One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 847: Is the village head very low?

Roya heard the little girl's whisper and touched her nose in anguish. What happened last time was really a mistake. From the beginning to the present, it took less than 40 minutes for the journey to be full, not to mention the bingliang pill, it was water. No need to prepare.

"Brother, have we returned to Konoha? It has changed a lot, and it feels so prosperous." Kushina and Izumi stood on the Hokage Rock together, looking at the thriving Konoha, with a happy expression on his face.

"I will take you to Konoha's barbecue q in a while. It tastes very good." Luo Ya touched Jiu Xinnai's little head, with a bit of pampering on his face.

This little Nizi gave up a lot of things that originally belonged to her because of following her own reasons. Konoha Shinobu, she only visited a few times when she was training with Uchiha Itachi, and every time she went out, she was completely wrapped up. of.

Now that it’s here, it’s okay to live for a while, anyway, with the passage of time, most people have forgotten the appearance of Kunako, and Kunako who likes ponytails, and Kunako who likes shawl hair, is the two Although they look similar, their temperament is a thousand miles away.

"Wow, brother 13, I knew you were the best." When Kushina heard Loya's words, he jumped up happily. She had eaten the barbecue once, and the taste is unforgettable.

"Master, are you the village head here?" Baby5 looked at Konoha with a weird expression on his face. Compared with the prosperous city of Pirate World, this kind of village is really many times worse.

However, although the current little maid is still cute and shy, she is not a stick, knowing that some things can be said, and it is better not to say some things.

"The bastard of the village chief Long." Luo Ya rolled his eyes. He had said this to Long at the beginning. The village chief was just talking about it. Hokage's location was somewhat troublesome to explain.

But now that the little maid asked, Luo Ya naturally wanted to explain to her and Hancock, otherwise the two would definitely make a lot of jokes here.

"Husband, my concubine feels that this place is quite similar to the Amazon lily ten years ago, um, there are more men." Hancock hugged Roja's arm and awkwardly comforted.

It’s just comfort, it’s not much different from making a knife. What is the Amazon lily ten years ago? Does this mean that this village is very bad?

"Hey" Luo Ya sighed in his heart, and directly clicked on the foreheads of the two girls. In the form of illusion, he explained the rules and systems of the Hokage World to the two.

After a long while, after understanding the nature of this world, Hancock frowned. Although her personality was arrogant, she would naturally not be a fool to become the lord of a country.

"Husband, why don't you kill the name of the country of fire? Such a system is not appropriate." When Hancock is not acting like a baby or being clingy, he still has the grace of a female emperor.

That kind of majesty accumulated by being a high-ranking person for a long time makes Uchiha Izumi and Kunsina a little uncomfortable, this kind of majesty, even in the daimyo, they have never felt.

"It can only be done step by step, otherwise it will be overthrown at once, which will only cause unnecessary turmoil." Luo Ya held Hancock's waist with a confident expression on his face.

What Hancock could see, he naturally wouldn't fail to see, the dark child he had laid out at the beginning, I am afraid that now he has taken action, and he will be able to receive a lot of results immediately.

"Well, the concubine is troubled, how could my husband not think of it." Hancock turned into a soft-footed shrimp when Roja hugged him, lying on his arms.

The baby5 on the side has long been accustomed to it. The character of the empress is no secret in the Pirate World. She is cruel and ruthless to outsiders. She does not hesitate to launch a killer. She treats her husband Yandi like a little bird. Be as obedient as you are.

Izumi and Kushina were dumbfounded as they watched this change. After they looked at each other, they couldn't help being filled with Ai Ai. I really hope that this sister will not show such a side in her life, otherwise the day will be sad.

"Let’s go, let’s have barbecue together." Roya looked at Quan and Jiu Xinnai’s performance, with a smile on his face. Hancock was quite good to his sister, otherwise Monet would not be willing to follow him. Around.

"Barbecue" Kushina cheered, and jumped directly from the Hokage Rock. Quan also followed after seeing this. The two of them leaned slightly on the rock and landed safely.

Baby5 used the flying Mestima that Roja had left behind, and flew down with a leap. Roja and Hancock followed without any haste.

When the boss of Barbecue Q saw Luo Ya's arrival, he directly ordered the kitchen to be fully fired. He had deeply experienced the appetite of Master Naruto several times, and he was definitely able to empty the warehouse.

After a barbecue and celebration, Hancock and the little maid, baby5, moved into Roja’s mansion. Faced with various antique buildings, even Hancock’s pickyness was exceptionally satisfied.

Roya arranged a few people and went directly to the Hokage office. After leaving for nearly four months, he didn't know how far his plans were.

Holding the various materials submitted by Xiao Nan, Mebis cleverly handed over the wind-reading glasses, which were used to read various reports and materials, and quickly made 060 people criticize.

In the past four months, the most important resident benefit, the five social insurance and one housing fund policy, has gone from being a ninja trial to being implemented by the whole nation. The first to benefit is naturally those who suffer from injuries.

Half a month ago, this policy already covered all the residents of Konoha. People in many other areas, after hearing about Konoha's policy, chose to move.

This change had already been anticipated by Luo Ya, and he had ordered Nara Luji to make preparations.

Give priority to the ninja family, give priority to residents with special skills, as long as they can make some contributions to Konoha, they will not become the kind of worm that eats and waits to die. After checking their identity and preventing spies from other countries, they can move in.

It didn’t take long for other countries to hear about the implementation of this kind of policy, but the huge amount of start-up funds left them with no ability to follow suit.

There are many people and great power. Roja deeply believes in the words left by the ancestors. If things go on like this, there will be a ninja school. Konoha's ninja will definitely increase dramatically, and the total population will surpass the capital of the country of fire.

Another affordable housing project has now completed the construction of the first phase. The mountain Hiichi and Autumn Road Dingzuo who were dispatched there are tired every day, not only to supervise the construction, but also to manage a series of demolition. subsidy..

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