One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 856: Fenghua Xiaoxue's help

The opening conditions of Hinata Hinata’s Treasure Chest were hand-wrapped by Hinata Oriichi, and he added a bet not to use shadow clones and other cheating methods.


Roja looked at the opening conditions for this cheating, and the whole person is not good, so it’s fine to knit, even a scarf.

Although as a big man, she is a little bit of a woman who knits scarves, she is still in an acceptable range, so she hides and knits quietly so that no one else can see.

But what the hell is it to knit a wrap, even if it can be woven, can it be given away? I'm a Hokage anyway, and I'm drunk when I think about it.

And how to weave it with the special wrapping? That spongy, stretchy fabric can really be woven by hand. Do you have to ask about the "One Eight Seven" Zhihuo Wu

The most important thing is to replace Hinata yourself

Roja was holding his head with a headache, and could hardly face this bleak life. The more difficult it is to deal with the girl, the more awkward the conditions that the system offers, but Hinata’s difficulty coefficient is really high.

After having a headache for a long time, I still can't think of a reason. Roja can only temporarily suppress the opening of the treasure chest. Anyway, Xiao Nizi Hinata is still young, so there is no need to worry about these things for the time being.

Within a few days of the peaceful days, a surprising person, Fenghua Xiaoxue, greeted Roya's office.

"Master Hokage, excuse me." Fenghua Xiaoxue stood at the desk, with a trace of hesitation on her face, looking at Luo Ya with some evasive eyes.

After taking the Daluli Capsule, this girl's height, except for Hancock, who had just arrived here from the Pirate World, was completely able to stand up to Tongji. At this time, she was standing in front of the desk with a pair of long legs that completely exceeded the height of the desk. .

The upper body is wearing a small fluffy lace sling, a white plush shawl is draped, and the lower body is wearing a translucent knee-length gauze skirt, and the leggings under it can be clearly seen.

Stepping on the high heels brought back from Pirate World under his feet, Roja looked at it a few times and had to say that this woman is indeed a stunner after such a dressing.

"It's really rare to see you here, what's the matter?" Luo Ya stopped sending Mu Dun energy to the flowerpot beside him, turned around and asked softly.

Fenghua Xiaoxue was originally a princess of the Snow Country, and under the alias of Fuji Kazee, she became a member of the Girls' Generation, and now she is a household name.

The Pirate series of movies is currently being edited and will be launched soon. At that time, its reputation is likely to be greatly improved, and it can be regarded as a cash cow for Roja.

Although he is not short of money, even after a trip to Pirate World, he almost never needs to worry about spending all his wealth, but Fenghua Xiaoxue's role is not just that.

The cultural invasion strategy is a very important part of Luo Ya's many strategies. If it can be successful, many things will be implemented in the future, and they will get a lot of gains. Therefore, Luo Ya did not treat this woman like ordinary subordinates.

Fenghua Xiaoxue bit Chun, and glanced at Xiaonan, Maoyue Xiyan and Mebis, who wanted to say something, but never said anything.

Xiao Nan nodded to Luo Ya clearly, and walked out of the office with Yuyue Xiyan and Mebis. Since Fenghua Xiaoxue wanted to speak alone, they would naturally not stop them.

"Hokage-sama, you should know who I am." Fenghua Xiaoxue gritted his teeth, remembering what his father and Santao Asama had said, waiting for his citizens, and slowly spoke.

"Fuji Kazee, formerly known as Fuuka Koyuki, Princess of the Snow Country, because her uncle Fuuka Rage hired Xueren to kill Fuuka Hayuki, and escaped the Snow Country with the help of Anbe Ninja Kakashi"

Roja stood up, took out a folder from the information shelf on the side, pulled out one of the pages, and read a few words softly.

Fenghua Xiaoxue heard what Luo Ya was reading, a trace of sadness flashed across her face. After escaping from a ghost place, she never wanted to go back. What happened that day became a nightmare in her life.

But over time, after seeing all kinds of powers that are countless times stronger than the wind, the flower and the raging waves, a trace of thought arose in her heart, she wanted to avenge her father.

Under the instigation of Mitao Asama, she stepped into this originally feared place, whether it was in Konoha, other places in the Ninja world, or in the vast Pirate World, she heard the most The powerful person is the man in front of you

Fenghua Rage is an invincible enemy to Fenghua Xiaoxue, but for the man in front of him, it may be just a slightly larger ant.

"Please take revenge for me, please?" Fenghua Xiaoxue lowered her head, which had always been high, and softly spoke to Roya of her request.

"You are very smart, you should not understand. Ninjas are never the kind of person who does good deeds without asking for anything in return." Luo Ya rolled his eyes, and just now he guessed what the girl wanted to say.

However, there is no benefit in helping her regain control of the Snow Country. If this girl runs back to the Snow Country to become a princess, the newly established Girls' Generation will fall apart. For a group, this behavior is fatal.

The Snow Country is very selective, and the resources are very barren. Even if it is Konoha's subject country, it is of little value. Could it be that Snow Country offers some iced plum soup every year

Fenghua Xiaoxue showed a trace of struggle on her face when she heard Luoya's words. When she came, she had already expected the current result.

"However, it is not impossible to ask me to help you." Luo Ya put the materials in his hands back into the folder, put them in the information cabinet, organized the language in his heart, and looked back at Fenghua Xiaoxue.

As long as the girl agrees to give the Snow Country to her subordinates to take care of her, she will continue to work for 00 Girls' Generation with the title of a princess, and solving a storm is as simple as eating and drinking.

The foreign objects like Chakra armor are no different from rubbish for the real strong, not to mention Roja, even now that the rope tree is gone, there is no scum that can wipe out the wind and flowers in minutes.

It's just that this kind of request is obviously a bit excessive, giving up his status as a national leader to earn money for himself, Luo Ya feels a little embarrassed when he speaks, he still can't be like those black-hearted businessmen, who are cheated and deceived, and everything is in line with money.

Fenghua Xiaoxue heard Loya's words and slowly threw her ferret shawl aside, twisted gently, untied her belt, and let the black gauze dress fall to the ground. She wore it so conveniently and naturally. It is a preparation for dedication.

"Hey, hey, hey, stop."

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