One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 684: Training for Unilateral Masochism

Itachi's three-gou jade writing wheel eyes have been opened, and when he saw Jiuxinai's movements, he knew that this was not a simple opponent that could be dealt with, and a little carelessness would wipe out the bombed bones.

Roja scratched his head and reluctantly opened the barrier of the training ground. If Jiu Xin Nai's detonating talisman Ding Ling was blasted indiscriminately, his mansion would have to be scrapped.

Boom boom boom

The combination of the fire escape detonation talisman and the wind escape detonation talisman, coupled with the rune chain extended by the seal technique, the speed of these detonation talisman is much faster than the speed of Kuwu.

Itachi, who didn't adapt to this style of play for a while, fell directly into the disadvantage, and could only start to dodge in a rather embarrassed manner, constantly thinking about countermeasures in his heart.

With all kinds of weird detonating charms, Jiu Xinnai painted a lot of runes in a cheating volley, and the exploded Itachi could not get close at all.

Itachi has the Chakra properties of the three properties of Fire and Fengshui, but using water escape in such an anhydrous place consumes too much Chakra. It took a long time to find a gap, staring at Jiuxinai, and directly used illusion.

The Art of Fong Hang

The three-gou jade couldn't help rotating, Jiuxinai's body was stiff, and itachi looked a little joyful. A instantaneous spell came behind Jiuxinai, trying to capture it.

Wei Li Fist

Relying on Itachi's ignorance of her fighting ability, Jiu Xinnai gave the child in a disguised form. At this close distance, even if his eyes could keep up, his body had no time to react.

A punch hit Itachi's abdomen, and seeing it flew tens of meters, directly above the barrier, Kushina patted his hand with satisfaction, and looked at Luo Ya with a grin.

"Brother, am I very good?" Kushina had already learned Tsunade's strange power fist and Tianshou's foot. Itachi was completely asking for trouble if he wanted to fight melee.

"Uh, awesome." Luo Ya angrily touched his nose, Jiu Xinnai's punch was not light, although he had left his hand, but it was hit directly in the abdomen. It didn't take a quarter of an hour to stand up.

It was the first time that Xiao Nan, who was watching the excitement, saw Jiu Xin Nai's strength, and his eyes showed admiration. It was not easy to have such a skill at this age.

"Cough, cough," Itachi was lying on the corner of the barrier with rough air. The moment was too sudden, and now his stomach is still overwhelming.

He made only one mistake in the whole process, but it was the most serious mistake, that is, he misestimated the opponent's strength. The lion fights the rabbit with all his strength. Without understanding the opponent, he thought that the opponent was not good at close physical skills. , This mistake directly led to his current defeat.

"Kushina is proficient in detonation talisman making, seal art, various types of ninjutsu, ninjutsu, physique, and illusion. He is almost almighty ninja, itachi, rest for half an hour, and continue after half an hour. "

"Yes, Senior Akiba."

Hearing Loya's words, Itachi gently rubbed his painful abdomen, summing up the experience of failure, and recalling every operation he had just seen.

"Brother, how can you tell me my information? It won't be easy to win next time." Kushina originally wanted to listen to the compliments, but he didn't expect his brother to sell himself directly, muttering dissatisfiedly.

Roja rubbed Nine Sina’s little head. This girl had been putting on Itachi from the very beginning. She first showed her identity and made Itachi hesitate in her heart and did not dare to make a full shot. Then she used long-range ninjutsu to stop it. Close combat.

When it seemed to be fighting vigorously, I deliberately sold a flaw to Itachi. In fact, Guai Liquan had been waiting there for a long time. Such meticulous thoughts really made Itachi to start fighting without knowing any information. It's strange.

Under the vigorous Chakra, Jiu Xinnai possesses higher illusion resistance than ordinary people. Her body is not only the vitality seal of Roja, but also various self-made sealing charms, which are used to fight various illusions and Ninjutsu.

Under the unique and advantageous conditions, this Nizi can be called the most perfect ninja, there is almost no flaw in her body, and if it is not given a way to survive, Roja is afraid that Itachi will be devastated.

After laughing for dozens of minutes, Jiu Xin Na and Xiao Nan also had Konoha's breakfast, and the energetic Jiu Xin Na met Itachi again.

This time, Itachi will not be defeated as easily as before. After knowing the omnipotence that Roja said, he is slowly tempting, and he will retreat with one blow.

However, Jiu Xinnai used endless methods, and even Roja felt his scalp numb after seeing it. All morning, Itachi had been unilaterally abused.

With illusion, Jiu Xin Nai can use the mixed chakras, the magic seal on his body and the thick chakras to forcibly disrupt the flow of chakras, which has little effect.

With ninjutsu, the five-element detonation talisman made by Ninjutsu is faster than his release of ninjutsu, and will be defeated in the end.

With physique, with the vitality seal blessing, Kusina’s physical strength is already more powerful than itachi. He also has strange power fist and heavenly foot, and Tsunade’s ability to cross the Ninja World is not the normal physique that can resist. of.

Although Jiu Xinnai is only a Shinobi, but she does not have the strength far surpassing her, can not suppress it in a certain way, can not beat it at all.

Hedgehog still has a soft abdomen, which can be regarded as a weakness, but the almighty Kushina has no weaknesses. Itachi has nowhere to deal with such an opponent.

As it approached noon, the scarred Itachi walked to the house while simulating in his mind how he could beat Kushina. He couldn't stop scratching his head along the way. There was really no good way.

After Xiaonan and Jiu Xinna ate together at Loya's mansion at noon, they walked around Konoha Street together. At any time, women's interests were surprisingly consistent.

Yuhihong and Tsunade had been in the casino all day long, and disappeared at less than seven o'clock in the morning. Li Zhaoying said that he wanted to set up a grand store today.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Itachi, who had changed his clothes, reappeared on the training ground, frowning, obviously still brooding about what happened in the morning.

"The training in the afternoon is different from the morning. Are you ready?" Roja appeared beside Itachi with a pity on his face.

"Uh, quasi, ready." Itachi returned to his senses, obviously thinking of Kakashi crying and being dragged to the hospital.


Roya raised his eyebrows, and set the seal with one hand. He used the illusion technique obtained from the Uchiha clan Shangnin. At the beginning, the strength of the Shangnin was not worth mentioning. This technique could not exert its power at all.

It would be up to the sky to let the other party see ten deaths. In Luoya's hands, the power was more than ten times stronger. Itachi was directly caught in the illusion, even if he opened the Shalanyan, he still couldn't break free..

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