One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 849: Fairy Fruit

Even if Bei Liuhu is strong, can he be better than Kaguya Ji?

No matter how much blood succeeds the limit, it is only the middle blood succeeds the limit. Even if the blood succeeds the elimination through flexible tactics, it can surpass the three generations of earth shadows, and even has five types of blood succeeds the limit, the strength will be extremely great. Ascend, but to die is an eternal kaleidoscope level.

That kind of strength is not a little bit worse than his own. You don't need to care at all. Although he has an unforgettable hatred for Konoha in his heart, it is likely to come to Konoha for trouble, but his presence will also greatly advance the beginning of the plot. time.

After reading the information of Akatsuki's organization, looking at the rest of the daily handling matters, Roja looked strangely at Mebis, who was holding the book aside, watching with relish.

This little loli actually has the title of Naruto Assistant now, and a large part of these daily matters is her decision.

These decisions are comprehensive, and they don't seem to be the hands of a seven-year-old Lori. Even if Roja handles them personally, I am afraid it will not be better.

"Mebis is very smart. Now it's like an encyclopedia. We will listen to her opinions many times." Xiao Nan saw the doubt on Roya's face and explained with a chuckle.

"Mebis, how many books have you read now?" Luo Ya took off her maid-looking wind-reading glasses, walked to the side of Mebis, and gently pulled out the book in her hand.

"Wow Books" Mebis didn't hear Roja's question at all. He looked at the book that had been taken away eagerly, with a cute little face that made people want to pinch it.

Roja rolled his eyes, really didn't know what to say about this little bookworm, and simply put the books in his hands into the system warehouse.

"Ah" Mebis saw the disappearance of the book, and it was only then that he was able to recover, and looked at Loya pitifully.

In desperation, Roja could only repeat the question just now, and took the book out of the system warehouse by the way, and handed it back to Mebis.

"Well, my lord, now I'm reading the number seven hundred and fifty-two." Mebis held the books in her arms with a look of treasure. She has a keen interest in every book.

"Seven Thousand" Luo Ya handed the wind-reading glasses back to the hands of Mebis bdfa. He was completely convinced by this little prodigy girl.

There are more than 7,000 books, and I am afraid that they can pile up a mountain together. Konoha's library is not as large as those well-known libraries in the previous life, and it will only support more than 30,000 books.

In other words, little Lolita has now read one-fifth and only this one-fifth is more than most people have read in their lifetime.

On the side, Yuyue Xiyan and Xiao Nan heard the numbers reported by Lolita, and they also looked in admiration. They really couldn't hold on to such a boring thing as reading.

"From now on, the daily affairs will be handled by you and the two sisters. As a reward, this will be given to you." Luo Ya took out a colorful banana-shaped devil fruit from the system warehouse and handed it over. Mebis' hands.

"Fruits look like bananas, but the patterns and colors are so strange, my lord, I haven't seen this in the book."

Mebis looked at the devil fruit with a spiral pattern in his hand, with a faint doubt on his face. There is no record of such a thing in either the Monster Tail World or the Naruto World.

"The product of another world, the animal is the fruit of the human fruit, the phantom beast species, and the goblin fruit. After eating it, it can become a goblin." Roja touched Mebis's little head and explained with a smile.

The devil fruits collected by the United Nations, when the dragon is taking it, which one is precious, if it weren't for Roya's pretense, he could not wait to bring all the devil fruits over.

The fruit of this phantom beast species is the exquisite among the devil fruits sent. The fairy fruit only exists in the records. Legend has it that after eating the fruit, flowers will bloom involuntarily wherever it goes.

Although I don't know what the specific effects are, Roja dare to say that Mebis will like the name of the fruit.

"Fairy" Mebis's eyes suddenly turned into small stars, looking at the fruit in his hand, the saliva from his mouth slowly dripped down.

"Hurry up." Luo Ya looked at Mebis with a fond look. This little genius helped him deal with so many things, and a small reward should be given.

"Yeah" Mebis didn't even peel the skin, and ate the whole devil fruit in his mouth, but that expression of joy changed drastically in an instant.

His face gradually turned blue and purple, his eyes widened, and tears filled them, small mouths one by one wanted to say something, but he couldn't say anything, resisting the nausea coming from his stomach, he swallowed it whole .

"Can't cry, can't cry, I want to be a goblin, I want to be a goblin" Mebes suffocated his tears hard, suppressing the nausea.

Roja's cheeks twitched, and she just said that this fairy fruit was in line with Mebis's pursuit, but she completely forgot the feces-like smell of the devil fruit.

A little colorful fluorescence slowly drifted out of Mebis's body, and his ear feathers suddenly became a bit bigger, and a pair of translucent butterfly wings appeared behind him, and the little fluorescence revolved around him uncontrollably.

Roja blinked and looked at Mebis, who was exuding agility. His face slowly showed a smile, with the power of his origin. Although he could not use it in the Naruto World, he could clearly feel Mebis. The type of power on the body.

This kind of power is full of natural breath, and can gain the favor of anything in nature, whether it is a plant or an animal, it will listen to it, and even the clouds in the sky will dance for Mebis as long as it is willing.

Mebis looked at the wings behind him blankly, feeling as if he could fly at any time, waving his wings lightly, and standing in the air, watching the changes on his body in surprise.

"Kawaii" Xiaonan and Yuyue Xiyan exclaimed, and rushed to Mebis's side, rubbing and rubbing on his little face, you hug, I kiss, you can't resist this charm at all.

"Eh," Mebis was repeatedly ravaged by the two with a dull look, and quickly sent Roya a cry for help. This little girl couldn't cope with the love of Xiao Nan and Mao Yue Xiyan.

"You two also have gifts." Luo Ya chuckled, seeing that Mebis was so tossed, he spoke to Xiao Nan and Mao Yue Xiyan, and relieved him..

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