One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece Treasure Box System 860: Hexagonal Crystal

This kind of self-detonation device will activate the Chakra in the body to the maximum, and guide the whole body to send out a big explosion beyond imagination. It was originally a flaw in the armor, but now it has become his last resort.

"Bored." Luo Ya watched as his body grew bigger and bigger, his body energy resembling nuclear fission and the surging wind and flowers, with a boring look on his face, and the outer bondage mark was formed in his hands again.

The enchantment once used to besie the daughter of Ugly Time surrounded the wind and flowers and the angry waves, and the six-toothed white elephants on it exuded a rich golden light.

Fenghua Xiaoxue was horrified on her face, watching the larger and larger Fenghua raging waves, which was no longer human-like, hurriedly ran in the direction of Luo Ya.


A pretty face slammed into the transparent barrier in front of her, Fenghua Xiaoxue fell backward, and sat on the ground with her face covered, tears streaming down her eyes, and a little bit of blood leaked out of Qiong's nose.

Luo Ya helplessly held her forehead with her hand. Can't this girl's IQ slightly improve? I didn't see Fenghua and Rage smashing herself on the barrier just now. She wanted to try it herself.

A huge noise came from the enchantment that was besieged by Fenghua and Rage, but although the sound was loud, the power of the explosion was completely trapped in the enchantment that was three meters square.

The halo of the Holy Spirit barrier was shining with dazzling light, and the self-detonation that was already more powerful than the forbidden technique slowly began to fall into silence.

Although the nine-character mantra consumes chakras very much, the effect is beyond doubt. Even if the self-detonation power of Fenghua and Rage is doubled, it is of no use. This kind of thing is enough to control the nine tails.


The power of the explosion dissipated, and Fenghua Xiaoxue, who fell on her knees, kept whimpering in her mouth, as pitiful as a wounded cat or puppy, and the nosebleeds flowed continuously to the ground along the heart of her hand.

Luo Ya sighed, waved his hand to lift the barrier, and moved his feet to Fenghua Xiaoxue's side, and took out tissues and medical cotton from the system warehouse.

"Don't move, I've never seen you so stupid." Pulling Fenghua Xiaoxue's hand away, Luo Ya used Palm Xianshu with one hand, and stuffed medical cotton into his two nostrils with the other. in.

A little bump was quickly smashed under the medical ninjutsu, but it just broke the capillaries, and there was not much damage. This girl is now Roja's cash cow, and the whole body is the most precious face.

"I just forgot." Fenghua Xiaoxue felt Roya's movements, looked at the face close at hand, and a red cloud slowly floated on her face. This was the first time that she was treated like this by a man.

"What can you remember." Luo Ya rolled his eyes, wiped off the blood, and easily wiped away the tears on the girl's face. What a big star, he slammed his face straight against the barrier. The downside is that he didn't have plastic surgery like those stars in his previous life. Otherwise, it might be because of a crooked nose or a dropped jaw.

"I don't know" Fenghua Xiaoxue said blankly, the blush on her face became more and more obvious, since her father passed away, no one has ever said this to her.

Luo Ya just looked at the girl's expression and felt something was wrong, but she only regarded it as the shyness of an ordinary woman being touched so close.

But at this time, the treatment had ended, and she still had this look, which was absolutely problematic.

There was a burst of egg pain in my heart, Roja couldn’t help but slander, maybe this girl has an Electra complex and a tendency to be masochistic.

A burst of noise came from outside the door, interrupting Roja's bellyache. Although the power of the wind and the raging wave just didn't spread, the huge noise was spread out.

"Let's go, now I need to do one more thing." Luo Ya converged and said to Fenghua Xiaoxue who was sitting on the ground, but now he still needs to sweep the tail.

"Yeah." Fenghua Xiaoxue nodded, took Roya's palm and stood up from the ground, obediently standing beside him.

Motivated the moment in his pupils, and came to the huge radiator in an instant, Luo Ya looked at the black technology in front of him, and had to say that Fenghua Zaoxue was really capable.

This huge radiator that can affect a country is obviously driven by solar energy. Although it has not been completely completed, it is only because energy collection and expenditure are not proportional.

If you put it in the hands of the Dashemaru guy and use the latest technology, you can easily solve the problem, but the money consumed is definitely not a small amount.

Ask for flowers

Standing in front of the keyhole like an incense burner, Roja looked at the huge radiator in front of him, and opened his mouth to Fenghua Xiaoxue on the side.

"Hexagonal crystal."

Fenghua Xiaoxue heard the words, a trace of struggle flashed in her eyes, remembering the scene where Luo Ya was expecting to wipe the blood, but she became firm in an instant.

Untied the front of the clothes, took off the hexagonal crystal hanging on the neck, Fenghua Xiaoxue handed it to Luo Ya's hand, the purple crystal exuded intoxicating brilliance in the sun.

"Tsk, aren't you afraid that I will take away all the treasures of the Snow Country?" Luo Ya looked at the refreshing Fenghua Xiaoxue with a smile on his face. In the legend of the Snow Country, the hexagonal crystal is what opens the treasure.

"Don't be afraid." Fenghua Xiaoxue raised her head and looked at Luo Ya, a smile slowly spread across her face. Although she didn't know how precious the treasures of the Snow Kingdom were, she knew in her heart that the man in front of her was not for the treasures. Things came here.


Roja turned around and inserted the hexagonal crystal key into the keyhole, as if pulling down the switch, the semi-finished radiator started to spin at top speed.

A huge snowflake-shaped energy trough began to emerge on the ground, connecting the surrounding colorful heat sinks. The old snow and ice on the ground began to slowly melt, and the heat rose in the air.

"This is." Fenghua Xiaoxue couldn't help but screamed. It was the first time she felt such a warm breath in Snow Country.

"Just watch it with peace of mind." Luo Ya said, stepping back two steps, looking at the six huge heat sinks, forming a mark of child in his hand, and constantly calculating the angle of light refraction.

Around the radiator, huge changes took place in just a moment, and the long-silent machine began to hum and start working amidst the roar.

The six huge heat sinks slowly showed a colorful crystal luster, and huge heat was instantly radiated to the surroundings through the heat sinks.

The ice melted, revealing the shining grass beneath it, and the snow disappeared, revealing the real ground. The entire country of snow suddenly seemed to have come to spring, and everyone looked in the direction of the radiator in shock..

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