One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 693: Can Destiny Really Change

This kind of resonant words used to win over people's hearts, Roja is now able to catch people, flickering people, absolutely more than three generations of the guy who can only read manuscripts.

The little girls under the stands looked up at Roja with little stars. Whether in dress or figure, they were almost the same as the Prince Charming in their dreams.

In a Chinese style Tiantian, looking at the exquisite and unassuming clothes, looking down at his own clothes, holding his little face to wonder what he was thinking.

Sakura's and Ino's eyes are about to show love. This kind of girl can't resist the charm of this mature and sunny man.

The little goddess Hinata lowered her head, facing her little finger, remembering that time when she didn't know that there was a delicate snowman, her neck quietly reddened. It was a rare happy moment in her past memories.

"It's been a long time since I graduated, but I can still clearly remember the classmates in the class"

"Mr. Qiuye, we also remember you"

Roja was about to continue playing the family card. On the edge of the ninja school playground, two fat, unfamiliar women shouted loudly.

The rough voice was so fat that he could barely see his eyes, and he was holding a small handkerchief in his hand, which was twice the size of a pig's hoof, wiping his tears.

In addition to the two wonderful works of the Qiu Taoist school, who else is there?

The black line on Roya's face, Qiu Dao Ding Zuo, the patriarch of the Qi Dao clan, his chin almost fell to the ground. Many ninjas looked at the scene in front of them. Classmates, it's so unfortunate.

The husband of Rousong and Rourong was obviously also on the scene, and the two fat girls who wiped their noses and tears were directly dragged out, and the movements were clean and neat.

"Well, everyone sees that the friendship of classmates, no matter how long it takes, will not be forgotten. In the Ninja School, you can forge deep bonds, and more importantly, it will change your destiny and help you fulfill your dreams. The place."

Roja paused, and was not affected by the two strange flowers. When he was in class, the two confessed several times, and even lit candles on the school playground. The drizzle now and then Compared with the sensation, it's too far behind.

"As long as life goes on, dreams will not stop, so, do you have dreams?" Luo Ya's question made the primary school students and the parents on the playground stunned, and then the students on the field talked about it. Starting his dream, Naruto's second stupid screamed to become Hokage.

"Answer me, yes or no."


"Do you have the determination to put all your efforts into this dream?"


"Be louder, I can't hear."


Not only the students of the ninja school, but even the ninjas and their parents on the playground were mobilized. Konoha has been cultivating students' dreams since they were very young, and clearly let them realize what they like and what they hate.

At this time, Luo Ya used the brainwashing method of the previous life to tell it, the effect was leveraged, and the blood was flying in the sky. Even Nara Shikamaru, who had always found trouble, was rare to cheer up.

Luo Ya raised his eyebrows, leaned slightly, and walked off the high platform. The Qiu Dao Ding Zuo who had been waiting for a long time pinched his waist and smiled, called a joy.

"Akiba-kun, my original dream has been completed, and my current dream is to defeat you in appetite."

Qiu Dao Dingza patted his stomach, causing the fat to tremble like a wave, and his words were full of firmness, as if this was something extraordinary.

The students' parents and ninjas around looked at Roja with admiring eyes. There was a kind of agility in the expression, and the boring life day after day could easily obliterate people's dreams.

The words just now have undoubtedly ignited hope for them, especially the sentence that as long as life goes on, dreams will not stop, and it will revitalize people who have already gotten a family and started a career, almost thinking that they will live like this for a lifetime. spirit.

Three generations came back to the stage and announced the official start of school. The senior students returned to the classroom spontaneously, and the freshmen walked into their own classroom under the arrangement of the teacher.

Just now, Loya saw the expression of the little goddess Hinata clearly, and she was in a good mood. He invited many familiar ninjas to the largest restaurant in Konoha.

It was noisy until the evening time, when a group of drunk ninjas helped each other back home, and Yamanaka and Nara Shikahisa also carried the chopped Akido Tingza toward the clan land.

Just after having a few cups with others, Hyuga Niszu, who had been thinking about something during the dinner, stopped Roja after everyone had gone.

"Akiba-kun, I want to ask some questions." With a bit of hesitation on Hyuga Hizu's face, Luo Ya raised his eyebrows, and of course thought of Hinata.

"Please tell me, Mr. Nizu."

"Can fate really be changed?"

When I heard this, Luo Ya really had the idea of ​​hacking people with a knife. Lao Tzu's expressions were all set, so I just asked this little Hinata.

Moreover, shouldn't this kind of remarks be made by Hyuga Nikkei, or Hyuga Neji asked if there was no attack on Yunnin Village, Hyuga Nikkei is alive and well now.

His cheeks trembled fiercely, Roja sorted out his emotions, frowned slightly, and raised his hand to signal Hyuga Hizuto while walking.

193 "I can tell you with certainty, yes."

Isn't that the best proof that Hyuga Hizu is not dead? Because the fourth generation of Raikage Ai was scared of being beaten, Konoha did not lose much in the Nine Tails Rebellion, so the eye-snapping incident in the original work did not happen at all.

"Even if it's a bird in a cage?" Hyuga groaned, and after all he opened his mouth. This is an almost public secret of the Hyuga family. Once the bird curse in the cage is imprinted, there is no solution except death.

"Why ask this suddenly"

"My brother has always been in pain. As an older brother, I can't do anything about it. As the patriarch, the fate of daily slack has been determined since birth. Life and death are controlled by others. How to talk about changing fate"

As he walked, Hyuga Hizu told his own thoughts. The twin brothers were engraved with a family separation curse just because they were born a few minutes late, which I have to say is a kind of irony.

But as the patriarch, he had to consider for the entire clan, in order not to escape the blood of Hyuga, in order to allow the Hyuga family to exist forever.

Moreover, the Hyuga clan is not the patriarch's words, and there is the coercion of the elders. This contradiction between his brothers and the family makes him feel much torment in the cracks.

"The bird in the cage is not so much a curse, but a human heart."

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