One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 855: Seven-year-old Shadow

I go

Roya sighed in his heart and watched the head-on collision. Little Hinata, whose power was no less powerful than Tsunade’s full blow, could only raise his arm and prepare to relieve his strength. If this girl hits the barrier Above, with her small body, even with the protection of the reincarnated eye chakra, it is estimated that she will suffer some minor injuries.

The reincarnation eye that was initially stimulated obviously has a tendency to explode, and it can be compared to Tsunade with a casual move. If it is fully stimulated, it is probably not weaker than Chaoying.

Although after the boiling power subsides, the reincarnated eye will be suppressed a lot at Hinata's age, and it is estimated to be as strong as Yurihong, but don’t forget, Hinata is only seven years old.

Seven-year-old film class

When this kind of news is spoken out, there may be many ninjas who will wipe their necks and commit suicide in grief and anger. This is a strength that they can hardly expect in their entire lives.

In the future, as Hinata grows older, his body strengthens, and the power of rebirth eyes will gradually be fully developed.

In the original work, the Datongmusheren was able to control the entire moon to hit the Naruto World. Now Hinata has this pair of eyes that fit the body at the age of seven, and may be able to surpass the Datongmushe in the future.

The sudden increase in speed made Hinata unable to adapt. Seeing that she was about to hit Roja, little Lori showed a panic on her face, waving her hands and feet randomly.

The huge repulsive force flooded the sky and the earth, Luo Ya's cheeks twitched, and his heart aches for no reason. If this repulsive force, which is not inferior to the god Luo Tianzheng, falls on the building behind him, I am afraid that the mansion built by himself will be It was scrapped directly.

When it was too late, Luo Ya had a seal of a treasure bottle in his hands, and the solemn and sacred aquarium quickly blocked the repulsion's path.

A sound like Hong Zhong Dalu broke through the barrier of the barrier and echoed in Konoha. Although it was a hard-on attack sound, it carried the Buddhist power that can calm all disputes and wash people's hearts.

Many Konoha residents showed a soft smile on their faces after hearing the chime, and it seemed that the irritable things had become more pleasing to the eye.

Reversed by the repulsive force, and hearing this sound at close range, Hinata, who was panicked, quickly calmed down. He staggered and stood firm, not daring to move a little, fearing that he could not control this force. What else would he do? Terrible things.

The boiling power of the reincarnated eyes slowly subsided, and the blue flames that had been boiling constantly, as if burning, also slowly stabilized.

Hancock and baby5, who were waiting in full battle, breathed a sigh of relief, so that the power to calm down is not too strong, even the two of them can easily cope.

"Hina, try to control this power, she belongs to you, believe in yourself, you can do a good job." Luo Ya calmed Xiao Hina with words and encouraged Lori to try to control this power.

Although the reincarnation eye was restricted by Hinata's body and sealed most of its power, it was still out of control. If it was not controlled, Hinata might not want to return to school in a short time.

Hearing Loya's words, although Hinata still didn't dare to move, he blinked his eyes to signal that he understood, and then closed his eyes to become familiar with the changes in his body.

After more than ten minutes, Hinata, who had mastered the knack, slowly released the rebirth-eye chakra mode, turned into a normal appearance, and sat on the ground all at once.

Luo Ya hurriedly came to Hinata's side, transported medical ninjutsu to examine her body, and the strength beyond the body's endurance would cause permanent damage.

After an examination, Luo Ya breathed a sigh of relief. Simply this power came from Hinata's own blood. Although he was a little tired, there was no irreparable wound.

Bang bang bang

The door of the mansion kept knocking, and Kagura saw the Hyuga Hippopotamus outside the door, and Roja waved his hand to lift the surrounding barrier.

Hyuga Nissaka was practising soft fist in the training ground just now, and suddenly he felt a pressure from his blood, making him, who claimed to have a pure blood, almost had the urge to kneel and kowtow.

The same clan who is also working hard in the training ground may not know why, but he knows very well that there is only one possibility for this unprecedented feeling, and that is that Hinata has become a reincarnation.

He hurriedly ran to Roja's mansion and saw the enchantment gleaming with a strong luster and the dark part surrounding it, and Hyuga Nissaka became more sure of his thoughts.

"Naruto-sama Hinata, isn't it, isn't it?" Hyuga Hizu's face was full of hope and worry, and the entangled expression made it completely unable to say the next thing.

Ask for flowers

Before he heard Roja personally confirm, he was afraid that he was just happy for nothing. In the past two years, he gradually let go of the clan and division, he can feel the preciousness of family affection more and more, that kind of bondage, far from being a bird curse in a cage. Can be bound.

He needs an opportunity. As long as there is an opportunity, he can persuade the elders group to get rid of the embarrassing situation of the clan and the branch, and usher in the spring of the Hyuga clan.

And the only chance was his baby girl, Hinata

"Although I can't control that kind of power yet, it is indeed awakened." Roja saw the eager Hyuga Nizu and knew the eagerness in this guy's heart, so he simply told him.

"Haha Nikkei Nikkei" Hyuga Hizuru laughed and kept chanting the name of his brother, who is the eldest brother and would like to receive unequal treatment for his brothers.

Luo Ya touched Xiao Hin Tian's head and gave him a bright smile. Now she has the power of reincarnation eye. Even if the reincarnation eye chakra mode is not activated, she is also the first in her generation.

A few days later, Hinata, who was initially able to control the power of the rebirth eye, appeared in front of several elders of the Hyuga family. After a series of operations by the Hyuga Hizusaki, the Hyuga family announced the abolition of the cage bird system.

The abolition of the caged bird not only eliminated the grievances between the branch and the clan, but also improved the strength of the separated ninja more or less.

This kind of benign development is naturally undesirable for Roya, Hokage.

Hinata's true power level was concealed, and outsiders only showed the power of Shinobu, but the seven-year-old Shinobu was enough to spread the uproar among Konoha.

After challenging Hinata several times, the original chief student Sasuke almost wiped his neck and committed suicide. Had it not been for the comfort of a good friend and crane tail Naruto, I am afraid that he would really be devastated.

After solving the troubles of Lori Hinata, Roja became annoyed. Hinata’s Treasure Chest was refreshed in her bedroom this morning. Faced with this painful opening condition, he didn’t know what to do. How to complain. .

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