One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 835: The Harvest of Mass Treasures

The diamonds on Xaluliya Palace began to shatter layer by layer, peeling off into pieces of diamond residue, and the crystallized flesh and blood also turned into pieces.

Roja went straight to the place where the treasures and devil fruits were preserved. Although he now possesses advanced three-line origin power, capable of condensing devil fruits, it is okay to have two one by one. If there are too many, it will weaken him. The power of the original power of the body.

The fruits collected just to strengthen the subordinates, if the price is to reduce their own strength, it would be better not to not, but for this original strength, it was exhausted.

Walking in the tunnel, Roja looked at the surrounding ruined walls, let go of his Kagura eyes, and enveloped the entire Rogge Town.

The enchantment used before only enclosed the entire underground base, and did not involve the ground, but the huge vibration was still felt by the residents of the town.

They thought that there had been a huge earthquake, they began to flee from their homes. Only a few people with good strength knew that this was the aftermath of the shock from the battle between the strong.

It's just that the powerhouses of this level are completely beyond the scope they can imagine, let alone intervening, they know that they are not strong enough to run faster than ordinary residents.

Seeing the entire Roggetown people go to the building, and almost no one was injured, Roja shrugged, waved his hand and squeezed a head that didn't have long eyes and rushed to his side.

This kind of brutal method caused the remnants of the Tianlong people who knew Luoya's name to start to flee without choosing their way, but the struggle in this cage was of no use at all.

Ignoring another rubbish that was already scared to the side, Roja came to Brin's room, pulled out a few bricks from the corner, and took out a sea tower stone box the size of a human head.

Opening it to see the fruit rotating with magnificent patterns, there was a smile on his face, and the soul fruit was in hand. This kind of fruit, as long as it is cruel enough, can definitely create a not weak subordinate.

Turning to the deepest and most luxurious room, Roja looked at the various instruments of torture hung on the surrounding walls, and dismissed Zui disdainfully. The goods of Charulia Palace are cruel and poisonous enough, all kinds of instruments of torture, he Recognizable is only a small part of it.

Kicked open the hidden door of the wall, and the various hidden weapons and traps around him, Roja knew clearly from the memory of Charulia Palace, easily avoided, and walked to the safe box entirely made of stainless steel. The ability to wave and use the fruit of the door opened a door again.

Stepping inside the door, even if Roja has seen a lot of treasures, he still feels a little dazzling. The number of these financial reports is more than the inventory in the system warehouse.

After an unceremonious search and all the treasures were collected into the system warehouse, four neatly arranged small boxes appeared on the deepest display shelf.

Losing the devil fruits that the world government has searched every year, only through the strength that he has accumulated in the dark and the capital he has left behind, there is only this inventory left here.

However, these four fruits are the most precious fruits considered by Xaluliya Palace, even in the most difficult time, she did not reward them to her subordinates.

The lush fruits of the Superman series, the ancient species of Tyrannosaurus rex fruit of the animal series, the red dragon fruit of the animal phantom beast species, and the most precious natural soil fruit

Except for the lush fruits of the Superman family, which are slightly weaker, as long as the remaining three fruits are eaten, they can immediately gain decent combat power, which is definitely the biggest gain of this trip apart from the space world stone.

The four fruits have their own uses. After returning to the world of Naruto, you can use them to cultivate your own trusted and subordinates. The most rubbish lush fruit will be the rope tree.

Anyway, I can increase the second item's wooden escape ability, that cheating seed germination technique has been used thousands of times, and I haven't learned the second wooden escape yet.

In any case, it was his brother-in-law, Tsunade's face still had to be given, and now he was behind the entire Pirate World. When he left, he would go to the dragon to search for some, a devil fruit, completely insignificant.

Looking at the empty treasure house, Roja was embarrassed for a moment, as if he said before he came in that he was giving Lu Fei and the others a chance to pay off his debts.

For a billion Baileys, if Luffy were to let Luffy come by himself, he would never expect to be able to return it with his only one-stroke head.

The treasure that I just put away is worth hundreds of billions of dollars at least, and I leave him a little bit, and it’s not in vain that this boy fights. Although Eustskid is not serious, it is still quite difficult for Luffy. Deal with.

Ask for flowers

Waved his hand to release a little treasure, Roja’s ability to activate the moment appeared at the edge of Rogge Town. This enchantment can last for at least two days. If Luffy can’t solve all the enemies by then, he will do My own disciple has failed a little too much.

Taking out the drawing board for painting, Luo Ya swiped his pen and wrote with painting magic that the Luffy Trading Group will pay off the debt here on September 13.

After a few strokes, with one hand, the painting on the paper produced a huge banner out of thin air, which can be clearly seen even from dozens of nautical miles away.

I don't know if Lu Fei and the others came out with treasures from the underground base, and saw countless creditors, would they hate their master, but if they were killed, they wouldn't let this kid borrow money from Mackinaw.

Roja put away the drawing board, clapped his hands, and used his instant ability to follow the signs on the system map to appear in the treasure place in the memory of Charulia Palace.

Eggs can't be put in a basket. Tianlong people once ruled the world. Naturally, some savvy people understand this truth.

Therefore, there are seven treasures in Pirate World, three of which have been discovered by the revolutionary army a long time ago, and the remaining four, except for Xaluliya Palace and the Tianlong Fat Pig, are no longer known.

One of the four places was the town of Rogge, and in the remaining three places, Roja ran three times directly according to the memory of Xaluliya Palace, scouring all the things in the treasure house.

The huge amount of treasure and Bailey in the system warehouse can be compared to a small island. Bailey, a thing Roja, cannot be used in Naruto World, only these treasures are hard currency.

Turn back to throw Pele to the dragon, let him be a cow and a horse for himself, and by the way, he can also make a batch of devil fruits and top weapons and equipment from the UN collection.

With such a huge amount of treasure, if inflation and depreciation are not considered, a small Konoha Ninja Village, no matter how fast it develops, there is absolutely no problem in ensuring the funds needed for its 100-year development..

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