One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 887: The end of the war

Roya had a toothache for a long time, put away the little unwillingness in his heart, and turned his gaze to the system's introduction of the new blood succession elimination.

The three attributes of Blood Succession Elimination, Wind and Thunder, are the closest to the Blood Succession Snare. It has the ability to absorb, rebound, and twist any ninjutsu, Blood Succession Limit, Blood Succession Elimination, and Yin Yang Shushu. , Can imitate any blood succession limit, ninjutsu, secret technique.

It's exploded

Seeing the ability of Escape, Luo Ya swallowed dryly, and the Blood Succession Limits Underworld was upgraded to Blood Succession Elimination, and the qualitative change took place directly.

The original Hadid can only absorb some popular ninjutsu, even Naruto's Wind Dunn spiral shuriken, because it spins too fast, it can't absorb it.

After the Blood Succession Boundary upgrades the card's ability, the new sly Escape is now so powerful that every function has its own unique use, which can be called the Almighty Blood Succession Elimination.

In terms of absorption and rebound, from the original ordinary ninjutsu, to the current Blood Succession Boundary, Blood Succession Elimination, 13 and even Yin and Yang Escape Skills are almost the same as Otsuki Kaguya's Blood Succession Snare.

As long as it is a ninja who uses ninjutsu, he can't escape the treacherous restraint. Thinking about the blood succession limit iu, who is famous for being absorbed, the scene is really cool. Don't want it.

The function of Twisted Ninjutsu is powerful enough when you think about it carefully. It twists its offensive direction, twists its structure to allow Ninjutsu to collapse on its own, and twists its form to make it another type of Ninjutsu. Daisen Ninjutsu completely becomes plasticine. Toys.

The remaining ability to imitate, although it can't imitate the Blood Succession Elimination and Yin-Yang Evacuation Technique, just imitating the Blood Succession Limit and Secret Technique is already too strong.

The shadow secret technique of the Nara family, the doubling technique of the Qiu Taoist school, and the hydration technique of the ghost lamp clan, each metamorphosis, can be used by Roja from now on.

Boiling escape, melting escape, arranging escape, explosion escape, magnetic escape, burning escape, steel escape, melting escape, ice escape, rapid escape, there are countless escape techniques, which will never be the patent of a ninja. , As long as Roja wants to use, there is no one that cannot be used

Luo Ya, who feels collapsed, didn't know how much effort it took to resist the urge to scream up to the sky, and the blood that was closest to the bloody trap was eliminated, and he didn't know whether he could study the bleeding and trap through this escape technique.

Once he had the bloody trap, Kaguya was a hammer, and Luo Ya dared to directly kill the Datongmu clan and began to ravage a group of natives.

After a great battle, Nara Deer ordered the Konoha Ninja to chase for a long time. He chased him for dozens of miles, and he called the chasing ninja back only when he was beyond the communication range.

The Rabbi of the eight-tailed man column Ricky, through the use of eight-tailed tentacles, barely escaped his life, Konoha ushered in the greatest victory in history.

After pursuing for a certain distance, Xi Rihong returned to Roya's side. A bunch of them, there was no need for a master of her level to chase.

Tsunade returned to the camp and gave emergency treatment to some seriously injured ninjas. Under the medical ninjutsu that turned corruption into magic, Konoha's battle damage plummeted.

After simply counting the battle losses, consumption, and results, Nara Shikuji appeared next to Roja with an unstoppable joy on his face. This victory was enough to become the most glorious page in the history of the human world.

"Reported to Lord Naruto. According to statistics, in this battle, we killed seven Shangren, 94 Zhongren, 23 Lower Ren, annihilated Yunren 102 people, Zhongren 460 Five people, one thousand three hundred and eighty people in the lower ninja, and thirty-four people in Yunren, one thousand five hundred and eighty in the middle and 629 people in the lower ninth."

Nara Shikahisa reported the situation loudly, losing less than a hundred people, killing and capturing more than 4,000 Yunren. This kind of record is unprecedented.

"The captive Yun Ren, impose a seal, and keep it under strict control. Don't let them have any resistance. If you see it, you will save it, and the seriously injured will ignore it."

Roja nodded with satisfaction when he heard the battle report. After this battle, I am afraid that all Shinobu villages dare not look at Konoha at all.

Those captured ninjas were basically wounded and hit by Gatling machine guns and 4a1s. They were basically bleeding, and Roja's ninjutsu killed a large number of people.

Ninjas are not fools. After being hit by a machine gun, those who are not dead use the bodies of their dead companions to hide. After the war, those who resisted were ruthlessly killed.As for those who surrendered by raising their hands, Konoha Ninja was a rare performer of humanitarianism and bound them firmly.

"It's Hokage-sama" Nara Lujiu said loudly. He turned his head to make arrangements. He captured so many ninjas, and basically everyone was wounded. Just treating them would require a lot of effort.

The seriously injured will naturally be ruthlessly abandoned, and he is not a ninja in his own village. Nara Lukisa, who has emerged from the bloody storm, naturally did not feel uncomfortable with such an order.

Roja walked towards the wounded camp in the camp. When people face great fear, a few people can burst out with far beyond normal strength, and most of the ninjas lying here are exploded by Yun Ren's life-saving outbreak. Hurt.

Xi Rihong followed Roja obediently. Sometimes the war was really cruel. Even if it was a big victory, 100 could not be without sacrifice.

There are more than 600 ninjas lying here, of which more than 100 have been covered with white cloth in their bodies. These people are the death ninjas mentioned in the Nara Shikahisa report.

For the rest of the people, the injuries were mild or severe. The ninjas of the medical unit bandaged their wounds one after another. Tsunade was on the operating table, busy performing operations on the seriously injured ninjas.

Medical ninjutsu plus some modern medical technology from Roja, as long as they can survive the battlefield, the lives of these people have basically been saved.

Slugs of different sizes appeared on the injured ninja's body, healing their injuries. Many wounded men saw Roya's arrival, and they all greeted Roya with excitement.

"Move all injured ninjas to the open space." Luo Ya frowned, seeing a large number of wounded, and directly ordered.

No one would question Roya's order. With the medical ninjas and the less injured ninjas busy, everyone appeared in the open space for a moment.

Upon seeing this, Roya directly activated the power of tranquility. The bright green light fell from the sky and quickly recovered the body of the injured ninja. Small granules grew from the wound. Everyone was injured at a speed visible to the naked eye. restore..

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