One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 687: Family?

Roja, sitting on another stone bench, has already started to complain. It is true that the neighbor is numb after eating peppercorns. The next door Sasuke is so admired. The system has not yet prompted the completion of the acceptance. What should I do next?

Scratching the back of his head with a slight headache, Roja really didn't understand this kind of child's thoughts at all. Naruto had fallen under the ramen in the first place.

The relationship between relatives, coupled with the kind of disgusting concern, a bowl of ramen, can easily complete half of the task, how come it is so difficult to get to Sasuke, a young man with a cerebral infarction

Do you really want to waste another god, turning this short-circuited young man into a puppet?

Roya cursed irritably in his heart, and watched Shiranui Wu repeatedly torturing Uchiha Itachi with a calm face. He tapped his fingers on the table and thought about the "zero six three" method.

After thinking about it for a long time, it was still unclear. Therefore, Roja could only ask the system quietly in his heart. The diamond mission treasure chest was close at hand but it was difficult to obtain.

"The system, what is considered to be subdued"

"Out of the other party's willingness, treat the host as a relative, you can do your best to guard, and believe in what the host says."

The system was a rare answer to Loya’s question, but the answer to this question made him almost crazy, and the need for it was voluntary.

In other words, using other gods and Zhuxin's kind of subjugation is not a subjugation at all. Neither Dashewan nor the third generation can successfully brainwash the goods, can I wash it myself?

However, relatives

Roja looked up at Uchiha Itachi, who was beaten with a bruised nose and swollen face, still full of fighting spirit. His heart moved.

In the original book, the only ones who can be in love with Erzhuzi, except for the itachi, are only Er Lengzi Naruto. Can I use the mind of the children to compare each other to complete this task?

Doing what he thinks has always been Luo Ya's purpose, but Er Lengzi Naruto's extreme appearance came to his mind, and his brain hurts.

Last time I just ate ramen together, but the guy forced to eat more bowls, and almost went to the hospital, thinking about it, he was drunk.

After hesitating for a long time, Roja still used the psychic beast, and directly summoned the Correspondent and Coolie Galloping Wolf White.

"Naruto Uzumaki, a child with six beards on his face, with nine tails sealed on him, you should be able to smell it, bring him here."

"Ren Zhuli, understand."

Baimao nodded, and ran towards Konoha in a flash. The psychic beasts are very sensitive to the breath of the tail beasts. Even if they are sealed in the body of Ren Zhuli by the sealing technique, they can easily perceive it. .

In a short while, a scream of ghost crying and wolf howling reverberated in the sky above Konoha, and Naruto yelled hoarsely with his broken gong voice.

"I'm going to be eaten by wolves, flax fell, who will save me"

Naruto burst into tears while being held by Bai Mao's waistband. How could that image be described by a tragic word, because it did not cooperate with Bai Mao's actions, and he did not know how many times he hit the corner along the way.

Bai Mao jumped into the wall and threw Naruto to the ground. He stepped on his back hoof bitterly. It seemed that his mood was quite upset.

"White hair, hard work." Luo Ya whispered to white hair a chicken that had faded and was ready to be used for barbecue, watching Naruto rolling on the floor and howling, his head was big.

Baimao stuffed the whole chicken into his mouth in one bite, turned into a smog and disappeared into the courtyard, obviously preparing to take the chicken back and share it with his wife.

After staying in the psychic world of the wolf clan for more than a year, Luo Ya has never seen a wolf who is not afraid of his wife. The only one may be the wolf fairy whose wife has been belching many years ago.

"Hey wolf, uncle, this is your house. Did you drive it away? I was almost eaten by it just now."


Naruto opened his eyes and did not see the wolf, but saw Loya standing on the side, with a look of excitement preparing to narrate his legendary experience, but Sasuke sitting on the stone bench said coldly.

"Ass guy, why are you here?" Naruto sat on the ground, pointing at Sasuke, with an unhappy expression on his face. It could be seen that the two of them had already overlapped.

"Idiot." With Naruto's existence, Sasuke's pretense is meaningful.

The two met in the Ninja School pre-school assessment not long ago. They are indeed good friends by nature. They just met soon after they met.

Sasuke ranked first in the assessment, and Naruto was naturally the last. Luo Ya estimated that if the three generations hadn't walked through the back door, the goods whose gossip seal had not been unlocked would not have passed the assessment at all.

"Asshole, I'm telling you, this is not a ninja school, I won't let you go, I will definitely beat you down."


Sasuke talked about idiots three times in a row, and finally let Naruto, who was already over-blooded, ignite the small universe, bounced directly from the ground, and rushed towards Sasuke with his fist.

With a punch on Naruto's head, Roja had a big tic-tac-toe on his forehead, and he had begun to wonder if his IQ had fallen recently, so he wanted to use Naruto to solve the problem.

"Uncle Ou, why are you hitting me? We are relatives." Naruto fell to the ground, clutching his swollen head with an unhappy expression.

"First, what Sasuke just said is correct. Second, the fist is not for swinging at your comrades. Everyone in Konoha Village is your relative, whether you are recognized or not, fist It’s to better protect everyone, not to hurt others and vent their dissatisfaction."

Luo Ya plausibly educates Naruto sitting on the ground. This kind of principle, he feels that he has surpassed the third generation of Hokage, and he will be responsible for holding a collective brainwashing meeting for everyone in Konoha. It is absolutely no problem.

"Uncle, your fist hit me."

Naruto sat up from the ground with his head in his arms, and retorted again, this guy is so good at prodding, it's almost a beating.

Roja punched again without hesitation. Mad, has never seen such a demolition. I wonder if he is actually brainwashing Sasuke.

"Family?" Xiao Sasuke frowned when he heard the words and looked at his brother. Luo Ya's words reminded him of what Zeng Jin Itachi had said. He gritted his teeth and made a decision in his heart.

Sasuke got up and walked to Naruto's side, and reached out to Naruto on the ground. Although there was still a cool expression on his face, he rarely blushed.

Naruto was stunned looking at the hand in front of him, with tears in his eyes. Is this the second person to admit himself?

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