One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece Treasure Box System 802: I am a financial crocodile

In just two days, the land of the land and the land of thunder were in a mess. The wine, which was nearly half the price of ordinary drinks, was rushed in between the two countries.

The climate of the land of the land and the land of thunder has made drinking and drinking almost a must-have here. The men of the two countries like to drink a sip to warm themselves up.

With the combination of supply and demand, there were quite a lot of local breweries, but under the impact of this cheap alcohol, these breweries closed down in just half a month.

With the same degree and different cost, Luo Ya directly regards the two countries as dumping sites for water-dipping wine. The production speed of water-dipping wine under modern technology is far beyond those of small workshops.

In a month, except for a few large wineries that were still underpinning, the remaining small workshops all became victims of this small profit dumping.

Residents and ninjas of the two countries, seeing this cheap drink, have also hoarded a lot of inventory. After all, they drink it almost every day, and there is always nothing wrong with buying some at a cheap price.

Just as the market became increasingly saturated, a piece of news quickly spread among the two countries.

"Have you heard that those cheap wines are the inventory of a century-old winery. Because the heirs are gamblers, they are used to pay off debts, and they will disappear after they are sold out."

"Well, did you hear that too, or let's go buy some more. After all, there are not many such opportunities."

The chatter of the two civilians made Roya smile. As the news spread, those who had hesitated to see the cheap price and chose to stop and watch also acted.

The number of sales surged again, and everyone was rushing to buy the drink for a while. For two full months, even Roja's wine with water almost couldn't keep up with the consumption level of the two peoples.

After the entire market became saturated, the wineries in the land of the earth and the land of thunder had disappeared, and the entire market became a mess.

Under the centralized command of Roja, Konoha's new wine, Noah oath, was launched on the market, and an overwhelming propaganda was launched in the five major countries.

Sand Ninja Village and Wu Ninja Village actively responded to Loya's propaganda, which is ten times more expensive than ordinary wine, or even a hundred times more expensive, but it cannot stop people's enthusiasm for buying.

The Noah oath series, which has the lowest alcohol content, has a forty-eight degree, which directly shakes out ordinary sake more than twice. The mellow taste makes people who have never seen this kind of wine rushed.

Forty-eight degrees is the cheapest Noah oath, followed by fifty-two degrees, fifty-eight degrees, and sixty-one degrees, and the price directly shows a stepped increase.

The wineries in the country of wind and water have suffered a lot of shocks, but somehow there are people who prefer low-alcohol wine, and they have not closed down directly.

The last remaining breweries in the Land of Thunder and Land of the Land were directly hit by a devastating blow. Originally, in their minds, they could survive the crisis as long as the stocks of wine purchased by the people of the two countries were consumed.

Who knows that the sudden appearance of this kind of high-level wine has once again attracted the pursuit of those who are addicted to alcohol in the two countries. That mellow wine pure man, who does not know Noah in this life, drank ten thousand cups of propaganda in vain, and directly captured the unknown number People and ninjas.

With the existence of such a high level of alcohol, the consumption rate of those alcohols was horribly slow. I am afraid that in one or two years, they may not be able to finish drinking.

The last winery also closed down completely, and the once glorious brewing industry in the country of the earth and the country of thunder has turned into the dust of history.

After receiving the exact information, Roja clapped his legs and laughed in the office. Tuying and Raikage actually dared to trip themselves, and I should let them know what a real trip is.

"Xiyan, the wines going to the land of thunder and the land of thunder, the tax rate is too high, and the price will be increased by 30%. During this time, Zhishui will personally guard the winery, and those who have bad intentions will directly kill them. "

"Yes, Master." Hearing Luo Ya's order, Maoyue Xiyan wrote a letter of order and stamped it with the Hokage seal, and then personally ordered at the door.

As soon as this order was issued, the people of the thunder country and the land people complained four times. The 30% price was not a joke. The original five thousand taels could only buy a bottle of wine, but it directly became 6,500 taels. I can't stand it on anyone.

It is said that there is no harm if there is no comparison. Compared with the prices of neighboring countries, the hearts of civilians and ninjas in the two countries are even more dissatisfied, and voices of dissatisfaction with the high-level are frequently heard.

Land of Thunder and Land of Land were in a hurry, and they urgently summoned Dokage and Raikage who proposed this tax increase policy. How can the two guys easily concede to Konoha? After discussing it, the dame of their country said.

This kind of high taxation will make the national treasury more full and have more free money for the development of people's livelihood and armaments. The dissatisfaction of the people is only temporary and I believe it will be alleviated after a period of time.

Soon, these dissatisfied voices slowly began to fall into silence, and the lords of the two countries were extremely satisfied, but this silence paved the way for the turmoil that followed.

Roja is already very satisfied with the results. The most important thing is that the Land of Thunder and Land of Land no longer have their own wineries, and all the money used to buy wine will continue to gather towards Konoha in the future.

After the brewery, the tea garden also began to introduce its own tea, which is completely different from the tea of ​​the Hokage World, quietly becoming popular among the five major countries.

230 Maojian, Biluochun, Longjing, Tieguanyin, Jin Junmei, Zhengshan Souchong

All kinds of tea leaves, the eyes of those who like to drink tea are almost gone, the price ranges from several thousand taels to millions of vehicles, which fully meets the needs of all classes.

The carefully crafted tea leaves are not at the same level as the crude rotten tea in the country of tea. Even people who have never drunk tea can clearly distinguish the difference between the two.

Afterwards, various books on tea culture were delivered to the people who bought tea. For a while, all kinds of tea sets prepared by Luo Ya began to sell well.

Under the tea culture, tea sales have also skyrocketed again, especially for high-end teas. Those with a little money will buy such a can to entertain guests.

A steady stream of silver was delivered to Roja, and the speed of this kind of casino, which was almost faster than grabbing money, was drizzle with this kind of profit.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the hidden mission. I am a financial crocodile and I have obtained the golden mission treasure chest."

I accidentally turned on the alternative gameplay of the treasure chest system. Is Nima a business model?

Roya couldn't help but be overjoyed when he saw the prompt from the system. Originally, he just wanted to earn a little money and spend, who would have thought of getting a treasure chest again and again..

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