One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece Treasure Box System 861: Princess of Snow Country

"Believe in the future, in that case, spring will definitely come. What does Xiaoxue want to do after spring comes?" The voice of the former monarch of Snow Country echoed in the air.

Roja released the super-large black technology amplifier that he specially built when he took over as Naruto, and directly turned on the power to the maximum. Although it could only spread over a hundred miles, it was almost enough.

The image of Fenghua Xiaoxue when he was a child appeared in the center of the six radiators. Luo Ya once again magnified it by nearly a hundred times through the mapping of Light Escape, and presented it above the Snow Country.

"This is me" Fenghua Xiaoxue covered her mouth with one hand, staring blankly at the scene in midair.

Roja was relieved after finishing this. Although this thing does not cost much chakra, it is really very brain-burning to calculate. He is not the two fathers and sons of the Nara family. This fact is "20 Three" is not good at it.

"Xiaoxue is going to be a princess." The voice from the air continued, Fenghua Xiaoxue, who was a child, answered Fenghua Zaoxue's question seriously.

"What kind of princess?"

"Be gentle, strong, and the princess with justice." Fenghua Xiaoxue heard what she had said, her eyes had gradually become moist.

"Hahaha, it's difficult, but if you take your dreams as your beliefs and keep pursuing without giving up, you will surely see this as your dreams come true. There is a beautiful princess standing here."

"But Xiaoxue is still worried about one thing, because there is still a dream."

"What another dream."


The tears in Fenghua Xiaoxue's eyes couldn't help it anymore, like a flood that burst a bank, flowing freely on her cheeks, laughing and crying, looking at herself when she was a child, she seemed to have returned to the past.

Luo Ya sorted out the imperial robes on his body and put on the Hokage hats that he hadn't worn for a long time. These things are necessary for the Snow Country to recognize Fenghua Xiaoxue's rule.

The residents of Snow Country looked up at the images reflected in the sky, listening to the conversation between Fenghua Zaoxue and Fenghua Xiaoxue, their faces gradually showed bright smiles.

A gorgeous rainbow hung on the horizon, and all the beautiful scenes appeared in front of the residents of Snow Country.

"Are you ready to announce your return to the people of Snow Country." Luo Ya stood beside Fenghua Xiaoxue, looked at this crying and laughing girl, and handed the headset over with helplessness.

Although the live screening just now was very tear-jerking and touching, but if you want to cry, you will cry, and you will laugh if you want to laugh. You cry and laugh, don’t you think it’s weird?

"Aren't you afraid that I will become a princess and won't you go back?" Fenghua Xiaoxue blinked, letting the tears flow on her face, smiling and joking to Luo Ya.

"You will be kidnapped." Luo Ya squinted at the girl. He was not blind, and he didn't know Fenghua Xiaoxue's thoughts.

"Hate" Fenghua Xiaoxue stepped into the front of Luo Ya, and wiped her tears with her imperial god robe.

"Hey, this dress is very expensive." Luo Ya quickly pushed away the girl who was trying to take advantage. Although Shiranui Mai's hand-sewn Yushen robe was of good quality, he was about to give a speech soon. He didn't want to get wet. Blockbuster.

Fenghua Xiaoxue wiped away her tears with a smile. After putting on the headset, she stood in the most elegant posture and stood beside Luo Ya with a confident, cheerful and gentle smile on her face.

"I'm ready."


Luo Ya replied, bearing the mark of the child with one hand, and a colorful beam of light rose under the feet of the two, slowly supporting them to the place where the light and shadow were mapped just now.

Under the influence of Guangdan, the figures of the two of them were magnified countless times, and appeared in front of the people of Snow Country. Luo Ya cleared his throat and began to speak rather solemnly.

"I am Hokage Uzumaki Autumn Leaves of Konoha Ninja Village, and I was commissioned by the princess of Snow Country and Fenghua Xiaoxue to help them clear the chaotic party, Fenghua, Futao and others. Citizens of the Kingdom of Snow Hope told each other."

With a smile on Roja’s face, this thing made the teacher famous. In addition, Fenghua Xiaoxue is indeed the most orthodox heir of the Snow Country. Before Fenghua and Rage, some people who clamored before Fenghua and Rage would jump out to be nosy, and it would never happen. .

Fenghua Xiaoxue turned on the headset switch, and the expression on her face became solemn and solemn. Even if she couldn't see the reaction of the people of Snow Country, she still liked the feeling of standing in front of the stage.

"I am very happy that Master Naruto can accept my entrustment. The residents of Snow Country have experienced too much suffering, I hope"

Ten days later, under the support of the loyalists headed by Santao Asama, Fenghua Koyuki ascended to the position of the monarch of the Snow Country, and the whole country celebrated.

After that, it only took this girl five days to settle the domestic affairs. After promoting Asama Santao to a minister responsible for handling daily affairs, she ran away quite willfully.

Luo Ya was sitting behind his desk with his cheeks, watching Fenghua Xiaoxue who was standing in front of Qiaoshengsheng, a black line in his forehead, he had just seen clearly through the eyes of truth, the girl's clothes were in a vacuum again.

"Didn't I give you 40 days off? There are still more than ten days left. Why are you so anxious to come back and do?"

"Because I'm afraid of being kidnapped." Fenghua Xiaoxue said with a smile, pointing straight to the joke that Luo Ya had made with her back then.

Xiao Nan raised his eyebrows, put down the office pen in his hand, and was already ready to take Mebis out to go shopping. According to this situation, it should be a side show in a while.

Luo Ya patted her cheek speechlessly, really helpless to Fenghua Xiaoxue, even if you want to dedicate yourself, can you not choose the office person with many eyes, you are embarrassed to make a big move.

"It's okay to come back earlier. The crew said that your dubbing hasn't been finished yet. Go ahead. If you can see the finished product as early as 07, you will be really popular."

It must be done as soon as possible to change the subject, dignified Hokage, what's going on in the office all the time, a group of ninjas see that Xiao Nan and others are going out, they can't figure out what they think.

"Does it sound great, Hokage-sama, I'm going back to the dormitory at 8 o'clock in the evening. Now the female dormitory is really empty."

When Fenghua Xiaoxue heard Luo Ya's words, she cast a coquettish eye, and directly used the assassin's trick. Naturally, there is no need to say more about the meaning of her words.

Looking at Fenghua Xiaoxue who turned to leave, Mebis in the office frowned and thought for a while, summing up what he had learned, and came to a conclusion.

"My lord, Sister Xuehui asked you to go to her at eight o'clock in the evening. Is this making an appointment with you?"

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