One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 834: You are useless

Roja has heard this kind of begging for mercy countless times, but he hasn't touched any of them except for the little Baihua Lizi at the time. This kind of junk goods, I don’t know how many kiln sisters who have been played for so many times, even if they are paying him. I didn't bother to ask for it, now I just want to see what more tricks these two women can play.

Three-eyed woman Charlotte Brine heard Roja's words, her eyes flashed vaguely, her hands were slightly stirred in the mind of Xalulia Palace.

Xaluliya Palace rolled her eyes and fell straight on the soles of Roja's feet. The sound of the collision between her body and the ground made her teeth sore.

Charlotte Brin slid her hair back, slowly untied the clothes in front of him, drew out the belt, and let the red suspender skirt directly fall on the ground.

Taking off the small floral shoes, Brin put aside the light pink shirt on her body, walked slowly to Roja naked, and knelt down in front of the throne.

The pretty face was pale, the body trembled slightly, and Brin's slender hands reached out to Loya's trouser belt. With that frail appearance, she was really a good actor.

Roja raised her eyebrows, with a trace of joking in her eyes, looked at the Xaluliya Palace on the ground, and snorted slightly. Does this girl really think she can't see what they want to do?


It’s not enough to perform once, and to perform over and over again, are you ready to faint yourself?

When Brin put his hand in the head of Xalulia Palace just now, although she only slightly moved her finger, Roja clearly felt a wave of devil fruit power fluctuations.

This girl with a broken heart had obviously planted some kind of image in her mind, and she was probably discussing how to deal with her.

And the last stirring, but there was no fluctuation of the devil fruit, Xaluliya Palace was absolutely awake at this time.

When Bulin was less than 20 centimeters from Roya, she opened her mouth slightly, and even the expression on her face didn't change at all, and a thin needle of cow hair shot her second brother.

The shining black hair needle slammed into the ability of the barrier fruit. It has long been seen that Roja, who is ill-intentioned by this girl, has no defense at all. This kind of strength still wants to attack herself, but will only let him die. Faster.

Densely covered pliable thorns rose from the ground, binding Brin to a firm, and there were bursts of sore bones, which came from Brin.

"If I saw you ten years ago, I might still be interested in playing with you, now" Luo Ya raised Brin's chin and sneered, his right hand was Jiyin, and his left hand was pressed on top of Brin's head.

These three eyes are unique. If they met when they first came to the world of Pirates, Roja might really want to have something to do with this girl, but now there are countless beautiful eyes. This kind of black fungus is a bad thing. He hates money.

"Forehead" Brin didn't have the slightest ability to resist at all, and the reminiscent screams in his mouth were due to the painful whine of being forced to check the memory in his mind under the art of mind reading.

As a person with the ability to remember fruits, she experienced this feeling of being viewed by people for the first time. Even if it was the ability of fruits, it had no effect under Loya's terrifying mental power.

Just as Luo Ya was looking at Brin's memory, the Xaluliya Palace on the ground violently violently, holding a black-lighted ox hair needle in his hand, piercing its temple.

The Niu Hair Fine Needle was crushed into dust by a layer of invisible shock force, a faint black air slowly dissipated, and Xalulia Palace was wrapped in diamonds violently on the ground.

The white beard shook the fruit, and the diamond fruit of Diamond Joz, Roja was able to grasp it long ago, and the realm was many times higher than the two.

"Don't worry, it's your turn right away." Luo Ya glanced at Xaluliya Palace, with a sneer on his face. When he saw the bdde black light on the fine needles, he understood that this should be the last resort of the two. Up.

"You" Xaluliya Palace looked at Luo Ya with a gray face. Such a seamless performance was still discovered, and she had no hope of survival.

Just said a word, the diamond crystals wrapped and solidified all the part below the nose. I calculated that I wanted to say more, but I couldn't do it.

However, this kind of thing is arbitrary, Roja is not a big good person. Compared with throwing these two lords to the United Nations station to show the public, this method of handling is really gentle.

After reading Brin's memory, Roja twisted his neck amidst his painful expression with a light turn.Charlotte Lingling has gone with her Qiu Hai, and her daughter is completely disturbed.

Three-eyed female Brin did so many angry things after Charlotte Lingling's death, Roja didn't care about it, he just wanted to see if Charlotte's house had any other bits and pieces hidden elsewhere.

From this look, there is no small gain. Brin has worked hard all these years to find the soul fruit that reappeared after the death of Aunt Charlotte Lingling.

At present, this fruit is being kept in her bedroom. For this fruit in the first two years, her brother and sister, the fourteenth daughter of the aunt, Charlotte Smoky and the nineteenth son Charlotte Temundor also died under the gunfire of the United Nations fleet.

She is the only one left in the Charlotte family. Her death also means that all the children of the aunt's direct line have died.

With a curve on his face, Roja picked up the black cow hair needle on the ground that was just launched from the mouth of the three-eyed female Brin, rubbed it slightly in his hand, and had to sigh in his heart. These people have tried their best to deal with themselves. .

There is pure demonic power on this kind of cow hair needle, which is the same power that the old men used last when they fought against the five old stars in the Holy Land Mary Gioia.

Even if it is Roja’s current strength, after being stabbed, due to the repulsion of the two forces, there will be one or two seconds of stiffness. If the second brother below is stabbed, even if it will not be bad, it will definitely be in the future. Leave a psychological shadow.

Walking towards the Sharulia Palace that had become scared, Luo Ya repeated the old tricks, directly looking at the memory in her mind, and grasping all the secrets in her heart in a moment.

This woman's memory is like a big treasure, and she knows all the treasures secretly hidden by the Dragon people around the world, and these treasures are worth trillions of Baileys, and among them are many rare devil fruits.

"Bye, you are useless." Luo Ya raised his eyebrows, turned and walked out of the conference room..

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