One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 692: Uncle’s Halo

Facing Nara Lukuji with an IQ of more than 200, he couldn't hide anything. When this guy first saw Roya, he knew what would happen.

In fact, there are still many associations that have been triggered. For example, after such a speech, Roja will definitely take a vacant position in the Ninja School to improve his status in the new generation.

Moreover, this kind of performance also proves that Roja will not be far away from the retirement of three generations.

Nara Shikahisa rubbed his chin, and was already thinking about how to make a relationship with the man who will soon be on the position of Naruto in advance.

"I can't hide anything from Lujiu. After the school opening ceremony, let's go have a drink together." Roja raised his eyebrows. Nara Lujiu's IQ in the original work can be called a weapon, whether it is military or They are all very good at internal affairs. If such a guy can reclaim enough for his own use, it will definitely save trouble.

"Is there a chance to slaughter a big family today? It is really rare in a thousand years." Yamanaka Koichi only needs a look from Nara Lukisa to understand what he is thinking. The pig, deer and butterfly tribe have always moved forward and retreated together, so naturally they will stand up and speak.

The time for the opening ceremony of the Ninja School is about to come. Several people walked into the door while talking and laughing. After nodding with a few people, Roja walked to the third generation on the podium.

Many parents have sent their children to the big playground of the Ninja School, and the Ninja School teacher is responsible for arranging these students to stand in the playground.

Not only the freshmen in the first grade, but also the old students lined up neatly. Compared with the freshmen who have received some training, they can clearly see the gap.

Naruto and Erzhuzi are also standing in the new team. Seeing the two inseparable appearances, it is obvious that they have initially laid the foundation for their future life.

"Ahem." After the teacher of the third generation of Naruto Sarutobi at the Ninja School reported that everyone was there, he checked the time, walked onto the high platform, stood still in front of the microphone, and coughed slightly.

"The morning sun is rising. Every year when the new students arrive, the old man feels very happy. You are all Konoha's buds. In the ninja school, you are absorbing the nutrients of growth. After graduation, brilliant flowers bloom. Konoha is With you"

The three generations are worthy of being brainwashing masters. These words made the gang of little ghosts surging with blood, and they were as excited as a chicken.

There are only a few students with full personality. Shikamaru yawns with his eyes drooped, Shikajiu stands on the side of the playground with a black line on his face, while Yamanaka Kaiichi tries to comfort his restless companion.

The second grader Hyuga Ningji disdainfully dismissed Zui disdainfully, muttering that his fate was long ago destined, while Locke Lee was over-blooded, about to yell, and was knocked down by his class teacher. Playground.

"Where the leaves fly, the fire is endless. The fire will continue to illuminate the village and allow the new leaves to sprout. Children, Konoha's future is up to you to guard. I have finished. Next, please ninja The school’s new vice-principal, Qiuye Uzumaki, took the stage to speak."

Three generations took a puff of the pipe in his hand, supported the hat on his head in the smoke, nodded and walked off the podium, as if he was extremely satisfied with his speech.

Roja touched the tip of his nose and saw that everyone was looking at him and stepping up to the high platform. The halo treasure chest was now shining under the microphone stand.

Most of these children on the playground have no memory of the Kyuubi Rebellion, and have not experienced the painful experience of Kyuubi. For the man in front of them, they only heard from their parents.

Roja walked to the microphone and bowed a rather gentleman's bow. The halo treasure box at his feet was also put into the system warehouse.

The parents standing on the side of the playground were more excited than the students of the Ninja School, shouting Loya's name loudly, and many children in the orphanage also clapped vigorously. They experienced the present life firsthand. They all came from the front Of this man.

Luo Ya was quite satisfied with the immediate effect, and quickly put his mind in the system warehouse and issued an order to the system.

"System, open the halo treasure chest."

"Congratulations to the host for opening the halo treasure chest and obtaining the uncle's halo."

Uncle Halo has increased the success rate of coaxing Little Lori by 20, and the growth rate of goodwill has increased by 10.


When you come out of the system, I can bear it with a strange halo or something. The comment that follows is a few meanings. Is Lao Tzu as unbearable as you think?

"Conscientious customization, if the host refuses to accept it, the recycling system can be responsible for taking it back, and recycling can get 2000 exchange points"

"Stop, it's a halo anyway, I can barely accept it."

Roja hurriedly stopped the system's unscrupulous words. What is recycling is even two thousand exchange points, but this is the third halo treasure chest opened so far. This kind of thing is very rare, how can it be sold at will

His cheek twitched fiercely. Roja looked at the bug-like attributes of the newly released halo, and couldn't help but stunned, Loli, Loli, love, love.

It’s really the most beloved game in the world, it’s really the most beloved game in the world. Without a little loli to adjust life, how boring every day should be

Luo Ya couldn't help showing a smile. Hinata Little Lori was very afraid of life. With this aura, she would be able to flick her over, and let herself be raised obediently. Tsk tsk, think about it, it is already beautiful.

Temporarily forcing his mind to move away from the system, Roja had a sunny smile on his face, raised his hand slightly, and the ninja and the children in the orphanage on the playground were all quiet.

Affected by the people around him, those students who didn't know Luo Ya quietly didn't dare to speak. They only knew that the person on the high platform must be an amazing figure.

The time to open the treasure chest and the communication with the system only occurred in a short second, and no one else found anything wrong.

Luo Ya looked at the students in the audience with a reminiscence expression on his face. After looking around for a while, he spoke slowly.

"My name is Qiuye Uzumaki. I am your senior. Back then, I was the problematic student in the class. It was the kind that caused the teacher the most headache. I often made the teacher furious."

After Roja finished speaking, he laughed out loud, and the ninjas on the playground and the students under the stands also laughed. Many of them were also one of the problematic students.

When I was young and ignorant, I didn't know the precious time of study, and I was immersed in play and play. Even the students who were behaved were occasionally mischievous..

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