One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 878: Mouth Escape Offensive

In a moment, the three major ghosts and gods who had been fierce for many years all fell, and the broken corpses were all taken into the Xuanyin purple jade gourd by Luo Ya.

Kagura's eyes sensed the wave of ghosts and demons coming here, with a bright smile on his face, Roja's ability to mobilize moments appeared above the heads of tens of thousands of ghosts and demons.

"Purple jade gourd, close" unplugged the cork of the purple jade gourd, Roja pointed it at the tens of thousands of ghosts and demons above the ground. These ghosts and demons were almost the same as those under the command of death. The most powerful was the legendary wine-swallowing boy My heartfelt brother Ibaraki Doko.

Tens of thousands of ghosts and charms have not yet reacted to what is going on. The huge suction power of the purple jade gourd caused them to sway in an instant. The weaker ones have already flew into the air, and their bodies are sucked into the purple jade gourd uncontrollably.

The panic and fear spread among the ghosts, and the flustered scream made Roya who stood high in the air raised his eyebrows. Without the command of the ghosts, these ghosts did not even form a decent resistance.

With the massive supply of chakras, the purple jade gourd exploded with great power, which was faster than when Luo Ya first used it.

After sweeping away the ghosts, Luo Ya shook the purple jade gourd. Although the effect is still not visible, as long as he waits seven days, he can get the Xuanyin water that the system said.

The strength of the soul is too difficult to improve, and this mysterious water seems extraordinarily important when Dayan will never enter.

Just now, the spiritual power in Roya's body continued to explode, and the general situation of the Ghost God Realm was already clear. The ghosts and the wine-swallowing boy commanded nearly all the ghosts.

After the two ghosts and ghosts were processed, the ghosts and gods world was empty, with only one or two free little ghosts left. Of course, Roja would not care about this kind of thing that even the god of death and the wine-swallowing boy could not see.

Sensing several flying thunder god techniques far away from him, Roja urged the thunder god technique, his body instantly disappeared in place and appeared in Konoha's Hokage Building.

"Brother, are you finished with it?" "Kushinai saw Roja appear, with a deep joy on his face. Under the twists and turns, two days and one night have passed, and there has never been an enemy in the past. , It will be so difficult to deal with.

"Well, what's the situation on the front line now?" Luo Ya nodded, touched Kushina's little head, and turned to Xiao Nan to ask about the situation of Tsunade and others.

"The first army led by Mr. Jilaiya and the second army led by sister Tsunade have all reached the front line. Iwanin and Yunnin have also begun to station on the border, and they are in the confrontation phase."

Xiao Nan was also relieved when he saw Luo Ya's return. Hearing the question, he quickly explained the current situation.

"It's okay, then Konoha will be handed over to you, I will go to the front line to take a look."


Xiao Nan and the others nodded. Now the situation is urgent, it's not far from it, but let go, and when they start chatting, Konoha can settle down only by repelling the attacking Iwanin and Yunnin.

Luo Ya compared the location of the map, and after seeing the halo treasure chest shining with magnificent light, the ability to urge the moment first came to the Shenwubi Bridge.

In comparison, Tukage Onoki and Raikage Ai, Tukage’s threat is undoubtedly much greater. Whether it is the superb light and heavy rock technique or the blood succession to eliminate dust, it is far from ordinary ninjas. Deal with.

On Tsunade’s side, to be honest, Roja felt that there was no problem if he didn’t go. Tsunade’s original strength was not weak, and he had his own vitality seal increase, the help of the Big Five Element attribute seal technique, and the efficacy of the elixir. There is no need to use Chakra to maintain a youthful appearance, and the strength is several times stronger than in the original book.

Xi Rihong's illusion is also a big bug. After drinking the hero's water, Chakra exploded several times, and he can use the psychic beast mirage at will, which can be called a battlefield killer.

With Nara Lujiu, a pervert with an IQ of more than two hundred, is on the side, a Raikage alone is really not enough.

Instead, it was on the side of Zi Lai Ye and Sheng Shu. One was an unreliable old man, and the other was an even more unreliable 250. The former Anbu Minister Yu Nvzhi Wei was still normal, but his strength was not so good.

"I can see through your sister Oh Yemu, is it great to be bald? You still have a flower growing on your head and come to attack us paralyzed. My boss greets your granddaughter, black earth bastard, and dare to blow your beard and stare. Believe it or not you have a beard? I pulled out one of them and nothing left."

As soon as Roja appeared, he heard the unscrupulous screaming of the rope tree. It was commonplace to scold such things before the battle, but the scolding of this guy was really vulgar.

I have been with Luo Ya for decades, and I don't know how much I have learned from the others. He has definitely learned the ability to curse people. He can use it flexibly as long as he has heard it once.

"Damn, hateful, Mu Dun kid, I want you to know what it means to respect the old and love the young" Oh Yemu's light and heavy rock art is a bit unsustainable. After becoming a soil shadow, he has never heard such abusive insults.

"It turns out that you love young Oh Yemu. You have a handful of old bones. Can you eat it? This is a personal effort. Oh, forget, the boss told me that you have a waist problem. Oh, a man’s waist is not good. Everything is equal to zero. Is it a female superior? "

Shengshu, this wretched guy, has taken shame to the extreme. It should have been a reason for nagging and condemning the opponent's front-line scolding. After he did this, he was as embarrassed as when he met old acquaintances in the kiln.

A gang of Konoha ninjas roared with laughter, unabashed sarcasm and joking in their eyes, and one after another echoed the saying that everything is zero.

The ninjas in the direction of Iwanobu were gloomy. A few of them were almost amused by the rope tree, and they were holding back hard. Their own shadows were laughed at, even if they were funny again, but once they laughed, it would be wrong.

"This two hundred and five" Roja stood at the back of the formation, covering his face speechlessly, and the guy Rope Shu scolded him, but he always mentioned what he did, either by greeting the black soil or talking. Out of the famous sayings he once said.

"Huh, you Konoha ninjas, under the leadership of Uzumaki Akiba, they are now completely degenerate, and there is no dignity of being a ninja in them, just like a gangster in the market."

Onoki held his waist with one hand, posing like a pregnant woman, angrily accused the rope tree, and the subordinates behind him were pulling war equipment one by one. Obviously, he couldn't stand the insult..

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