One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 836: Little Wild Cat Nami

Treasure is only second. The focus is on the location of these treasures. In addition to the previous four devil fruits, Roja once again found five devil fruits.

Superman card fruit, shield fruit, medicinal fruit and animal scorpion fruit, frog fruit.

The three superhuman fruits are considered to be very rare. The card fruits can be given to Yurihong after returning. That Nizi is now more and more like the feeling of killing squares in the casino, and will definitely fall in love with this fruit.

The medicinal fruit can be given to Tsunade, although she will definitely clamor that she still likes the card fruit, but she has the luck of losing every gambling, and if she wins, she really gave her the card fruit, and she might not see the rope tree. This loyal little brother.

The shield fruit has good defensive power, and when it is developed, it can compete with the ability of the shield fruit. No matter who it is for several girls, it can definitely increase a part of the strength.

Although the power of the scorpion fruit can not be underestimated, this thing is a bit ugly, so it is used to train subordinates.

And the frog fruit, because of its ugly appearance, must give Zilai a taste, anyway, he claims to be the Miaomu Mountain Toad Immortal, so he will try it as a toad.

After getting these things done, Loya, who earned a pour of money, directly urged the ability of Moment back to the resort island.

Surrounding the island, the surrounding sea is full of gunpowder and ship wreckage. The Bumblebee is sitting in front of the villa aggrieved, repairing the accessories on his body.

The electric sparks that appeared from time to time proved that it was indeed the first to be a heavy one. He took the huge sword mark that almost divided it into two halves to expose the dense electric circuit.

"Bumblebee, don't be angry. I just treated you as an enemy. It was absolutely unintentional." Guina stood in front of Bumblebee and apologized sincerely. You don't need to guess that the sword mark is Her masterpiece.

"I said beautiful women, even if you have a leg with your boss, you should watch it when you split. I'm so handsome, so cool, and so trendy. How could it be those buns? You can't make friends like this."

The five fingers of the Hornet were turned into different tools, either screwing or welding, while repairing them, they complained to Guina.

"Handsome and cool, I think it's terrifying." Guina blinked her eyes, and choked on Bumblebee with an expression that I could only tell the truth.


When Bumblebee heard Guina's words, he staggered, the welding port in his hand was directly welded to the wrong side, and he touched his cheek sadly. I really didn't know what evil he had done in the previous life, and I would encounter such a best product today.

"Guina, don't bully Bumblebee." Luo Ya chuckled and stopped Guina who was going to continue molesting Bumblebee.

"Brother Luoya" Guina turned her head and saw Luoya walking slowly, with a surprised expression on her face, and rushed over.

Enthusiasm, shrewd and capable, and occasionally a little black belly, this is Guina after growing up, on this small island, she does not look like the cold-faced swordsman in the sea.

Hugging Guina, who was leaping over, Roja slapped her little butt a few times. This girl is also going to do things. Look at the location of the bumblebee and put it on the car. It is definitely the position of the canopy. , I don’t know whether it will be disfigured after turning into a car.

Hearing the movement outside the door, Nami, baby5, Bonnie and others also jumped out of the villa, hanging on Loya's body, and narrating their thoughts.

"Brother Luoya, do you miss me? I am now the three-time One Piece, how about it, amazing?" Nami began to talk about her glorious deeds with Barabara. The business team she led over the years has never lost money. Almost every time I make a lot of money.

Not only made money, but also won a lot of fame. In terms of the capital accumulated over the years, she is definitely the number one richest woman in the sea.

"Brother Luoya, I defeated Hawkeye Mihawk. I am now the world's number one swordsman. Hehe, I didn't shame you." Guina began to show off her achievements when she heard Nami's words.

As a woman, she was the number one swordsman in the world, and she was definitely number one in the Pirate World. When Koushiro heard the news, he almost had a cardiac arrest.

"Young Master, Young Master, Young Master, Young Master" baby5 looked at Luo Ya with red cheeks, and kept calling this title, as if he wanted to make up all the calls he had made in eight years.

Roja touched baby5's head, causing Nizi, who had been ups and downs, to bump into the deer, holding her body tightly and refusing to let go.

"Well, it's not the old lady who wants to come, yes, uh, they forced me to come, you bastard, you don't recognize people when you lift your pants, I have to settle the account eight years ago with you."

Bonnie looked at Roya with a fierce face, her little white teeth gleamed with a deep cold light, and she said that her teeth had a good appetite. Just by looking at her teeth, she knew that this girl's appetite for the past few years is definitely good.

Luo Ya left and right awkwardly dealt with these four girls, although there are things like shadow clones, but seeing the other one with his own woman, thinking about it, he feels that his head is green.

These four people have been galloping on the sea for a long time. Except for baby5, they are all of the kind of cheerful personality. Naturally, they have endless words. You can't stop talking until dinner.

I haven't seen it in eight years, and there is really a lot to say. Hancock and Bai Xing sometimes put in a word "zui" next to him. Luo Ya deeply felt that his head was three times bigger.

There is not so much nonsense in the usual time, just come up directly and slap, after the slap, the person is sleepy and tired, and when you wake up, only tenderness is left.

After eating dinner, Luo Ya began to compensate for the rain and dew he had owed for many years. For four days, in addition to going downstairs to eat, he was immersed in the gentle countryside.

36 Nami is exactly a little wild cat. The cat's paws are constantly scratching Roja's itching. After a short pause, she comes up to find a sense of existence. In three days, she has unlocked how many poses she has never tried.

Hancock on the side was a little dumbfounded when she looked at Nami. The one she had ever dared to play was Xia Li, which was nothing compared with this kind of battle.

Guina's soft sword swordsmanship has been practiced to the extreme. Although she is enthusiastic on the outside, she is well versed in circuitous tactics in her heart. If she has physical strength, she will push her sisters. Xiao Baixing and baby5 are not known to be pitted how many times.

Bonnie was a female bandit, and she clamored to avenge her back then. Unfortunately, she fainted several times, and after waking up, she feasted and continued the war..

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