One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 850: The Stinky Overlord Flower

When Xiao Nan and Mao Yue Xiyan heard Luo Ya's words, they let go of the tossing and ambiguous Mebis, and hurriedly leaned in front of them, looking forward to them.

Luo Ya did not suspend the appetites of the two of them. First, he took out the Digu Transformation Free Gaia Foundation from the system warehouse and handed it to Xiao Nan.

"Xiao Nan, this is called Transformation Free Gaia Foundation. It is a cosmetic-type emperor that allows users to transform into anything according to their wishes."

Luo Yaxu babblingly explained the effect of Gaia foundation, Xiao Nan opened the box of Gaia foundation with a look of surprise, and after a little experimentation, she became like Uzue Xiyan.

Xiao Nan looked at the face reflected on the office glass, with a satisfied smile on his face. The power of Teigu was different from Naruto World’s transformation and shadow avatar, and he couldn't see through it even with a blank eye.

As long as he is willing, he can pretend to be anyone, no matter the voice, action, expression, under the power of Emperor Gu, there is no flaw.

"Master, I like you so much." Xiao Nan maintained the appearance of her transformation, turned around and got close to Luo Ya, grabbed his arm, with a faint shyness on his face, his tone of expression was exactly the same as that of Mao Yue Xiyan.

Xiao Nan, who has always been well-behaved, does this kind of thing, knowing that he loves this emperor in his heart. With this emperor, even if he doesn't change his face, he can change clothes at will. I am afraid that a girl would like it very much.

"Oh, Xiaonan Sister" standing there, Yuyue Xiyan exclaimed, her cheeks turned red in an instant. Such a thing is basically the same as it is on the bright side, but it will still make people feel ashamed to say it in person.

"I'm telling the truth, hehe." Maintaining the appearance of Yuyue Xiyan, Xiao Nan said with a serious face, but as soon as he finished speaking, he couldn't help laughing.

"Master, that" Yuyue Xiyan was a little flustered and wanted to explain, but she couldn't deny what Xiao Nan said just now.

"I haven't finished what you said in your sleep last night."


Yuyue Xiyan exclaimed, and hurriedly stepped forward to block Xiao Nan's zui, really afraid that he would say something embarrassing. How could the woman first clarify this kind of thing.

The two joked together, and even Mebis, who hadn't learned how to control the fruit of the elves, was killed by the fish pond. The three laughed and made a mess.


Luo Ya looked at the untidy clothes of the two Maoyue Xiyans, and held his forehead speechlessly. This kind of process is too fragrant. It is much more beautiful than the flowers of the sisters.

After playing around for a while, Xiao Nan relieved the ability of Gaia's foundation and sat aside quite satisfied, while Uzue Xiyan looked at Luo Ya.

"In another world, ogreen, a unique plant on the Sonic Islands, can be transformed into a variety of weird plants. I have brought you a hundred of each, and there are also various plant cultivation manuals."

Luo Ya took out a bag of seeds and a cultivation manual, and handed it to the eagerly awaited Uzue Xiyan. What this girl likes most is planting various plants and flowers.

For her, no matter whether it is Devil Fruit or Emperor Gu, it will not make her feel excited. All kinds of seeds that have not been seen before can make her angry.

Maoyue Xiyan looked at the large bag of seeds in her hand, opened the seal, and took out a small bag with the three characters Overlord Flower written on it.

Looking at the green seeds, the smile on Maoyue Xiyan's face increased, and she looked down at the seeds in the big bag, her beautiful eyes bent into crescents.

Take out a seed, re-seal the bag and put it in the big bag. Uzue Xiyan Yu holds the faintly scented seed in her hand and looks at Luo Ya with tenderness.

Knowing what she likes most in her heart, even when she goes to other places, she always thinks about her. Yuyue Xiyan's heart suddenly softens, recalling what Xiaonan said while holding Luoya's arm, blushing again, and her head Twisted to the side.

"Be careful. Many of these seeds have their own special effects. For example, the seeds of the Overlord Flower. Although the mature Overlord Flower is the material for making perfume, it has not been processed, but it tastes like this."

Luo Ya watched as the seeds in Maoyue Xiyan's hands began to sprout quickly, and in a flash, they turned into a mature Overlord Flower, and looked at Mebis with despair.

Ask for flowers

Even if the seeds of the Overlord Flower could germinate quickly, they had to be soaked in some special potions. It was through this method that Usopp in the original book put all kinds of plants into battle.

But now, Mebis has just eaten the elf fruit, and still can't freely control the power in the body. One carelessly, under its ripening, the Overlord Flower will bloom.

"It's so stinky." Luo Ya held his breath, pulled Xiaonan, Yuyue Xiyan, and Mebis and ran out of the office. This kind of overlord flower is completely a biochemical weapon. The horrible memory of Singbo Islands at the beginning is really true. I don't want to do it again.


There were three nausea sounds, Xiaonan and Yuyue Xiyan just accidentally took a sip, and now the whole person has become ill. Their stomachs are overwhelmed, as if they will be vomiting out the next moment. This smell, It is stronger than the Mao Keng that has been fermented for ten years.


Mebis, who had just experienced the toss of the Devil Fruit, had finally managed to suppress the nausea. At this time, under the double blow of the Overlord Flower, he couldn't help it anymore.

Little Lolita was holding the trash can on the corridor and was spitting out tears. Today is definitely the saddest day in her life. This double blow of taste and smell made her doubt her life.

"My lord, I vomited Mebis and turned into a goblin." Mebis vomited and cried. In his heart, the power of the devil fruit is likely to disappear as she spit it out.

The proportion of the fairy in his mind is not inferior to the position of the women in Roja's heart. If it loses the power to transform into a fairy, I am afraid this little loli will regret it for life.

"It's okay, that power has long been integrated into your body and will not disappear." Luo Ya patted little Lori on the back. This little girl was really sad when she cried, and those who saw it shed tears, and a group of people dared to come. The ninja, seeing his crying appearance, actually started crying along with it, the effect of the elf fruit is simply powerful.

Looking back at the location of the Hokage office, Luo Ya opened his eyes and saw a faint beige gas floating out of it.

I'm still here.

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