One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 824: The Mouse Looking for Trouble

After Akuiya said, she closed the door and went back to the Star Spirit Realm. She didn't even know why she came here in person.

"Sister Akuiya is actually very worried about adults." The little white star on the side stood up and said for Akuiya, but the shameful expression was really not convincing.

"Um." Luo Ya scratched his head, and couldn't help wondering whether Aquiya, the girl, had read too many psychology books recently, or how could she guess what she was thinking with just one look.

Shaking his head, and throwing away the random thoughts in his mind, Roja took Xia Li and Bai Xing back to the villa. Robin and Tina, who had just woken up, saw Xia Li’s arrival, and Monet was eager to come. Waiting for someone to pull together and chat.

Roya sat on the sofa and looked at the extremely cramped Bai Xing who was ridiculed by everyone, with a smile on his face. It was the first time he saw Bai Xing transform into a complete body.

Soft girls, not only men like them, but women also like them very much. Whether it's Robin or Tina, they want to rub their bodies.

In the face of a group of wolves and tigers, if the soft girl Bai Xing hadn't been courageous over the years, and had been baptized by Xia Li several times, she would have escaped.

"Husband, 490 concubine heard Sister Tina say, did you bring someone when you came back?" Hancock was only interested in Roja, and Bai Xing obviously couldn't attract her attention.

"What's the matter?" Roja lay on the chair and turned to look at Hancock.

"Where the husband is going, take the concubine away, okay, the concubine doesn't want to be alone anymore." Hancock lay on Roja's shoulder, with a pitiful expression on his face.

Under that beautiful face, the charm that radiated from Hancock made Roya's heart a little unbearable, secretly sighing that this girl is really terrible.

Unlike Robin, Xia Li and others, Hancock has always had her own beliefs. Her dream when she was a child was to become a member of the Nine Snakes and Pirates and ride on the sea.

And all this changed when she first met Roja. She just wants to be with her beloved man and never separate, no matter what kind of life she leads, poor or rich.

She didn't care about the title of Empress, the rights and wealth of the Amazon Lily Kingdom. The longer she was separated, the more clearly she could see this.

When it was known from Tina that Roja had brought back people, Hancock's IQ directly exploded. Since he can bring them, it means Roja can bring them back.

Can I go by myself?

With thoughts in his heart, Hancock spoke directly to Roja, abandoning everything, just wanting to be with him, no matter where he goes, what difficulties he will face.

"Yeah." Luo Ya pondered, and nodded slightly. With Hancock's temperament, even if he went to the Hokage World, it is estimated that the greatest possibility would be to wait for him at home every day.

The only thing I need to worry about is whether the two will repel each other and pinch directly after meeting with Tsunade, who is equally strong.

"Husband, love me" Hancock heard Roja's answer, and the emotions in his heart emerged, no matter if he was in the restaurant now, he immediately started courting.

All of the women present have the strength of a lieutenant general, all of them have ears and eyes. How can they not hear Hancock’s words, each of them has a knowing look on their faces, eight years, enough to hold anyone crazy A woman.

But there is one exception, and that is Xiao Baixing, this girl still remains a virgin, when she heard this, she subconsciously hid behind Xia Li.

Roja touched his nose and looked at the women with different expressions. There was a smirk on his face. This kind of large-scale shooting is really a long time.

For two full days, there was no rest at all in the middle, Luo Ya deeply realized the benefits of the immortal body full level, not bdcb tired, the recovery is extremely fast, and it is many times stronger than before.

Robin, who was defeated early, brought in a United Nations ship and returned to the red soil continent. Her target has just seen a little eyebrow. Although she was also looking forward to it, she couldn't go to another one with Roja. world.

Tina was also unbearable for a long time, and she left the resort island as if fleeing. Interpol's men lost her command and it was fine for a day or two. After a long time, it would definitely be messy.

Monet and Xia Li, one is that the Amazon Lily Kingdom cannot be ignored, the other is that there is still a Murloc Cafe to manage, and they don't want to leave.

After staying for a few days rather nostalgic, he also got up and left the holiday island to go busy with his own affairs.

After Hancock learned that he could not be separated from Roja, he couldn't drive away now, and directly threw the position of the queen of the Amazon Lily Kingdom to Granny Za.

After knowing that a handful of old bones were almost buried in the soil, Granny Zha jumped her feet in anger and yelled at Roya in the phone bug, but she was blocked by the people around her when she cursed.

Seeing the flashing face on the phone worm, Luo Ya clearly distinguished that this person is definitely the old man in Windmill Village. Unexpectedly, the two really played a red sunset.

The matter of Sundar Sonia marrying the Prince Shark of Murloc Island has been settled. Hancock will not refuse any request from Roja, let alone refuse. He just told Sundar Sonia a few words, no Say more.

In the end, the throne of the Amazon lily kingdom was passed to Monet, who had been managing there for these years. Although he was not a native of the Amazon lily kingdom, he had long been recognized by everyone.

Mary Groud is a fat girl who is not as tall as Sanda Sonia, but is more than three times wider and hasn't found her next home yet. When her heart moved, Roja pointed out the way.

The dancing star of the three princes of Fishman Island is said to have a unique taste. If it goes well, maybe Mary Grud can explain it smoothly.

"Husband, concubine and Bai Xing don’t wear clothes, okay, there are only three of us in the house." Hancock lay on Roya’s back, and lay on Roja’s back, rubbing each other with the utmost gentleness. What he said made the Bai Xing on the side almost take what he was holding. The shell fell to the ground.

"Sister Hancock, no, it's inappropriate, yes, yes" Bai Xing hadn't said the second half of the sentence after a long time. How could she do this kind of thing when she received the orthodox education of Princess Ouhime since childhood.

"Don't make trouble, get dressed, it looks like a group of little mice are coming." Luo Ya raised his eyebrows, and Kagura felt a strange atmosphere gradually approaching more than ten miles away, with a haze on his face..

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