One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 846: Film and Television Base

Like in the original work, there is Kaido, a big businessman in the country of Poland, who just controlled all the maritime trade of the small country of Poland and accumulated a huge amount of wealth.

Although the knowledge of the ninja was too superficial, and the final death was unclear, but it is undeniable that the wealth in his hands even far exceeds tens of billions of silver.

Psychological hints are the low-level use of ninjutsu, but as long as it is used well, even the shadow-level powerhouses are indefensible. Yurihong is an expert in illusion. As far as illusion is concerned, if Luo Ya does not have the eternal kaleidoscope of writing round eyes and seeing and hearing color The increased mental power is probably not as good as this girl.

"What about things?" Tsunade looked like he was about to explode. If he wasn't worried about the new type of gambling equipment, and knew that his man would eat soft or hard, he would have to grab it.

Luo "Two One Zero" Ya was urged by Tsunade to look speechless, and while waving his hands, he released part of the new gambling equipment that Pirate World had acquired from the Golden City Gild Tezolo.

The space on the eighteenth floor was filled in an instant. The Golden City is famous for gambling. There are at least a thousand kinds of gambling equipment developed by it. Luo Ya just picked a few hundred of the more interesting ones, just these hundreds, also Not the eighteenth floor can be put down.

Gilde Tezolo is Roja's loyal little brother. After learning that he wanted gambling equipment, he directly ordered to start moving things without asking why, wishing to empty the entire Golden City.

"Only one-third has been released, and I can find two more spaces as big as here." Luo Ya looked at the dumbfounded Tsunade and Yuhihong, and said softly.

"Also, still, and" Tsunade was already standing in front of a fishing machine, and when he heard Roya's words, he turned his head back in disbelief.

"My husband is really going to surprise people." Xi Rihong clutched her mouth, reluctantly removed her hand from a set of cow machines, and decided in her heart that she must play with all these machines when she turned around.

"What you like, I will naturally support it unconditionally." Luo Ya shrugged, showing a somewhat spoiled look at the two girls.

"Is that right?" Tsunade had a look of disbelief. In order to open the casino, Senjutsu Zhuma was excavated from the grave by Roja.

"Um" Roja knows what the girl is thinking when he sees Tsunade's expression. I can't help but mention what happened at the beginning. It's the biggest failure in life.

"Hee hee sister, for the sake of these gambling equipment, don't embarrass him." Yurihong turned her back and pulled Tsunade's arm, quietly squeezing her eyes, indicating that there is something wrong, first take all the gambling equipment Let's talk about it when you get it.

"Forget it, Xiao Qiuye, for the sake of your performance so well, my sister will forgive you." Tsunade snorted when he saw Yurihong's gesture, with an arrogant expression on his face.

"Just forgive me. Tsk tsk, last time I remember I haven't used several poses." How could Luo Ya fail to see the little movements of the two girls, and rolled his eyes in his heart, these two girls actually dared to do their own way.

After seeing these new gambling tools, Tsunade became more interested in the remaining gambling tools. Hearing Loya's threat, he could only grit his teeth and agree.

"What about Red" Luo Ya looked at the red who seemed to have a tendency to escape, with a bit of chuckle on his face. Because of the shy nature of this girl, she hasn't unlocked a few poses yet.

"Of course Hong is okay. If there is any problem, my sister will help you hold her." Tsuna's hand covered Yuri Hong's small mouth and directly agreed to her.

This kind of behavior of selling teammates made Xi Rihong's face flush to the base of her neck. Those postures can already make people embarrassed to find a way to get in. How can she do it?

"That's it." Luo Ya slapped Zui, with a satisfied expression on his face. The two girls have always moved forward and retreated together. Now this result is naturally the best.

"You" Yurihong was let go by Tsunade. He wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it. His heart jumped wildly, turning around in shame and heading to another level.

After tossing for a long time, I finally released all the gambling equipment, as well as various maintenance instructions, manufacturing methods, processes and other things.

Tsunade couldn't wait to get into these new gambling games, and Luo Ya handed over a thick book of gambling secrets to Yurihong.

This was given to him by Gild Tezolo when he was leaving. The reason why Golden City can make a lot of money comes from this gambling secret technique.

It records all kinds of techniques and methods of making thousands. After years of research, it is countless times ahead of the Naruto World. Anyone who learns them can become a figure like a god of gambling.

"It looks like I need to study it carefully." Xi Rihong held a thick book of Secret Techniques of Gambling with a bright smile on her face. She doesn't like to do things that are uncertain. With this secret technique, With Kagura's heart-warming plug-in, no matter what, no one in the casino can beat her.

"You like it." Luo Ya smiled, gave Xi Rihong a big hug again, bid farewell to him, and left the casino.

According to the current progress, it will take at most a few months before the Three-day Moon Island World Casino can be put into operation. At that time, under various high-tech gambling equipment, endless wealth will roll in.

Leaving the casino, Roja came to the location of China Culture Media Co., Ltd. built by Konoha Houshan. With the benefits of movies, albums and peripheral products, after months of expansion and renovation, this place has become a veritable film and television. base.

The people in the pet space were released, and a group of people on the film crew saw the film and television base that had changed its appearance, and their faces were full of surprises.

A film and television base resembling a small city, containing various buildings of the old and retro, and 46 buildings imitating the mansion of the big name, which can be used to shoot most of the scenes.

Director Yuan Ye, as the most avid director in the Naruto World, looked left and looked at the film and television base with a crazy smile on his face.

Two professional musicians walked into the nearest recording studio and looked at the brand-new equipment, and their faces were equally fascinated.

Li Zi, Bufeng and Fenghua Xiaoxue ran into the dressing room, containing thousands of clothes, so that their eyes were full of little stars. There is no woman who does not love beauty. As actresses, they are eager to try all kinds of things. modeling.

"This time it's much faster. I have made a lot of munition pills. It seems that I don't need it anymore." Uchiha Izumi stood on the edge of the cliff, watching a lot of changes below, but the more prosperous wood. Ye Cun had a pity on his face..

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