One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 803: The rhythm of building the atomic bomb?

The previous silver mission treasure chest can only be regarded as a surprise. The current gold mission treasure chest has a completely different gold content from silver.

Luo Yamo pressed his chin, thinking in his heart, the hidden tasks of this system seem to be able to find a little regularity, this thing is similar to completing an achievement task.

From accepting apprentices at the very beginning, to publishing a book later, to the Son of Fixing the World, and now setting up various enterprises, certain achievements must have been achieved.

If you don’t count the quest treasure chests you get because of the quests of the Eight Classics, then these achievements have a common feature, all of which have nothing to do with combat.

"System, is my guess correct?" Luo Ya squinted his eyes and asked the system silently in his heart.

"This system takes serving the host as the first priority. For more rules, please ask the host on his own."

The synthetic sound of the system made Luo Ya's eyebrows jump. If it weren't for the system in his mind, it would still be invisible, and I really wanted to take it out and beat it to death.

This is a kind of shit answer, a self-request, I don't know how many times I have used it, I don't do anything all day, just touch it everywhere.

Roja rolled his eyes fiercely, but the system's answer also proved from the side that no matter what he did, as long as certain conditions were met, the system would have surprises waiting for him.

It doesn't have to be fighting, and it doesn't necessarily mean just making money. Roja even wondered whether he would engage in a nine-year compulsory education or something like a hidden mission where the wax torch turned into ash and tears began to dry.

It is a pity that the cost of nine-year compulsory education is too great, and the two policies that are being implemented now are just enough to start. They all say that it is easy to get rid of the trouble if the steps are too large. You can't be too anxious about doing anything.

Thinking of this, Luo Ya put his mind in the system warehouse and looked at the golden quest treasure chest.

The opening of the golden mission treasure box has been completed in two 22 industries.

Finished again

Roja has a smile on his face, the opening conditions of the silver mission treasure chest have been completed, and it can be said that the system has reduced the difficulty of completion. This kind of gold-level mission treasure chest still shows that it is completed, and it can only be attributed to his good luck. Take the head.

"System, open the golden mission treasure chestv."

"Congratulations to the host for opening the golden mission treasure box and obtaining the rich and gluttonous head."

The jewelry worn by Zhao Gongming, the god of wealth in the legend of gathering wealth and gluttonous head, can gather wealth, prevent the leakage of wealth, attach skills, and seize wealth.

Taking wealth can swallow the wealth of others, leaving them impoverished and impoverished for their entire lives. They have no possessions and become impoverished. After a single use, the cooling time is one month.

"It's a bar, this stuff is fierce enough" Luo Ya took out the egg-sized gluttonous gluttonous head from the system warehouse and played with it carefully.

There is a head without a body, and the head of the beast is extremely ferocious. Every trace of the line is faintly visible with black gold light, and the closed beast mouth seems to be worried about the swallowed items running out.

Eyes the size of rice grains, filled with greedy light, and flowing jewel-colored eyes, ordinary people would shudder when they saw it.

A silk thread of unknown material was attached to the head of the beast, which was obviously used to tie things up. Luo Ya looked at it and tied it to his belt.

This wealth-gathering gluttonous head, the system is vague about the function, gathers wealth and prevents wealth leakage. It doesn't even list a percentage. Who knows the specific effect.

However, the skill of grabbing money is really ruthless enough, if it is directly given to someone who is not pleasing to the eye, that person will be ruined in this life.

It’s not a joke to be impoverished and impoverished for a lifetime. It’s easy to change from frugality to extravagance, and from extravagance to frugality. Think about a person who originally lived in abundance, and suddenly he has no money to buy pants. It was impossible to live that day, and this skill was completely driving people to death.

The gluttonous beast is a legendary fierce beast. He is so greedy that he even eats his own body when he is ruthless. Only this fierce beast can possess such skills.

Ruthless enough poisonous enough insidious enough, which bastard would dare to show money in front of him in the future, and go straight up to grab the money and let him show off.

Roja smirked and patted the gluttonous head on his waist. The golden gluttons were given away for free. It was cool to wear. When I saw Kaido, a big businessman from the country of Poland, I would definitely give him a shot.


When the knock on the door sounded, Roja put away the smile on his face, pretending to say please come in, and when he became Hokage, he can be close to the people, but he must maintain his majesty appropriately.

Bai Chuan, the head of the scientific research department, walked into Roya’s office, with unstoppable joy on his face. After much research, he finally successfully reduced the original huge radio equipment to the size of a cigarette case.

"Master Naruto, Master Naruto, please take a look." Baichuan was so excited that he couldn't even speak clearly, his hands trembling like a sieve, and he handed the radio earphone and the receiver the size of a cigarette case to Luo Ya's hands.

Seeing this headset, Roja showed a smile on his face. The technology of Naruto World, it seems that under his own intention, he has already taken a big step forward.

When this kind of headset appeared in the original work, it was already after Naruto graduated and it became popular on a large scale, and it was time to deal with the Fu Xiao organization.

Luo Ya knows the power brought by high technology better than anyone else, and this kind of headset alone can make the ninjas cooperate with each other many times better.

"How far is the effective distance?" Luo Ya put the earphones on his ears, feeling that it would not fall off easily, and asked Baichuan on the side.

"If there is no signal tower, the effective distance is ten kilometers. If there is a signal tower in the middle, it can completely ignore the distance."

"Ten Kilometers" Luo Ya twitched his cheeks, and he had to admire the black technology that every world has its own, the slap-sized radio receiver. Without a signal tower, he dared to jump for ten kilometers.

When thinking about my previous life, I spent thousands of oceans to buy a radio walkie-talkie, Roja felt a pain, and that thing would last three or four kilometers, it’s just cheating.

After asking about the cost, Luo Ya encouraged Baichuan to continue to work hard to develop what he ordered, and promised to give everyone in the scientific research department a big red envelope.

At a cost of less than fifty thousand taels, it is completely possible to equip each ninja of Konoha with one. The ninja that cooperates tacitly is definitely not as simple as one plus one.

What can be done with money is nothing for Luo Ya. With the emergence of more and more high-tech equipment, Konoha can definitely beat the entire ninja world.

When the time comes, six spots will bring soil and six spots will come out, maybe Konoha can even make an atomic bomb..

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