One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 686: Fudge Two Pillars

I do not know Huo Wu disapprovingly rubbed Loya's arm with Dazhen, and laughed softly. The induction of being a strong person made her feel clearly that the young man was too far behind her.

When Sasuke saw Mai Shiranui's attire, both eyes stared out, blushing and turning his head to the side, sitting on the stone bench full of twists.

Itachi was not much better than Sasuke, his head lowered and he dared not look up. After all, Shiranuiyu's clothes were somewhat exposed in the Naruto World.

Luo Ya shook his head helplessly. Compared with the previous Miss World Contest and Swimsuit Model Contest, Shiranui Mai has a lot of clothes. Even in the Pirate World, there are more hot ones than Shiranui Mai wears.

"Dance, you should change your clothes."

"Is Mr. Qiuye jealous? Alright alright, what a stingy man, a Trojan horse" Shiranhuo Wu smiled, kissed Roya's face, puffed up, and changed into a rather delicate suit. Battle suit.

This kind of dressing technique can be said to be Shiranui Mai’s unique ninjutsu. It is even more magical than the transformation technique. It is not something that Chakra can do. No matter how you learn it, you can’t learn it either meeting.

The upper body is a big red pleated puffy top with half sleeves. The cuffs and waist are tied tightly like flower buds. The same is true for the knee-length shorts on the lower body.

Under this attire, Shiranui Wu was a bit less charming, and more innocent and playful, especially the ponytail, which looked like a green girl.

The book about tailoring that was originally opened from the Treasure Box of Xunli, Mai Shiranui couldn't put it down, and made thousands of costumes in a short time.

Some of them were left to wear by themselves, and the other ones were not satisfied with them. They threw them to a clothing store that I opened. The high prices and the rare business is particularly good. Even the princes and nobles of the Land of Fire wanted one.

"It seems that Qiuye-kun likes me very much." Shiranui Wu saw Luo Ya's shining eyes, and deliberately turned around, firmly attracting his eyes.

"Cough cough that, let's start, dance, start lightly." Luo Ya shook his head slightly awkwardly, and hurriedly urged, there are two light bulbs beside him, this time is not suitable for children. game.

Hearing Roja's words, Itachi's heart tightened directly, and the muscles all over his body were tense. He clearly remembered that when he asked the Princess of the Moon Kingdom yesterday, he said that he should not be careless.

The gap between the two is directly reflected in Roja’s words. Before he did it, Itachi had already lamented in his heart. If it was yesterday’s Kushina, he could still use various strategies to keep his face in front of Sasuke. Facing this woman named Wu, he was really afraid that he would lose so badly that he would not be able to step down.

"Little handsome guy, my name is Shiranui Mai, please give me some advice." Shiranui Wu's fan turned the flower in his hand, looking at the Itachi, who was facing the enemy, thinking about how to make it round.

"Don't dare, junior Uchiha Itachi, please be merciful to seniors."

"Okay, okay, it won't work hard, be careful, I'm coming."

Shiranui Wu waved her fan, and rushed towards Itachi with one move. Even if she suppressed a bit of strength, this speed was still not comparable to Itachi.

Bang bang bang

The fire-attributed ninjutsu almost turned the entire training ground into a sea of ​​fire. Roja could only open the enchantment again. Shiranui Wu, the girl, was obviously getting more and more playing, and a pair of fists directly focused on Itachi's face.

Huadie Fan, Dragon Flame Dance, Flying Dragon Flame Dance, Sun Flame Dance, one after another ninjutsu, if it weren’t for Shiranuiwu’s strength, Roja felt that there should have been a big ko two in the enchantment at this time. Letters.

Sasuke's two hands were just pulled together, nervously watching the scene in the enchantment, but because of the fact that Huo Wu was too fast, he could only see Itachi flying around.

"Senior, brother, are you okay?" Sasuke couldn't help but ask Roja on the side. The worry on his face made people feel happy.

Roja raised an eyebrow, Sasuke is not Naruto's loveless second stunner, and if you want to subdue him, you can't do it with a single bowl of ramen.

This kind of person can only rely on flickering, and he has to be lame and flickering. Only let him respect and fear you from the bottom of his heart, and he will not even dare to pretend to escape in the future.

Ask for flowers

"Maybe he will die." Luo Ya shrugged, and said casually, his face was full of nonchalant expressions, as if talking about it, just a chicken is generally irrelevant.

"Why?" Sasuke sat up on the stone bench excitedly, leaned on the barrier and watched the beaten figure flying around, the tears in his eyes almost came out.

"Boy, a ninja is a person who can endure all pain and turn it into motivation. This pain may come from the attack of the enemy, the death of relatives and friends, and the destruction of the tribe. These pains are too great to bear, but the reason why the ninja Being able to continue to grow stronger is precisely because you don't want to endure such pain anymore, boy, if you believe your brother is a qualified ninja, just sit down."

Roya showed his mouth to the fullest, flicking the Erzhuzi children's shoes of the little boy with cerebral infarction, with an unpredictable expression on his face.

Sasuke hasn't been much better yet, the Itachi in the enchantment has exploded. This kind of enchantment can block all attacks, whether it is a physical attack or an energy attack, but it does not hinder the spread of sound.

After Shiranuiwu's continuous beating, it was covered with burns. His eyes slowly followed the rhythm, and he could barely issue some counterattacks. The improvement was obvious.

Just now, it obviously touched the g-point of Itachi. This potential burst out of nowhere, Roja couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"Brother" Sasuke stood in front of the barrier, looking at Itachi, who had firm eyes, occasionally able to block a blow, and used what he learned to fight back with all his strength. His eyes were full of shock.

For the first time, Sasuke realized what a ninja is. Although this understanding is Roya's full-mouthed viewpoint, he has always convinced him.

"Senior, your words are so profound, but they seem to make sense. My brother is starting to fight back." Sasuke, who was lying on the barrier, turned his head, his eyes full of small stars looking at Roja, the feeling of worship almost turned into substance.

"Ahem, sit down, your brother is a ninja, and a very good ninja, he is better than you think."

"Yeah." Sasuke sat on the stone bench obediently when he heard the words, and kept fueling Itachi in his heart..

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