One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 848: A new member of Akatsuki

A series of measures such as planning for housing land, commercial land, office land, ninja training ground, etc., are now proceeding in an orderly manner.

Konoha Hospital has carried out two expansions and one medical ninja recruitment and training to meet the medical needs of residents and ninjas to the greatest extent.

Regarding this point, it can only be said that Tsunade is worthy of being the world's number one medical ninja in Naruto. He has created a complete medical system and divided various disease subjects.

Not only did it save a lot of money, but also coordinated and cooperated to the greatest extent in terms of manpower. The most difficult medical insurance policy was successfully implemented, and Tsunade was indispensable.

Konoha Winery now has a variety of high-end wines emerging. Roya saw this and handed the various wine recipes collected in the system warehouse to the red beans who had just returned to the office.

This girl looked at the small mountain-like information and various wine samples, and looked at Luo Ya with a faint expression on her face. Without sealing, she needed to run several times for this kind of thing.

When Roya saw this, he rarely understood the girl and sealed them all in a scroll.After Hong Dou breathed a sigh of relief, he hurriedly went out to send the information.

The winery is on the right track, and it can be called a terrifying income, which flows continuously into Konoha. There are many people who are jealous of this benefit, but Shisui personally guards them. Those who want to steal the brewing formula, all Going home unfailingly.

Regardless of what it is, only monopoly is profiteering. Before other people work out how to make high-quality wines similar to Noah's oath, the benefits of the winery will definitely make Roja a lot of money.

The tea plantation is now on the right track. A special tea set manufacturing plant has been built next to the tea plantation. In order to prevent anyone from trying to steal the tea making technology, Tsunade directly let the rope tree live there.

Although Rope Tree is a bit late, as a ninja, there is no problem doing this kind of thing. During the period, he captured many people who were plotting bad things.

Just seeing that the tea garden was condemned by God, Roja covered his face speechlessly. What was Tsunade's gambling luck? The act of opening a casino for him would really not cheat him.

Although even a sky thunder is just scratching it now, the surrounding industries can’t support it. A third of the tea leaves are scrapped. How much money is that?

When the wall collapsed, Roja touched his chin and threw it aside. Anyway, this wall will be demolished sooner or later, and Konoha's development cannot be confined to one wall.

After reading the fragmentary information in the village, Luo Ya turned to the information page below.

Affected by the collapse of the winery, the country of the earth and the country of thunder have suffered a lot of decline in the national economy. Although the famous mansions of the two countries are still rich and rich, the lives of the residents are not as good as each day.

Popular grievances are slowly accumulating, and I believe that as long as it takes longer, even if there is no rebellion, the land of the land and the land of thunder will definitely not be better.

And the most important point, the daimyo of the country of thunder was assassinated

Although due to the existence of the guardian ninja, the daimyo of the land of thunder did not die, but he directly angered the daimyo of the land of thunder, who had a bad temper.

The daimyos of the five major countries began to stumbling behind their backs, frequently entrusting various ninja villages, and even issuing high rewards at the underground bounty office. For a time, many officials began to die one after another.

The Fire Country didn't make any sound because Roja used the writing wheel to control almost everyone in advance, but other countries started to mess around.

The daimyos of various countries began to put pressure on their own country's Ninja Village, and various methods emerged one after another, but the leaders of Ninja Village were afraid of Konoha's current strength, and knew in their hearts that, for now, they could not start a war at all.

Once a war is provoked, the final result will only be Konoha's victory. The original gap is already big enough. If it is defeated, the gap will only be widened.

This result is not acceptable to the leader of Ninja Village. Although he frequently explained to the daimyo, seeing the death of his courtiers one after another, there was a grievance between the unstoppable and Ninja village in the hearts of the lords.

Even the land of the country, which has always had a harmonious relationship with Shinobu Village and was on the same level as Kagepei, directly cut some of its funding because of this incident.

Roja is naturally very satisfied with this change, everything is developing in the direction he expected. When the grievances are deep, he sees the shortcomings of the one country, one village policy, he does not believe that the leaders of several big forbearance villages can bear it. Come on.

Most of the following intelligence materials are about Akatsuki's organization and intelligence of various agencies.

The Akatsuki organization still maintained the same posture as Roja's travels, frequently visiting the bounty office in the dark, engaging in various tasks, earning high commissions, and exercising the strength of all staff.

And bringing soil back some time ago also brought back a powerful person for Akatsuki.


When he saw this information, Luo Ya squinted his eyes. When Dedara was brought back to the Akatsuki organization, he already knew it, but he really didn't like the terrorist, so he didn't bother to ignore it.

Unexpectedly now, Tai Tu has unearthed such a strongman. Please report on the newspaper to show that with the help of Tai Tu, Biliu Hu has already possessed four types of blood inheritance boundaries, which is simply a force.

According to Itachi, the cards are all out. If there is no chance to use the ten-punch sword to kill, the two will be four or six, and the four will be four, and he will be six.

Suzuo completely body, with a ten-fist sword and a Yata mirror, can actually reach four or six, Luo Ya's heart is really full of pain, and I really don't know what to say about this abnormality that appeared in the theater version.

As a man, he looks much more beautiful than most women. That's fine. He also likes to study ninjutsu just like Dashemaru, and he has come up with the magic of Zhao Guiya Luo.

This Ghost Shooting Art is a kind of combined ninjutsu, which can fuse the combined ninja or psychic beast with one's body, possess its abilities, and even fuse the blood boundary.

Although it will become inhuman and ghost after the fusion, it is certain that it is strong. You must know that Terumi Ming has two blood inheritance limits. After some manipulation, now the reputation has been pushed to the position of the strongest water shadow in the past. .

Lo Ya looked at the words Extreme Danger marked by Tsunade under the scroll, scratched the tip of his nose, and suddenly remembered in his heart that this humble liuhu seemed to have been a teammate of Tsunade, Oshamaru, and Jiraiya.

"Tsk tsk, forget it, I finally made up enough people. Although it's a bit dangerous, it's just the blood inheritance limit." Luo Yamo rubbed his chin, thinking about the pros and cons of this matter, and said aloud after a long while. In one sentence, put this piece of information aside..

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