One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 809: Preparation

Roja said with a smile on his face to Royuki. After all, Tsunade's attitude was a bit tougher before. When he suddenly received this kind of news, he might have to confirm it again when he recovered.

"Boss, you really are a brother-in-law, and only you can persuade my elder sister." Shengshu looked at Luo Ya with gratitude, and the same was true for Yuka on the side.

"Okay, hurry up. At this time, the tired goods of Nara Lujiu should already be on the way home. You can go directly to Nara's house and wait for him. If he shirks"

"Boss, if he dare to shirk off, I will let him go to the pig farm to try that medicine"

Shengshu has a hideous expression, which is related to his life's major events, but now he has completely lost his morals.

The rope tree wedding on September 9.

The marriage of the Senju Patriarch is not a trivial matter. The big and small families have all given gifts, and the commoners of Konoha also sang and danced. They will not forget the scene when the rope tree carried Shimura Danzo, the Konoha borer, to the square.

Tsunade let go of the knot in his heart, and was extremely satisfied with Yuka's sister-in-law. Although he is not a ninja, he is gentle and virtuous, hardworking, hardworking, and thrifty, and he looks good.

He simply handed over all his brother's financial affairs and power to Yuka. This kind of trust was completely equivalent to handing over the Senju family to Yuka.

Yuka, who couldn't escape, could only agree, and after the wedding, she had a happy life with Yukashu.

The original fried meatball stall, with Shengshu's insistence, turned into a well-decorated and poetic storefront. The room was full of roses in full bloom to commemorate the confession of the two people's day.

With the guidance of the chef at the Luoya Mansion, a few special snacks were added, and a few good-looking employees were hired, this small shop became Konoha's famous dating mecca for couples.

The husband-and-wife stalls of Yuka and Yuka have also become a landscape, often envied by many lovers. Kakashi and Yuanzi Mikami are members of this envy army.

The five social insurance and one housing fund policy has been steadily implemented in Konoha, and the affordable housing has now completed the laying of the foundation under the strong promotion of Nara Lukisa.

It took Roya three full days to make a plan for Konoha's future development, and handed it to bdac to Tsunade who looked confused.

"Little Qiuye, you tell my sister that this is not true. My sister's casino is still under construction, a super-large and super-luxury casino. Without my sister, it will definitely lose its color."

Tsunade looked at Roja anxiously. When she was called from home just now, she was still wondering if the bad guy in front of her wanted to do something bad again. Without expecting it, she was forcibly held down. Office chair.

"Calm down, leave this position to you and I can rest assured." Luo Ya half leaned on the desk, looked at Tsunade's expression, scratched the tip of his nose in embarrassment, and calculated his own woman, it was a bit embarrassing to say it out.

In the system warehouse, there is a space positioning card obtained a long time ago, which can locate the current space coordinates. After use, you can return to the location of the positioning.

Although it is only a disposable item, it can make Roja return to the Hokage World after returning to the Pirate World. The degree of preciousness is beyond doubt.

It's not a day or two for Roja to want to return to Pirate World. After being away for so long, Hancock, Robin, Xia Li and others may think about themselves, but Pirate World doesn’t know what it is now. Up.

For such a long time, no one can say what would happen. Roja didn't want to wait for him to unify the Naruto World and return to the Pirate World and find that the United Nations he created had long been overthrown.

It doesn't matter to the United Nations, but if there are any shortcomings among the women of their own, it is too late to regret.

"Xiao Qiuye, don't worry, elder sister, don't worry Konoha will be tossed." Tsunade wailed, looking at Loya beggingly.

Her body was completely blocked by the imprisoned charms one after another on the chair. Faced with a long-planned conspiracy, even with the strength of the Shadow Grade, she couldn't get rid of it for a while.

"You can't bear it, boy, it really doesn't take long until I come back to reward you." Luo Ya raised his eyebrows, with a smirk on his face, and touched Tsunade's cheek.

"Don't, don't, Xiao Qiuye, isn't Xiao Nan still here? You see Xiyan is also there, and Hongdou is also there, right, Hong is also at home and has nothing to do. You know she is the best at this kind of thing."

Tsunade looked at Roja with a look of horror, really afraid that he would leave right away, and was busy finding excuses and saying a lot of names.

Just like Roja said, if Konoha is really thrown to her, she can't ignore it, but once sitting in this position, she will immediately be insulated from the casino.

"Hey, don't resist, it's completely useless." Luo Ya clicked the Yin seal on Tsunade's forehead, and directly closed the Yin seal with the sealing technique. In a few days, don't want to rush away.

"Little Qiuye, let go of my sister. My sister will definitely repay you well. Everything will satisfy you. Really, even the posture you said last time is fine." Tsunade had a pitiful look on his face, she could only Betrayed the morals.

"I will unlock the posture by myself. I'm leaving." Luo Ya kissed Tsunade's forehead, gave Xiao Nan a big hug, waved at Uzuki Yuyan, Adzuki and Mebis, and urged Moving back to the mansion in a flash.

"Autumn Qiuye, don't want to climb up to the chuang of the old lady in this life" Tsunade uttered the final shout, but unfortunately the mute barrier was placed here. This shout could not even pass through the office door.

"Sister Tsunade, I'm gone, I can't hear it." Xiaonan glanced at Tsunade with a timid expression, trying to help him unlock the seal, but Loya's seal was too tough, and she couldn't help it after working hard for a long time. .

"Well, Xiaonan, take a break. The bastard's seal will be automatically unlocked in a while." Tsunade lowered his head like an eggplant beaten by frost, and directly upgraded his name to Roya to bastard, which shows his heart resentment.

About Luo Ya's departure, she was the only one who didn't know until today. Xiao Nan and the others all got the news half a month ago.

This was a trap set for her alone, knowing that she would not easily agree to sit here, so she planned for such a long time.

Luo Ya, who was back at home, also gave a hug to Xi Rihong who was watering the flowers, touched the head of Lori Hinata, and after a simple farewell, he flew to the country of vortex again..

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