One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 683: Jing Yue Kuzina

Although Akai didn't understand what a good friend is, he guessed it should be a friend.Roja, the benefactor, can order him to do things, so that he who has never expected to repay him directly hits his head.

Just like burning a small universe, Akay picked up Kakashi on the ground, flashed his thumb again, and rushed towards the Konoha Hospital with a slam.

"Help" Kakashi was held by Akai. It was the broken leg. The tears in his eyes were falling down. Even a complete sentence was so painful that I couldn't say it. I swear from the bottom of my heart. Don't break anymore, even if you break, even if you crawl to the hospital, you will never ask Kai.

Roja slapped Zui, Kakashi, a young man who is chasing the wind, is considered to be ruthless. Originally under medical ninjutsu for as little as half a month, as long as 20 days, he would be able to recover from his injuries. With such a disturbance, don't even think about being able to walk normally in a month.

The next day, Itachi appeared on the training ground in Roya's mansion as promised. The slightly raised eye bags proved that Itachi did not sleep well this night.

The events of the previous day somewhat collapsed the three views of the 13 people. Kakashi would cry as soon as he finished speaking, but he saw his tears in the street on the back foot.

You should know that Roja told Itachi yesterday that he might have nightmares every day in the future. Anyone who can sleep with this kind of thing will not be able to hold his nerves anymore.

"Hey, you are here, wait a minute, I will find an opponent for you in actual combat training." Roja yawned and waved to Itachi.

Kakashi was temporarily abolished, and Itachi's strength was now able to cope with a general level of tolerance. It would be a trouble if he couldn't make a full shot. It took a long time for Luo Ya to disappear before Itachi.

The urging came to the land of the moon in a flash, and the little girl Jiu Xinnai was now preparing to put on clothes in a daze. Now it is less than eight o'clock. The work and rest time of this little girl has always been relatively regular.

"Hey brother, hee hee, you are coming back so soon." Jiu Xinnai saw Luo Ya appear and jumped into his arms in a loose pajamas.

Under the thin pajamas, is Xiao Jiu Xinnai's thinner body, and now the little poached egg in front of her is on the same level as the silent girl.

But think about it, Mute is almost 30, and Jiu Xinnai is only thirteen now. I really feel heartfelt sad for Mute. Even if the development is slower, it is really too slow.

"Hurry up and get dressed, and I will find an opponent for you in a moment, so that you can show off your fighting ability." Luo Ya played off the bright and clean forehead of this little Nizi, his face was full of spoiling.

"Opponent brother, can I fight?" Kushina was stunned, and looked anxious at his little finger, really cute.

Kushina has been with Xiao Gu, a girl who is almost super shadow for a long time. The people he knows are not Jiao Du, but also Yusuki and Sakumo Hagi. Now Xiao Nan is still in the shadow level. She has nothing to do with her strength. confidence.

"He is only twelve years old this year, and he is one year younger than you." Luo Ya couldn't help but laugh, comforting the bottomless Jiu Xinnai.

He clearly has the strength of Shinobu, and under the guidance of the people, the actual combat experience is even more numerous. In order to cultivate the ability to stay in danger, he was taken by Hagi to complete several missions.

The vigorous Chakra couldn't be compared with even a general shadow class. Jiuxinai's strength was much higher than she thought, and it was relatively easy to deal with the unopened Itachi.

"Is one year younger than me, brother, see how I beat him to the knees and begging for mercy, hehe" Kushina brightened the biceps that he didn't have at all, and put on his clothes.

He had a tight-fitting battle suit with half sleeves on the upper body, a beige jacket, battle shorts and a small leather skirt on the lower body. After thinking about it, Kushina wore long black wool socks again.

"Brother, are you pretty?" Jiu Xinnai turned around before Luo Ya's eyes, erecting his ears to listen to the words of praise, his little face full of expectation.

"Tomato scrambled eggs." Xiao Bone leaned against the door, with a disdainful smile on his face, but his eyes were full of smiles. At first glance, he was deliberately acting against him.

"The old woman with white hair is embarrassed to talk about others." Jiuxina looked at the ossicles angrily, her small appearance was full of gnashing indignation.

"Master, I'm going to work, there are still many tasks left today." Xiaogu ignored Jiu Xinnai's powerless counterattack, tilted his head and smiled at Roya, and ran towards the office building.

Xiao Nan smiled softly on the side, a black robe dotted with golden flowers, she looked extraordinarily delicate, and she was so demure no matter what.

"Come together." Luo Ya looked at Xiao Nan and said softly.One is also a belt, and two are also belts. Jiu Xinnai is not there, and there is only one Xiao Nan left in this yard, so it is not great.


Seeing that Xiao Nan agreed, Luo Ya took her and Jiu Xin Nai's hand, activated the momentary ability, and returned to his own training ground again.

"Xinnai, your opponent is Itachi, you'd better do your best, otherwise, don't cry if you lose." Luo Ya rubbed the small head of Xinnai, and pulled Xiao Nan to sit on the stone bench aside.

"Hello, when we first met, my name is Jing Yue Jiu Xin Na." Jiu Xin Na wrinkled his nose at Roya, made a grimace 543, turned to face Itachi, and bowed slightly politely.

"His Royal Highness, Princess of the Moon Kingdom, is it a great honor to meet you, I'm Konoha Nakanin, Uchiha Itachi." Hearing Kushina's name, Itachi was stunned and bowed respectfully.

Jing Yue is the royal surname of the Moon Kingdom, and it was only picked up casually at the beginning, symbolizing the magical moon well left by Luo Ya in the Moon Kingdom.

The reason why Jiuxinai is called the immortal princess is because she was just a little girl who appeared in the Second Ninja World War. Decades have passed, and time seems to have only been through her for a few years.

"I won't keep your hands, you have to be careful." Qiao Shengsheng rolled his eyes when he heard the title of the princess not old, she looked rather depressed, she was really only thirteen years old.

"His Royal Highness, please." The sweat on Itachi's cheeks fell, and he never thought that Roja would let such a heavyweight figure be his opponent.

You must know that the princess of the Moon Kingdom, but the spiritual symbol of all the people of the Moon Kingdom, is scratched, it is not a trivial matter, and inevitably, the Moon Kingdom will be regarded as a public enemy of the whole people.

Five Elements Detonation Array

Jiu Xinnai waited to perform well in front of Roja, and no matter what Itachi thought, Jieyin with both hands patted the ground with dozens of five-element detonating symbols hidden in the ground..

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