One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 877: You are too slow

"If you have the means, use it quickly, don't wait until it is chopped up to regret." Luo Ya saw the posture of the god of death, and did not worry at all, holding a knife in his right hand, and forming a nine-character mantra wisdom fist seal and inner bondage with one hand in his left hand. Printed.

A rich golden light enveloped Roja's left arm, forming an armor-like glove. On each knuckle, there was a pocket-sized lion, which was solemn but extremely aggressive.

The combination of the two kinds of Nine Characters Mantra mudra looks like another. This is a method that Luo Ya has only recently researched to deal with this kind of ghost and charm.

With the advent of the Mantra Gloves, golden light shone in all directions, and the body of the wine-swallowing boy and others who were shining on, unexpectedly showed black air.

The trio's complexion changed wildly, and it was unexpected that at this time, did Roja have any trump cards

"You're going to work hard, or you'll have to die." The wine-tuning boy threw off the robe tied around his waist, revealing the knee-length shorts underneath, with an extremely ugly expression on his face.

"Reaper, if I didn't die this time, I won't let you go." The big tengu stared at Roja's body closely, and the dark souls kept entwining his body.

The god of death did not say anything, this situation was indeed caused by it, but if it were the drinking boy and the big tengu, they would definitely make the same choice.

In the Naruto World, Roya destroyed all the noodle halls and ordered the demolition of more than a dozen ghost temples, which is tantamount to breaking their way to the living world for food.

Cutting off a person's wealth is like killing a parent, let alone a more ruthless lack of food. There is no ghost or god, and when I see Roya, I don't want to smash him into pieces.

"The chat is over, it's a bit in a hurry, I have to deal with you quickly." A dangerous smile hung on Roja's face. There has been a lot of delay here. If we calculate according to the time, I am afraid that Tsunade and others have already reached the border. No more time can be wasted when war is about to start.

Roya moved his feet, and the ability to spur the instant shave appeared beside the god of death. The persimmon had to pick up a soft pinch. As the weakest of the three, he was naturally the target of the operation.

"Give me to die" Grim Reaper bit the short blade, and made a vague sound in his mouth. The hair and beard were all stretched. The haircut of the hedgehog's head instantly began to skyrocket, condensing into something like the tip of a spiral gun.

Upon seeing the wine-storing boy and the big tengu, they hurriedly stepped forward to help the god of death. The three were already weak. If one were to be killed again, the two under him might not be far from death.

Six Types of Profound Righteousness

Not caring about the long hair coming from the god of death at all, Luo Ya's left fist hit his abdomen, and his right hand Zampai pointed at the boy and the big tengu.

"Shoot them, thousands of thunderstorms"


The golden lightning was swift and fast, Roja's left fist was equally powerful, the death god's hair was smashed and destroyed, and his hands suddenly hugged the mantra gloves.

The wine-swallowing boy reluctantly used his wine jar to cover the front of the wine jar, but the power of thousands of thunder and tribulations directly penetrated the wine jar, leaving an inch of hollow in his mouth.

The big tengu raised his arm to block, but the block was of no use at all. The arm was divided into two, a fist-sized hollow, from which one could clearly see the landscape behind.

If it weren't for the body of a ghost and god, this kind of injury would be fatal, black air coming out from the wound, the intense pain that was splashed over by sulfuric acid, stimulating the fragile nerves of the drinking boy and the big tengu.

"Ah" Grim Reaper uttered a violent cry, and when his hands touched the mantra gloves, he opened and melted. The power of the Nine-Character Mantra Mudra also has a huge restraint effect on them, and this effect is even stronger than that of the Zanpodao .

The short blade that had been in his mouth fell, and the life-threatening attack that the god of death wanted to launch was also directly destroyed. After Roja used the thunderous robbery to force the boy and the big tengu back, his backhand was a slap.

The huge sword energy directly cut the death god's body in half, and the Bo Feng Shui gate sealed in his abdomen opened his eyes, and the nine-tailed Chakra moved fiercely and suddenly came out.

Luo Ya didn't care about the escape of Bo Feng Shui Gate, the Zan Po Knife in his hand lit up with a dazzling thunder light, dividing the body of the god of death.

Seeing that the god of death was about to be wiped out under the power of Zan Pokhan, Luo Ya took out the Xuanyin Purple Jade Gourd again and urged it.

After these fragments were sucked into the gourd, Roya showed a smile on his face and looked at the Bo Feng Shui Gate on the side. He originally thought that he would regain consciousness after getting rid of the trap, but it seemed that this was not the case.

A white and pure light tore through the sky of the ghost and god realm, shining on Bofeng Shuimen's body, closing his eyes tightly, and slowly moving towards the sky, obviously to ascend into the legendary pure land.

Luo Ya turned away from Zui and looked back at the wine-tuning boy and the big tengu, only to see that the two had already planned to escape at this time, and the big tengu directly formed the handprints of using the medium to reach the living world.

"Can you run?" Luo Ya snorted, knowing that the death god's tragic death scared the two once invincible ghosts and gods, and when he moved his feet, he appeared beside Jieyin's big tengu.

How can this nourishment for making Xuanyin water let it slip from your hands?

The original fourteen handprints usually take less than three seconds to complete. At this time, in the eyes of the big tengu, this speed is terribly slow.

Roja wielded the Zanpaku Knife, and the light of the Thunder Sword, whose 143 eyes could not be clearly seen, flashed by, returning to the basics of swordsmanship, making the big Tiangu desperate.

A faint of black smoke emerged from the wrists, and both hands and wrists were separated from the body, but the big tengu did not utter the imaginary cry of pain. In the face of the fear of life and death, all the pain was temporarily ignored.

"The wine-swallowing boy is much smarter than you." Luo Ya said from the side of the big tengu, urging the purple jade gourd, slowly breaking it into pieces and putting it in.

The wine-swallowing boy has run several kilometers away at this time. When the big tengu tried to use the handprints that went to the psychic world, he knew that the big tengu was bound to die, and his only chance to survive was that he had rushed to it. Subordinate.

After finishing the big tengu, Roja urged him to instantly appear in front of the wine-swallowing boy. The tip of the raised Zanpei sword pointed directly at its chamber.

"How could you be so fast?" The wine swallowing boy screamed, and the fragile nerves broke down as soon as he saw Roja, and the wine jar in his hand hit him.

"It's you too slow." Luo Ya said noncommittal, and raised the Zhanpoknife to open the wine jar. The left hand covered by the mantra glove instantly pierced the wine swallowing boy behind the wine jar.

"Ah" The wine swallowing boy suddenly looked like a drake pinched by his neck, he could only watch Zan Po Dao approaching. .

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