One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 837: High-Tech Weapons

baby5 has always insisted on her status as a little maid. Although no one regards her as a maid, she always humbs everyone.

For this woman who has followed her for the longest time, Roja is still quite doting, the key is her obedient character, only not knowing, not afraid to play.

After the war, the temperature stayed for a few days again, and after learning that Roja would be back once in a month or two, these unceasing girls set sail and headed for the new world.

Although baby5 was reluctant to give up, but for the sake of her little friends, she could only bid farewell to Roya in tears.

Bonnie still couldn't stand upright with soft legs, but when she left, she clamored on the side of the ship that she would definitely come back, and she would definitely make Roya look good next time.

Nami, the black-bellied captain, saw someone with weak legs, and deliberately clicked on his knee, laughing and making noise, and the boat sailed away from the resort island.

Poring, poring.


There was the sound of the phone worm, and Luo Ya picked it up impatiently. Seeing the face of the phone worm, he knew it must be the dragon.

"Say things quickly, let go if you have farts."


Choked by Loya's words, Long suddenly forgot what he wanted to say, holding the phone worm in embarrassment, his mind was completely blank.

"It's okay, I'm hanging up." Luo Ya looked at the long-silent phone worm, no need to guess that Long was bluffed by himself.

"Don't don't don't, boss, I heard Nami say that you want a batch of modern weapons. Now they are ready for you. Come and see if we will send you to the resort island."

"Wait, I'll be there soon."

Luo Ya's eyes lit up, and she secretly sighed that Nami's brains were the best. When she was finished, she just said something casually, and she directly notified Long to prepare.

Modern weapons, placed in the world of ninjas flying around with kunai shurikens, are definitely a big killer level thing. Even if it is used to deal with top combat power, it is not enough to deal with the middle and lower ninjas. .

Putting on the shirt neatly, Roja spoke to Hancock and Bai Xing who were lazily lying in the quilt, and the ability to spur the fruits of the door appeared in the UN headquarters, in the Long's office.

"Really right now." The dragon was obviously shocked by Roja's speed, and he secretly sighed in his heart that he deserves to be the leader. He was very envious of this ability to use any demon fruit at will.

"Where are you?" Luo Ya didn't have the thought of talking nonsense with Long. If he said this, he would definitely catch up with a vote of women, and it would be endless.

"Leader, please follow me." Long respectfully led the way, just like when the revolutionary army was just established.

Take the internal elevator to the thirteenth floor underground. After the elevator door was opened, neatly placed boxes appeared in front of Roya, marked with the items in each box.

UN peacekeeping force special gun 4a1, UN peacekeeping force special gun Barrett 82a1, UN peacekeeping force special gun Desert Eagle

There are so many kinds of boxes that Roja can't help but touch the tip of his nose. You don't need to guess that these weapons are developed based on baby5's weapon fruit ability.

Otherwise, who has such a big brain hole in Pirate World, can create the same firearm as the previous life, a grenade launcher with eight rounds of ammunition, an enhanced Gatling gun with 11 barrels, and a shoulder-mounted rocket launcher.

In addition to these weapons, there are countless ammunition matching the firearms, which occupies the huge 13 underground floors.

"Chief, there are 300 4a1s, 300 Desert Eagles, 50 Barrett, 10 grenade launchers, 10 shoulder-mounted rocket launchers, 5 Gatling guns, and 20 million 4a1 ammunition. , Desert Eagle ammunition 10 million rounds, Barrett ammunition 500,000 rounds, grenade launcher ammunition 10,000 rounds, shoulder-mounted rocket launcher ammunition 10,000 rounds, Gatling machine gun ammunition 20 million rounds, if the leader needs it , We can mobilize more, but it will take some time."

Long reported to Luo Ya with a sad expression that it was definitely not a simple matter to gather such a large number of weapons in such a short period of time.

Even in the current United Nations government, there are not a few soldiers using old rifles in the local army. A large number of troops that are not equipped with new types of firearms are now like babies waiting to be fed. The arsenal has been booked before the guns are made.

Three hundred 4a1s don't sound like much, but if three hundred Ninjas holding these 4a1s can definitely bloodbath a country, even the Ninjas will kneel in front of this number of soldiers.

What's more, there are weapons such as the King of Pistols, the Eagle of the Desert, the King of Snipers, Barrett, and the shoulder-fired rocket launchers, etc., directly organize such a force, unless the ninja on the opposite has the speed of the water gate, otherwise on the front battlefield, Hardly fear anyone.

"Tsk, it's enough for the time being. I'll tell you if necessary." Luo Ya shuttled between countless guns, and in a short time he collected all the guns and ammunition on the 13th floor underground into the system warehouse.

Pele, which was piled up like a mountain, filled most of the 13th floor underground in an instant. This kind of banknotes issued by the original world government, after Roja came to power, used new coins slowly to prevent economic chaos. Substitute.

After 177 years, this process is still going on slowly, so these currencies still have their due value.

"Chief, you are, how do you ask your subordinates to explain to everyone?" Long looked at Luo Ya with a look of trepidation. As the founder of the United Nations, if he had to pay for some firearms, he would spread it out. Drowned directly by countless spit stars.

"Long, I made the rule that no one should be greedy of United Nations property. Remember, I am talking about anyone."

Roja raised his eyebrows, and pretended to say that this kind of reprimanding the younger brother did seem to be so majestic.

"It is the leader who is a role model for our generation, and the subordinates must remember the leader's teachings." Long looked solemnly and respected, his eyes full of fanatical worship.

Roja scratched the tip of his nose, he was so awkward that he seemed to pretend to be too much. Why did he forget that he still had to take the Devil Fruit when he said that?

"Chief, it's just that Bailey is too much, and it's far beyond the value of these guns. Or maybe the subordinates will get you some weapons."

The loyal subordinate dragon looked at Bailey like a mountain, with a trace of entanglement on his face. Although Roja was right, he couldn't watch his leader suffer. The Bailey here has tens of billions, the value of guns. Less than one-third of it. .

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