One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece Treasure Box System 888: War Reparations

Most of the Konoha camp was filled with raindrops of tranquil force. Each Konoha ninja felt the recovery of his body and strength, with an expression of excitement on his face.

In the camp, the ninjas who were resting in the camp were called out by their companions. They had already seen this kind of special ninjutsu in the succession ceremony when Roja boarded.

Tsunade stood by the medical tent and glanced at Luo Ya with a bit of annoyance. She had been busy with the treatment just now, and apparently forgot this kind of bug technique possessed by her own man.

Luo Ya angrily touched the tip of his nose, if it hadn't been for a moment of thought to comfort the wounded soldier, he would not even remember the power of tranquility.

Always positioning himself in the position of a combat ninja, skills like the power of tranquility, except for once used during the Pirate World War, the rest of the time, they only think of it when they pretend to be forced.

Under the effect of the emerald green raindrops, even the most injured person in the wounded camp quickly stabilized, and there was no more danger to life.

Whether it was in Konoha camp or in the wounded camp, the ninjas cheered one after another. Those with less injuries were already in the same state as they were before the war.

There are just dozens of wounded who lost their hands and feet in the battle, and the power of tranquility can recover their injuries, but they don't have the ability to regenerate their limbs.

They cheered with everyone, but there was a bit of decline hidden in their eyes. Even if Shinobu lost his arm, unless he was a genius who could make seals with one hand, his combat effectiveness would also fall to the bottom.

The ninja who has lost his legs can still have a little fighting power, at least it can make seals. Although they can't fight, they can take on simple tasks to support their families.

This is the case for Shangren, not to mention Zhongren and Lower Ren. They have nowhere to go except for retiring. Although Konoha's various guarantees will make them worry-free, but they lose their healthy bodies and they will last a lifetime. Pain.

Roja raised his hands and pressed them down lightly. The cheers of the wounded camp stopped, and the audience became silent. The Konoha ninjas quietly waited for the speech of the invincible shadow in their hearts.

“Here, I’m announcing that Konoha has developed prosthetic renewal technology. According to the medical insurance regulations, any ninja injured in war or missions can receive free medical care. In other words, The arm is broken, the leg is broken, so go back and pick it up for me, don’t think about retiring, your ninja career has just begun.”

Roja said the first half of the sentence seriously, but joked in the second half of the sentence. The ninjas who heard the news burst into tears of joy, and louder cheers erupted from the wounded camp.

Many ninjas stepped into the lively wounded camp one after another. After asking the cheering companions clearly, one by one joined the cheering team.

The news has been passed on from one source to another, and this news has been known to all ninjas in a short time. In Konoha camp, the ninjas rejoiced. As ninjas, the more guarantees they perform when performing tasks, the happier they naturally become.

Tsunade saw the cheering ninja, her eyebrows couldn't help but wrinkle slightly, she would also be able to continue the prosthesis, but the question is, where to find so many prostheses

There are dozens of people who have lost their limbs just by the presence, and among Konoha, the number of ninjas who lost their arms and legs in previous years is not a small number. It is impossible to chop off the captive Yunnin's arm.

"Little Qiuye, my elder sister asks you, where do so many prostheses come from" Tsunade looked a little puzzled, and whispered in Roya's ear.

"Biological cloning technology, it only takes a short period of time to clone an arm or leg for a person, uh, it was researched by your old classmate."

Roja raised her eyebrows, and briefly talked to Tsunade. He knew who the old classmate was Tsunade, except for the research madman Oshemaru, there was no one.

"Finally, he will do a good thing." Tsunade's face showed a stunned expression, Oshemaru was subdued by Roja, and she continued to study outside of Konoha, something she had already known.

"How dare you screw me, do you still think of chuang tomorrow." Luo Ya felt the soft flesh on his waist rotated 360 degrees, took a cold breath, and directly threatened him.

"Guess hum, I didn't tell my sister earlier with this kind of technique." Tsunade clapped his hands and let go of Roja's flesh with a smug expression, not caring about the threat.

As long as she spends the night with Roya, and rarely get up the next day, she will be afraid of this kind of thing once or twice, but the more times she has become used to it.

Roya rolled her eyes helplessly, she didn't know what to say about Tsunade's provocative behavior, so she made up her mind and took the time to let her see what she really couldn't get up.

After Konoha defeated Yunnin Village, he took advantage of the Kingdom of Daoyue to directly attack the land of Thunder Country, and the original ninja of Yunnin Village was almost destroyed.

In just three days, the battle line was advanced to the capital of the Kingdom of Thunder. The Daimyo of the Kingdom of Thunder, who had never seen such a battle, slumped directly to the ground, and there were waves of stinks from his hips.

Under Tsunade's personal appearance, the scared Daimyo of the country signed a truce agreement that humiliated the country, and announced that he would surrender to Konoha, not to the country of fire, but to Shinobu.

This is definitely the first time in the history of ninjas. After this news came out, the entire ninja world was shaking for a while, and the big names of all countries were reexamining the profession of ninja.

The war indemnity of up to 50 billion taels was paid for by Lei Zhiguo Daiming himself. Numerous iron ore, precious chakra metals, and gold jewels were brought back to the village by Konoha. The entire Lei Zhi people complained and cursed his country for bearing the money. The weakness of the good.

After the seriously injured fourth-generation eye Raikage Ai learned of the news, a mouthful of old blood spurted out, lying on the couch with his face like golden paper, he never dreamed that he would lose so simply and neatly.

Hearing a series of news, the Daimyo of Tono-kuni, who was planning to punish his ninja well, waved his hand and signed the surrender letter.

Although 15 billion taels of silver was quite a lot, compared to the number of people who died in the Thunder Country, another 5 million taels were needed, which was really insignificant.

After praising Dokage for his wise decision-making, the daimyo of the country sent away the bluish-faced Ohnoki. War reparations and various resources were also continuously sent to Konoha.

After the First Army led by Jiraiya and Nobuki returned, they were warmly welcomed by the Konoha people, and when Tsunade and Yuhihong returned, they were even more pompous.

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