One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 873: Have you ever seen a real god of death?

This kind of death is more thorough than the death of the body. Roja doesn't know if Naruto World has such a saying in this life and afterlife, but at the very least, even if it is reincarnated in the dirty soil, it cannot be reborn in a humble state.

"Reaper has your grandson, do you really think I'm afraid of you?" Luo Ya waved the Zanpaku Knife in his hand, and the thunderbolt sputtered out, illuminating the surrounding scene, Wukong technique urged and stopped Dropped the body.

"Hahahaha came to my world, it is still so rampant, it seems that the world has long forgotten the power of ghosts and gods like me." The voice of death continued to be heard from all directions, a cold breath made Roya's back There are small goose bumps on it.

The Zanpai Knife in his hand continued to transform the Chakra in his body into a spiritual child, and Luo Ya's body emitted a bright white light, which was incompatible with the cold and dark surroundings.

"Death" Roja snorted coldly, no longer paying attention to the clamor of death, his eyes narrowed slightly, the real eye and the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel were activated at the same time, and he already saw the dirt hundreds of meters below, which was full of black ghosts. The soil of qi seems to be able to sink people forever.

On the soil, there are many broken soul bodies, and you can vaguely see their appearance before alive. The black ghosts are constantly eroding these soul bodies, as if they are being decomposed and digested.

Roja lowered his figure and looked around, and saw a familiar figure lying on the dark dirt, surrounded by Nine-Tailed Chakra.

Wave wind water gate

"This character, tusk." Luo Ya said with a tut, Bo Feng Shuimen's personality charm is indeed not small, and the Nine Tails, who hated him so much that they hated him, were split into two halves. Protecting his soul.

Except for Bofeng Water Gate, there is no complete soul in the entire space.

Ignoring the soul of Watergate, under the sensation of Kagura's eyes, Roja came to a thick wall, and it was this wall that completely enveloped the entire space.

The ghost aura on the wall is dozens of times richer than the ghost aura on the ground. The temperature seems to be able to freeze the soul of a person, and the whistling ghost aura, perceiving the approach of Loya, turns into a hideous and terrifying appearance. The ghost of the snarling kept roaring, showing his sharp teeth.

"There¨" Roja's real eyes saw through the layers of ghostly energy, and in the midair, he saw a tightly closed mouth that was almost impossible to find. He knew in his heart that he was probably swallowed into this space from here.

Space ninjutsu has been affected here to some extent. The Thunder God technique that was originally in the Naruto world has completely lost its induction, that is, its instantaneous ability. It seems that it has also been suppressed. There are unique rules here. If you want to go out, you have to Rely on this crack.

Suzaku Chiba Ling

Luo Ya snorted in his heart, dressed in a gorgeous flame Han suit, and he hadn't used the two initial solutions of the Zanpodao for a long time.

"Don't want to succeed" has been paying attention to Luo Ya's death in secret, and when he saw the appearance of Suzaku Qianyu Ling, he felt a creepy breath.

When Wan Zhong Lei Ming Jie and Suzaku Qian Yu Ling are used together, it is not as simple as one plus one equals two. The power level is directly increased several times.

The tossing ghost gas flooded towards Luo Ya, the ghost gas mimicking the skeleton skull, rushing to him one after another, but did not cause any harm.

The thunder light above the tens of thousands of thunders kept flickering, and the fire light above the Suzaku's thousands of feathers burned, and the ghost energy turned into nutrients that nourished both.

Like a glutton who has been hungry for a long time, the Suzaku Qianyu Ling and the tens of thousands of thunder and tribulations after the initial solution are madly devouring the surrounding ghosts. Such scattered ghosts are no different from sulfuric acid for ordinary souls. It’s just food.

"Reaper, right, have you seen a real Reaper?" Luo Ya felt the unprecedented full power in the Zanpaku Knife, and couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

"Wha, what?" Death came from an uncertain voice, seeing the thunder knife in Roja's hand and the scarlet clothes, and felt a wave of energy that made his heart palpitate.

"Thunder Knife Slash" Luo Ya whispered, tens of thousands of thunder tribulations formed the tiger soul Thunder Knife drew a magnificent sword light, the pale sword light was filled with the power of thunder and lightning, and the tyrannical aura instantly bombarded the gap. Above.

With the full-strength swordsmanship, coupled with the strong power of the Zanpaku Dao, the gap urging the pull-out gap was cut open, and Luo Ya's figure flashed out of the gap.

It was like passing through a crack in time and space. Death's body formed a realm of its own. Just after drilling through the gap, Roja's body was enlarged several times.

"I'm driving you crazy" Luo Ya turned around, and the Zanpaku Knife in his hand, with a mighty force, slashed directly at the death behind him.

The defensive god of death raised the short knife in his hand and took a powerful and angered blow from Luo Ya, who couldn't help but retreat slightly.

"What is that?"

"It seems to be the smell of a stranger, a delicious smell of flesh and blood"

"My body seems to be afraid of that person"

The noise came, all kinds of shrill or rough voices, making Roya who was about to chase the god of death stunned, and Kagura instantly fed back the surrounding scenes.

There are countless large and small ghosts spread over dozens of kilometers. The large ones are like hills and small ones, only the size of a fist. They are ugly, with blue-faced fangs, red horns and black claws.

The only existence that was more human-like was standing beside the god of death, in front of the nine-tailed fox Yuzao who had a relationship with Roja. At this time, seeing his appearance, he hurriedly opened the distance between the two.

The god of death stepped back quickly, looking at the nice little crack on the short blade in his hand. After a rush of black energy, he repaired it again, looking at the Zanpaku Knife in Loya's hand, with a look in his eyes. With endless greed.

This kind of power that can restrain almost all ghosts and demons, for him, represents not a threat, but a huge temptation. As long as it can be put in the bag, then there will be a trump card to overwhelm powerful ghosts and gods such as the drinking boy. At that time, he will be the only emperor in the world of ghosts and gods.

"Nima, what a Hundred Ghosts Night Walk is so special? There are enough ghosts." Luo Ya looked down and saw the overwhelming number of ghosts and charms. He couldn't help feeling like one in his heart, with a surprised look on his face. .

The legends of the previous life and the records of the Maelstrom family seem to be really unreliable at this time. There are one hundred and eight kinds of ghosts, and now this number is more than enough to multiply by two hundred.

"Hand over the strange knife in your hand, I can release you back to the spirit world."

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