One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 854: Hinata's Reincarnation Eye

With the cluster of fruits, Maoyue Xiyan couldn't get out of all kinds of seeds. Many flowers that she wanted to cultivate also bloomed in the back garden.

Little Hinata, who likes embossing, is naturally overjoyed to see so many flowers. After getting permission from Uzuki Yuyan, he will make various embossed ornaments every day when he returns from the ninja school.

To do this kind of thing requires very good patience. Originally, Mebis, Xiaonan, and Uzue Xiyan all wanted to learn, but they gave up after a short while.

When Luo Ya returned from the Hokage office, he often saw Xiao Hina Tian sitting under the eaves and carefully handling various flowers.

The exquisite embossed decorations were better than those sold on the street, but Luo Ya faintly felt the loss of Hinata's body more and more obvious.

As soon as his thoughts turned, Roja knew what was wrong with this little loli. She was originally shy by nature. Although she was the eldest lady of the Hyuga family, she had a little low self-esteem in her bones.

Everyone in Roya's mansion is better than one. Uzuki Yuyan has the title of Konoha Sword Princess. Although the title of Red Bean is not good, it is also a resounding existence in the Shinobi world.

Whether it is Hancock, baby5 or Spring, they are all 197 things that he can only look up to. She has no trace of her unpredictable strength and extraordinary bearing.

Even Mebis, who was his age, was a genius Konoha was known for, and the title of the mobile library is now a household name.

She is the only one whose strength is only at the middle and upper reaches of the ninja school. Without baby5's expertise in making good dishes and proficient in a variety of snack foods, and without Quan's strength that scorns her class, it is inevitable that she will feel inferior over time.

Luo Ya raised his eyebrows, hesitated, looked at the reincarnation eye drops in the system warehouse, walked to Hina Tian's side, and quietly watched its embossing.

"Teacher, I'm sorry" Hinata, who was in a trance, realized Luo Ya's arrival for a while, and quickly sat upright and bowed to salute.

"It doesn't matter, you don't need to apologize for this kind of thing." Luo Ya touched Hinata's little head, with a faint smile on his face.

"I still want to say sorry, teacher, I'm not good at all, I'm ashamed of you" Hinata lowered his head. Although his soft outside and rigid character made him not cry, he couldn't help but bring a little bit of voice. Crying.

"How come, how do I think Hinata is the best?" Luo Ya grinned, rubbing Lori's head, revealing a bright smiling face. Hinata can't stand any shocks now.

Hina Tian looked up at Luo Ya's sincere expression, the corners of his eyes gradually became moist, and he threw into his arms, and started crying loudly.

"Teacher, I really want to be stronger, I really want to"

Tears seemed to wet the bottom of Loya's clothes as if a bank burst, and the depression in her heart for a long time made this little Lori feel much torment.

In the ninja school, there are always people talking behind it that as the greatest Naruto disciple and heir to the Hyuga family, his strength is only in the middle and upper reaches. If he is himself, he must be so.

All kinds of talks uncontrollably passed into her ears. For this reason, the little girl often secretly practiced in the middle of the night, but her gentle personality, and the techniques destined to practice were not the kind of powerful lethality.

"The process of becoming stronger may be painful, Hinata, you are still a little young now"

"Teacher, I am not afraid of pain."

Hinata raised her small face and looked at Luo Ya with a firm look. Compared with the pain on her body, what she was afraid of was this day-to-day suffering.

Roya sighed silently when he saw Xiao Hina's determination. Originally, he thought that Hina Tian should enjoy a carefree childhood, but now it seems that his ideas are somewhat inappropriate. .

"This kind of potion can stimulate your eyes and awaken the blood in your body." Luo Ya took bdff from the system warehouse and gave out the reincarnated eye drops, explaining the effect of the potion for Hinata in detail.

Drop the potion once every ten days. After a total of three times, the white eyes can evolve into reincarnated eyes, and these three times will be accompanied by a strong pain.

Little Lori Hinata tightly grasped the potion in her hand. She really didn't want to hear the kind of words that others said anymore. The word ordinary in Naruto World was too humble.

After asking for a one-month vacation at the Ninja School, Xiao Hinata stayed at home with peace of mind. After dropping the eye drops, she experienced intense labor pains from time to time, making her body sweaty.

Fortunately, a month was not long. Ten days after the last drop of eye drops, Hinata's white eyes had undergone a qualitative transformation.

With a bluish-white light radiating from his body, Xiao Hina Tian directly aroused the rebirth-eye chakra pattern, and the well-behaved baby head turned into a cape and long hair that danced like a flame.

There are a few black jade jade on the neck, and the whole body exudes a strong aura. The baby fat on the original face has disappeared, and it actually reflects the appearance after more than ten years.

Hancock, who had been resting in the mansion, felt the strong unfamiliar aura, and rushed out of the room. Seeing the thread of fate gathered on his fingers, he had clearly entered a state of combat readiness.

Baby5 even stood on the roof with a super-large sniper rifle dozens of times more powerful than Barrett. This kind of momentum actually made him feel a sense of fear.

"I blasted it by handsome" Luo Ya knotted two handprints in his hands, activated the protective cover in the mansion, and shielded the momentum from Hinata, and couldn't help muttering to himself.

Hinata blinked his big eyes and looked at the blue and white luster that emanated from his whole body, with a cute look on his face. This powerful force emerging from his body gave him an unreal feeling.

This kind of power clearly tells her that she can easily create the power of s-level ninjutsu with a wave of her hand, and if it is fully urged, the power will be unimaginable.

"Teacher, did I succeed?" Hinata looked at Luo Ya blankly. Even though she had a premonition in her heart, she still couldn't believe that she could have such power.

"Yeah." Luo Ya looked at Hinata who was so handsome and exploded, and nodded with a certain smile on his face. Although this power has just been stimulated, its potential is no less than that of the eyes of reincarnation. As long as it is used properly, Hina Tian Mirai could even become a super shadow

"Teacher" Hinata burst into tears at the corner of his eyes, and rushed into Roya's arms when she moved her feet. It was just that she, who had just gained this power, obviously couldn't grasp it. The impact force like a cannonball directly plowed out where she passed. The gully..

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