One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 808: The Big Wedding Five Days Later

Tsunade had a look of embarrassment on her face. Why didn't she know that Yuka liked Yuka very much, but some things were so helpless.

The rope tree finally awakened Mu Dun's ability. Although not purely, it was the hope of the Qianshou family. For the continuation of the Qianshou bloodline, some sacrifices must be made.

"Tsunade, why should Rooseki be so young? He knows what he wants. He needs a free life instead of being tied by a family, living like a marionette."

Roya spoke softly and persuaded Tsunade. Since the boss agreed to help the younger brother, he would naturally do what he said. In fact, he still liked the way he did it.

"But what about the family?" Tsunade lay in Roja's arms with a look of unwillingness.

"The family is not connected by the blood inheritance boundary. The real family is because of the affection of the family, so it can communicate with each other and be closely united. The thousand hand family can be passed down from the Warring States period to the present day. I miss your grandfather, and don’t want your children and grandchildren to choose a person who doesn’t like to be together for the so-called bloodline."

Roja uttered the lines he had prepared in his heart. Tsunade was actually very distressed for Yuka Shu. As long as he untie the knot in the happy family, he would not oppose Yuka and Yuka Shu's marriage.

"Are you going to reincarnate Grandpa again?" Tsunade had a dangerous expression on his face, gritted his teeth and looked at Roja, as if he was about to give a bite to the wrong answer.

The last time he reincarnated the dirty soil between the Senjutsu pillars for the casino, Luo Ya really felt that it was the worst thing he had done in his life. It was so spicy that it was completely beyond failure.

When his grandfather was beaten by his granddaughter, he buried himself in the soil, and made a tombstone with a wooden shroud. It is definitely a wonderful work that has no one before the Ninja world.

"Um, I actually want the first generation to come to watch the wedding of the rope tree, but it seems that it is not auspicious for a dead person to appear at the wedding scene."

Roya was choked for a while, touched his nose angrily, and explained that what he actually thought was the rebirth of the filthy soil and the summoning of Qianshoujian, but this kind of thing would be pure death.

"Hum" Tsunade snorted, with an expression that counts you, and kissed Loya's old face. She just wanted to see the expression that could not help her.

Once Tsunade was settled, Yuka's marriage was settled. Yuka's parents had died two years ago.

The rope tree hiding in the tea garden, after receiving Roya's message, rushed in the direction of Yuka, found Yuka in front of the fried meatball stall, and hugged him tightly in his arms.

Regardless of whether you associate with the rope tree or not, and no matter how much money the rope tree has, Yuka always guards her stall and earns money to support herself. This quality is not something ordinary women can have.

"Brother Rope Tree, I have oil stains on my body, and there are good surroundings, many people are watching" Yuka wanted to push the Rope Tree away with a shy look, but with her little strength, she couldn't resist.

"Yuka, my sister agreed, agreed, hahaha let's go, let the boss find a good day together, let's get married right away, hahaha right away"

Rope tree hugged Yuka and turned around in the air for several times. The excitement and joy were uttered. When the people around heard Rope tree's cheers, their faces also showed knowing smiles.

"Lord Rope Tree, congratulations"

"Yuka, I will have a good time with Mr. Yuka from now on"

"Master Rope Tree, Yuka, you have to give birth to a fat boy sooner."

The blessings were uttered from the villagers' mouths. They had actually accepted such a couple from the bottom of their hearts. Whether it was Yuka or Ropeshu, they could clearly tell that they were in love with each other.

Rosuki quickly thanked the people around him, pulled Yuka, and ran to the Hokage office without any explanation.

Yuka's face was ashamed, her head hung down, and she was allowed to be pulled by the rope tree. Although the two had lived together, she had never held hands with the rope tree on the street.

The two came to Hokage's office, Roja had already cleaned up the traces of fighting with Tsunade, and Tsunade hurried back home after begging for a piece of clothing.

After listening to the rope tree, Luo Ya scratched his head with a slight pain. He would choose a good day with a hammer, yin and yang gossip, and mysterious numbers.

Moreover, Naruto World, a good day to pay attention to a fart, can only say which day is pleasing to the eye, which day is convenient, and which day is directly set.

Turning over the calendar, Roja saw that five days later, it was September 9th. He directly tore off the calendar and handed it to the rope tree. Five days was enough to prepare for the wedding.

"Yuka, five days later, five days later, hahaha" The second person, Shengshu, picked up Yuka again, causing the little girl to give him a blank look.

"Cough cough." Roya coughed a little embarrassingly when he saw the two people with eyebrows. The young couple who was about to get married were really not ashamed or irritable.

Yesterday, in order to complete Roja's order, the rope tree was desperate, and when Kakashi wanted to escape, he tied it directly.

For a whole day, I met more than forty beauties on blind dates, and when Kakashi saw a girl with a hot personality and a more hot body than her personality, her heartbeat accelerated to 180.

This girl Kakashi has seen it more than once, and when she was holding herself in the intimacy paradise, she would have regarded it as an object of fantasy more than once.

At this time, seeing the righteous master, under the guilty conscience of being a thief, how could Kakashi's heart withstand this test, and naturally began to accelerate madly.

Rope Tree sat next to Kakashi, who was a Zhao Ying-class powerhouse, could naturally hear this heartbeat clearly, and tore off Kakashi's mask without a word.

This girl named Mikami Ninja Kakashi had a deep admiration for the genius ninja Kakashi. When she saw this face, she blushed without surprise.

Originally, the rope tree was still preparing for a medicine or something. Who knew that when Sanshangyuan saw the sturdy kakashi tied up, he picked it up and returned to his home.

Kakashi, the handsome masked guy who was waiting for a girl in Konoha, so confessed in the hands of Mikami.

"Boss, my sister's side" Roja heard Roya's cough, and he slowly recovered from the excitement. The wedding date has been set, but Tsunade's current attitude has no bottom to him.

"I told you that it's okay. Your sister also hopes that you two can be happy. Let's get ready to go. Nara Lukisa is quite good at planning such things."

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