One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 874: The Returning Medium

When the god of death saw Luo Ya's expression, he regarded it as shock, a smirk appeared on his face, and the words were full of temptation.

"Oh so good." While watching the ghosts and demons around him, Roja dealt with the words of the god of death. With such things as ghosts, he also dealt with Yuzaoqian and the daughter of Ugly Time. It was completely unclear what kind of weird methods he had.

Although I feel these tens of thousands of ghosts, there are less than a hundred of them, but you can be careful, just like the girl of the ugly time encountered in the short book street, the blue baby is simply impossible to guard against.

"My reputation has always been good, and I will never go back on what I say." A smile appeared on Death's pale face, and this smile revealed the sharp teeth in his mouth.

"Do you believe what you said?" After looking around for a while, after thinking that he should be able to cope with it, Roja raised his eyebrows and looked at death jokingly.

With so many ghosts, the most powerful is naturally death.The second most powerful is the beautifully dressed woman on the side of the altar. If the guess is correct, this woman should be a ghost and smoke from the whirlpool family.

Descending down the row, Jing Mole Cricket 163, Tu Buddha, Yuzao's front power level is more than a bit worse when encountering demons. There are dozens of slightly stronger ghosts, most of which are recorded, and the densely packed little ghosts are not scary at all. .

No matter how large the amount of rubbish is, it is just rubbish. The change in quantity and qualitative change will not happen to everything.

"If I don't want to, I can only grab it, roar ha ha ha" Death shook his head, failing in his own strategy, without any irritation and frustration, his eyes were completely focused on the Zan Po Dao.

"Idiot." Luo Ya squinted his eyes, and the aura on his body suddenly burst out. The soaring spiritual pressure caused the entire Ghost God Realm to be surging, and the originally dark sky of the Ghost God Realm began to become turbulent.

After seeing this change, Luo Ya did not stop, but increased the explosion of spiritual pressure, Zhanpei Dao lit up a dazzling light, and the entire Ghost God Realm shook.

Normally, he did not violate each other with ghosts and gods, and led another group of ghostly wine-swallowing boys. They stood up from the soft couch all of a sudden, and saw the direction Roja was in, his eyes filled with solemnity.

Without the slightest hesitation, knowing that an unknown enemy had appeared, the boy who swallowed the wine, immediately let the boy of Ibaraki command the move, and began to move towards the land of the god of death, and he himself flew directly to the position of Luo Yaluoya.

Another powerful ghost and god who can hardly live in seclusion, feeling the fear from the depths of the soul, stepped out of the dark crypt, seeing the scene like the end of the day, with a cruel and crazy smile on his face.

With a short knife in his hand and a huge robe, the god of death couldn't hide his skinny body. He staggered back two steps, and the ramblings just disappeared completely.

If the feeling that Roja just brought him was a touch of heart palpitations, then at this time, what he brought to him is a crisis that almost threatens his survival.

"Unexpectedly, the extinct Onmyoji has appeared as a brilliant and talented character like you. Not only is the magic weapon powerful, but I am also the same."

A little bit of sweat was already in the palm of the god of death, tightening the short knife in his hand, looking for a cause in his mouth, wanting to delay time.

In the Ghost God Realm, there has been an agreement to carry foreign enemies together since ancient times. It is precisely because of the existence of this agreement that the former Onmyojis can be wiped out by them one by one.

"Master Onmyoji, don't take out that kind of rubbish job to talk about it, Yuzao Qian." Luo Ya shook his head and looked at the hidden place in front of the nine-tailed fox Yuzao and spoke softly.

He still had a few questions in his heart, but these questions were obviously impossible for Death to answer him. At this time, it would be appropriate for Yuzao, who is good at protecting himself, to come out with little power.

"Reaper-sama bd" Yuzao had a pitiful expression on his face, cautiously walked out from behind a huge ghost and looked at the Reaper.

However, the god of death was also very nervous at this time, and the power that Roja burst out was beyond his control. In order to delay time, how could he care for his favorite concubine.

Handing a look at what happened, Death guarded Roya without blinking.Seeing this before Yuzao, a trace of cruelty flashed in the depths of his eyes. This kind of ruthless thing is what he hates most.

"My lord, it's been a long time since I've seen you. Now the adults seem to have become stronger again. Congratulations to the slave family." Nine-tailed fox Yuzao hid his thoughts in front of him. Although his legs were frightened, he still swayed gracefully. , Walked towards Roja.

"I remember you originally said that you will remember my knife." Luo Ya raised his eyebrows and watched the fascination suppressing himself while walking, but it was even more attractive before Tamamo, sighed in his heart, this fox deserves it. It was the fairy who confused the Warring States Period, and Bai Ji could almost fight against each other.

"Of course the slave family will not forget it. I am still very scared when I think of it. I really hope that adults can be gentle with the slave family." Seeing people talking, hell talking nonsense, the nine-tailed fox Yuzao has gone through many years of training. I have developed the ability to deal with other people a long time ago, and I can handle it with ease.

"Whether you are gentle or not, it depends on your next performance. If you perform well, I don't mind letting you go." Luo Ya squinted, and the murderousness on his body made Yuzao, who had seen countless big scenes, stiff. Obediently nodded.

Grim Reaper was holding a short knife tightly to the side, trying to say something, but the Zanpaku knife in Roja's hand could not say it. He just looked vaguely in the direction of the drinking boy and another ghost god, and couldn't help it. I hope the two will come soon.

Roja turned a blind eye to the tension of the god of death. Under the reckless spirit pressure, he could clearly feel the arrival of two powerful ghosts, but even if the three ghosts and gods are superimposed on top of each other, it can be just a few bigger ones. No matter the ants, there are many ways to restrain them.

"The conditions of your appearance in the living world, the reasons for the formation, to make a long story short, don't play any tricks." Luo Ya put the Zhanpaku knife on Yuzao's neck, which was close at hand, and the exposed electric light made his body Green smoke came out from above.

"My lord slave hurts, hurts." After Yuzao's makeup removed, the delicate face was completely distorted, his face paled with pain, but he did not dare to resist the slightest.

"If you know it hurts, just say it quickly, don't waste my time." Luo Ya put down the Zanpei Knife on Yuzao's front neck, showing no mercy on his face.

"My lord, we must have a medium when we go to the realm of life. This medium can be a mask of a ghost or a temple statue."

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