One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 883: Tsunade Violence

The new type of special forces squad was specially sent here by Roja to protect the safety of Tsunade and Yuhihong. Nara Shikahisa, a stubborn cargo, saw the horror strength of the special forces squad, and immediately used them as a strategic deployment. One of the sections.

Even if it had been calculated before, Nara Shikuhisa was still taken aback by the lethality caused by the special forces squad. The gathering of the three-hundred-man squad was really terrifying.

This kind of war-killing weapon, which had never appeared before, caused almost devastating damage to the enemy. Under the ammunition, he thought that if he stood on Yun Ren's side, he would have to be scared and paralyzed.

"Master Raikage, it’s not the way to go on like this, but to retreat first." Mabuyi saw the huge damage underneath this face, a bad premonition surged in his heart, and he even began to wonder if this battle will be the same. The last fight in her life.

"It's impossible for Kirabi to completely turn his tail into a beast." When Lei Ying Ai saw the huge casualties, his eyes were obviously red. At this time, he would not listen to whoever persuaded him to retreat.

"Yes" Kirabi heard Raikage's words, the eyes under the sunglasses were rare and solemn, and even the persistent rap, at this time, completely ignored.

A huge roar of the tail beast resounded throughout the battlefield. The huge size of the eight tailed beasts blocked the continuous ammunition and pushed forward frantically.

"Hell, I'm going to tear you up." Yawei was hit by bullets. Although these bullets were not enough to penetrate his body, they all broke through the flesh and were embedded in the muscles, like a thousand swords. As soon as the eight-tailed bull ghost appeared, he almost lost his mind.

"Red, it's up to you." Tsunade looked at Yuri Hong on the side. Her psychic beast slugs are good at healing, but they are not as good as other psychic beasts in suppressing tail beasts.

"Yeah." Xi Rihong bit through the tip of her left finger, and psychic was activated, and Xiaoyue's figure appeared in front of Konoha's camp amidst a huge cloud of smoke.

"Ao Wu Ka" Xiao Yue was about to make a majestic debut, when she saw the oncoming Yao, the expression on her face changed drastically.

Even with the abilities of immortality, Xiaoyue had nothing to do with the eight tails who were only ranked behind the nine tails. She turned her head and looked at her own psychic Xi ​​Rihong, full of heartbreak.

Red had already contracted the wolf clan a long time ago, but because of Chakra's restrictions, it was rarely channeled with the silver moon. Now it is obviously difficult for him to channel the silver moon.

"Brother Xiaoyue, are you sure?" Red feet moved and jumped on top of Xiaoyue's head, looking at the straight forward Bawei, frowning and asking.

"If you drag it, there is no problem. I want to suppress it or defeat it, unless my mother-in-law is there." Xiaoyue told the truth, facing Yao, it didn't dare to take it lightly.

Xiaoyue and Yinyue's combat power, among the psychic beasts, can be regarded as outstanding existences. If Toad Wen too sees the completely beast-like Bawei, I am afraid that the cold sweat will come down at this time.

"Understood." Xi Rihong's hands once again formed psychic handprints, and the next moment, Yinyue also appeared at the front of the battlefield.

After the promotion of the hero water, the amount of Chakra in Xi Rihong's current is completely different, even if it is Zilai, it cannot be compared with it.

"Husband, this time it's takoyaki." When Ginwol saw Yao's figure, the first thing he thought of was not the opponent's combat power, but the delicious takoyaki. In a moment, the saliva was almost flowing down.

"Please, please." Yurihong said hello to Yinyue and Xiaoyue, with a solemn look on his face. To the ordinary ninja, the tail beast is like a machine gun to civilians, and its lethality is too terrifying.

"No problem." Xiaoyue saw her own mother-in-law appear, and her self-confidence soared. After looking at Yinyue, she moved her feet and ran toward Bawei.

Nara Shikajiu saw that the ammunition could no longer cause much damage, and the enemy was about to rush to the front, decisively ordered the front-end special forces team to withdraw.

Then it really came to the time when it was time to meet each other. These high-tech weapons can only put cold guns in their backs, and the Barrett snipers hidden in the Konoha camp aimed one by one at the Shinnin who took the lead in the charge.

Raikage, who finally caught the opportunity, saw the chance that finally appeared, the Thunder Dunk Chakra mode was fully activated, and his body was shining with dazzling electric lights, crossing the area where the tail beast and the psychic beast were fighting, and rushing towards the Konoha camp. .

"Do you not exist as an old lady?" Tsunade uttered a soft drink, seeing Raikage's behavior, his face was full of anger, ninjas were always fighting, and Raikage's attitude was obviously despised. she was

After being with Roja, Tsunade has rarely been mad, so few people have seen her current strength. At this moment, the female man's nature was exposed and she directly used her big move.

"The technique of the hundred tyrants, open the technique of ninja, create regeneration, open" Tsunade knotted the handprint, the yin seal was completely opened, and the magnificent purple pattern enveloped his whole body

Unlike in the original work, the yin seal that only has the center of the eyebrow glows purple. After many improvements, plus the surging chakras, Tsunade's whole body is full of purple glow.

When he moved his feet, Tsunade burst out with extraordinary speed. That speed was no longer inferior to Raikage's Lei Dun Chakra mode. The power of the strange force punch in his hand doubled and directly blasted towards Raikage's door.

Raikage Ai saw Tsunade's changes all at once, his pupils shrank sharply, and he subconsciously used the hell stab at the bottom of the box to stab Shibenkanshou.

The aftermath of the fight between the two caused the ground in the center of the battlefield to crack inch by inch, with a large crater tens of meters in diameter, which caused the ninjas who had become rid of them to swallow dryly.

Lei Ying's figure paused, backing again and again under the strange force, Tsunade burst out with all his strength, almost fractured his four fingers on the spot, and bursts of soreness in his arm.

"I don't know how to be a human being, then the old lady teaches you something that is arrogant." Tsunade and Ropeki are worthy of their elder brothers and sisters. These choking skills are equally indispensable, and they attacked Raikage in an unforgiving manner.

Roja appeared high in the sky and happened to hear Tsunade’s words. The expression on his face was E. Tsunade’s claim to himself is really domineering. However, if Tsunade is Raikage’s old lady, he doesn’t Is he a father? He really doesn't want this kind of son

The fierce battle situation made Roya instantly abandon the mixed thoughts in his heart. Now the two armies have begun to fight. In this kind of battle of 10,000 people, it is useless to say that there is only one word left, kill.

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