One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 825: Submarine Explosive Rock

In the past few days, Luo Ya has not only been having sex with a few women. In his free time, he has also read some information sent by the dragon, knowing that there are still cockroaches and bugs in this world.

"A good thing that I dare to disturb my concubine" Hancock put on a red cheongsam as soon as he heard Roja's words. The high heels under his feet creaked when he was stepped on, obviously moving really angry.

The little white star on the side of the "call" breathed a sigh of relief, and his expression suddenly relaxed. It was enough to make him feel embarrassed by doing these things in broad daylight, and Hancock's proposal made him feel nervous.

In his mind, the kind of thing that walks back and forth naked, even with the medal of courage, I am afraid that it can't be done.

"Don't get excited, let's see what these people want to do first." Roja leaned on the soft cushion and patted the position next to him. Hancock, who had just been murderous just now, turned into a kitten and lay down obediently. , Nestled in his arms.

More than ten kilometers away, at a depth of 100 meters under the sea, nine submarines are slowly approaching, and all they carry are people who hate Roya.

The original director of the deep sea prison, under the tyrannical power of the S-class ninjutsu Raiqi and the God Thunder Fruit, Magellan, who barely saved his life, was on one of the submarines.

The huge stitched traces across the chest looked terrifying. Under Luo Ya's move, the goods flowed out of their intestines. Unexpectedly, they would survive.

On the next submarine, Yu Zhixi kept a cigar in his mouth, standing in the control room smoking a bite, if there is no other way, he definitely does not want to appear in this place, and that scary man again Any intersection.

Originally, the remnants of one of the four emperors' aunts also appeared on the submarine, and the combined strength was already not to be underestimated. Several of them even entered the category of generals.

Unfortunately, after synthesizing the Supreme Treasure Box, these people have lost the final use value for Roja, and they are not in the Naruto World, they can burst a ninjutsu treasure box anyway.

Such a lineup is in the eyes of Roja. It is definitely not here to play soy sauce. Almost every one of them has a grudge against him, and I hope they can form a group to visit him.

It just made Roya curious about how these people were going to deal with themselves. You must know that Tianlong would not fail to understand his own power.

After so many years, some of the original secrets gradually surfaced. Regarding the former Secretary-General of the United Nations, the legendary Immortal Emperor Yan, countless people have conducted in-depth analysis of his information.

Even if many have a certain small deviation, but they have guessed seven or eight. With this lineup, no matter how much they come, it won't help. Jumping out is no different from looking for death.

Just as Luoya thought, these people had already arrived in the sea area two kilometers around the resort island. Not only did they not float up, but instead dived a lot deeper.

More than a dozen submarines surrounded the sea area below the resort island. Among the submarines, large and small robotic arms extended out to put some unexplained bottles and cans around.

Roja increased the intensity of Kagura's eyes, and when he saw the contents of the bottles and cans, a scornful smile appeared on his face.

Eight years later, the United Nations has already developed a lot of high-tech weapons. Unexpectedly, these people still have not made much progress. The explosive rock thing has long been outdated.

Although explosive rocks can even razor an island to the ground in an instant as long as they are large enough, the number of such rocks has become less and less with continuous use.

Back then, as long as the pirates with a little bit of strength could buy explosive rocks in the black market, just like the original treasure hunter gang, one of them was an arrow made with fingernail-sized explosive rocks.

Now, with the decrease in the number of explosive rocks, it has become more and more difficult to see, let alone civilians and businessmen, even the United Nations, which controls the entire Pirate World, does not have much in their hands.

Roja sneered and stared at the people who placed the explosive rocks. One by one, the explosive rocks the size of a human head were placed on the bottom of the sea. Tens of thousands of explosive rocks were enough to scare anyone who knew the goods to death.

This kind of thing strictly controlled by the United Nations can actually be seen here so much, it is sure that some people have begun to decay in eight years.

Not afraid of opponents like gods or teammates like pigs, no matter what the reason, it is unforgivable to sell such dangerous things to these enemies of the United Nations.

Ask for flowers

If it weren't for dealing with these people now, Luo Ya would want to call Long now and scold him first.

"Chief ohfuckdryyoursister, the leader is about to explode, this island is about to explode, my radar has detected huge energy fluctuations on the sea floor, it is very dangerous, we better leave here as soon as possible"

The bumblebee's face appeared by the bedroom window, and the anxious voice reached Roja's ears. This rogue-like subordinate was quite loyal at the critical moment.

However, the two English sentences that came out before made Roya's complexion extremely ugly. In front of his boss, he said that he wanted to fuck his sister. What a horrible thing is Bumblebee.

"Do you want to leave?" Hancock has no sense of crisis at all. No matter how big the crisis is in his mind, as long as he can be with Roja, there will be no problem.

"No." Roja patted Hancock's little hand, gave Bai Xing a look that believed him, got up and walked to the huge window, and the prompt appeared on Bumblebee's head.

"Can you come to fight under the sea?" Roja patted the steel head of the Hornet and asked softly.

"Um, I can fight on land and in the air, boss, you see, this is the propeller I only installed last year. I haven't been in the air for a whole day of continuous fighting."

Bumblebee looked at Roja's increasingly unkind face, and stopped angrily, with an expression of doing something wrong. After several days of contact, he clearly knew that his leader was completely violent.

Roja lightly patted the head of the Hornet, causing its figure to be shaken. He clanged and dropped several parts before jumping to the edge of the island.

I couldn't help cursing the system secretly in my heart. Why did he make such a funny, stupid, and stubborn subordinate came over, which simply lowered the overall level of his subordinate.

The submarine under the sea could obviously detect the figure on the island. Even if no specific sound was heard, the appearance of Roja made a group of people panicked.

"The No. 02 submarine has been set up, and it will be quickly evacuated."

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