One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 884: Golden Flower from Heaven, Golden Lotus from Earth

Luo Ya's eyes condensed, his body's concentration in the air, he fully activated the fairy mode, and the natural energy around him madly gathered into his body

The seal of the child was formed in the hand, and the ability of the blood succession to eliminate the light escape was fully urged, and a giant Buddha made of gold was formed in the battlefield, a huge figure of 100 meters high, with Ling Ran's inviolable majesty.

With the supply of massive fairy magic chakras, the speed of light escape is several times faster than when it was against Ohnoki in Yannin Village. Golden flowers descend from the sky, golden lotuses spring from the ground, and golden lotus blossoms are all around the Buddha. Circling, Luo Ya stood on top of the Buddha's head.

"Master Naruto is Master Naruto, Master Naruto is here"

Konoha Ninja saw Roja's light escape, with an excited look on his face, he can be called the strongest leader of Naruto, and his morale increased several times.

"Kill Kill Guang Yun Ren" Konoha Ninja rushed towards Yun Ren, the handprints in his hands continuously pinched, and colorful ninjutsu flashed on the battlefield.

In this kind of melee, even if it is Shinobu, there is no absolute certainty that it will be able to retreat, but they know that as long as Hokage-sama is there, this battle will be won.

"Huh finally came to 183, otherwise this battle will not be easy to fight." Nara Lujiu breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat from his violent brain. Just mobilizing the ninja on the scene had already made him exhausted.

After all, it was facing Yun Ren who was nearly twice as much as himself and others. A little carelessness might lead to heavy losses today. Under such pressure, Nara Lukuji struggled his life.

"Lujiu, since Hokage-sama is here, then Hiichi and I have also gone, and you will continue to command here yourself." Qiu Dao Dingza patted Nara Lujiu on the shoulder, and his fighting spirit was booming.

Originally as a member of the pig deer butterfly, Nara Lukisa shouldered the responsibilities of staff and battlefield command. The two of them naturally had to stay to protect them in case the enemy attacked Lukisa after the battlefield was defeated. But now that the Hokage-sama arrived at this time, Then there is no possibility of losing

"Come on, we are optimistic about you." Yamanakahai agreed with Qiu Dao Dingzao's words. He also patted Lu Jiu on the shoulder, and rushed toward the front of the battlefield with the move.

"Don't talk about loyalty" Nara Lujiu sighed, but his eyes were still on the binoculars, he turned on the headset, constantly adjusted the channel, and gave orders to the groups of ninjas such as strategic deployment and raid warning.

At the front end of the battlefield, hundreds of ninjas were already standing in front of Loya's Big Buddha, looking at the 100-meter-high Buddha, they couldn't help but feel a sense of powerlessness.

This kind of question-type moves are several times larger than the tail beasts. They really don't know how to deal with them, so they can only release ninjutsu in vain.

When these ninjutsu reached the side of the big Buddha, Roja formed the seal of unity with one hand, and directly activated the power of the ninjutsu that had just been acquired, and countless ninjutsu was absorbed by it.

"Assholes, have you already calculated it?" Raikage Ai angrily looked at Tsunade in front of him, it would be a coincidence that Roja appeared.

It does not appear early, not late. It appears when the battle is about to succeed. If you know that Roja is here from the beginning, under the first wave of attacks, Raikage Ai will definitely immediately order a temporary retreat and disperse the team. Type combat.

"Does it take a calculation to deal with you?" Tsunade sneered disdainfully, seeing Loya's appearance, and directly liberating Chakra who was originally intended to treat injured ninjas after the war.

In the lower abdomen, a gorgeous violet pattern flashed, and the colorful and gorgeous patterns that had been under the technique of the Hundred Heroes changed again, and Tsunade's body flashed black and blue electric lights.

This is a variant of the vitality seal that Roja later researched, which can liberate the chakras that are usually stored in it, releasing tricks similar to the Lei Dun Chakra mode.

"This is a black thunder" Raikage Ai's expression changed. Today, his face changed bdde more times than in the past year. Tsunade's strength and Konoha's strength really shocked his heart.

As an expert in the study of Raiden, Raiking is no stranger to this black lightning. His father, the third generation of Raiking, had this kind of lightning.

It is precisely because of the existence of this kind of thunder that the third-generation eye Raikage's physical skills can be as strong as the original. The fourth-generation eye Raikage Ai knows the horror of such lightning better than anyone.

"I don't know what black thunder is, I only know that you will fall apart by me today" Tsunade looked at Raikage with an uncomfortable expression, feeling the strength that was once again greatly improved, and a ruthless look appeared on her pretty face.

Tsuna's hand fist violently attacked, obviously using the power of the Navy's six-style shaved hand strange power fist under his feet. It was so shocking that Raikage had already raised the hell stab to the level of a general hand, but it was still unable to resist.

There was a crisp bone cracking sound from Raikage's fingers, and under his consistent hand, his fingers collided with Tsunade's fist at this time, and he was directly knocked down on his palm.

It is said that the ten fingers are connected to the heart, even if Lei Ying is a famous tough guy, the cold sweat on his forehead swiftly flowed down at this time, and he hurriedly moved backwards, straightening the misplaced phalanx.

It's just that the broken phalanx, even if it is straightened, there is no time for ten and a half months to return to the battle. Raikage Ai, who dare not use the hell stab again, can only blow with Tsunade Fist.

Tsunade obviously surpassed Raikage's strength by a lot, and was completely pressing this strong man. From time to time, Raikage was about to get a heavy punch on his body, and the sound of bone cracks was clearly heard.

Roja condensed the body of the big Buddha while taking time to watch the battlefield. When he saw Tsunade who was mad, his cheeks twitched.

Can't this girl be a little more reserved? That kind of play, a man would be afraid of being good or not, any tigress is far worse than this weird girl.

Yurihong's battle situation was relatively more elegant. Under the huge chakra of the Hero's Water, Yinyue and Xiaoyue jointly suppressed the eight tails, caught the gap, and bit down a piece of the eight tails' tentacles.

As two psychic beasts who are foodies, you take one bite and I take one bite, making Yao and Kirabi jump in anger, but Xiaoyue and Yinyue are too fast, facing the two Yaowei at the same time, head and tail difficult.

With the advantage of Yurihong, he once again channeled the mirage of the right hand contract. Under the superposition of the two bugs of the water mirror technique and the illusion mirage ninjutsu, I don't know how many Yunnincun ninjas have said.

During the observation, Luo Ya's light escape tactics have also been fully formed, looking at the tens of thousands of cloud ninjas, a slightly cruel smile appeared on his face..

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