One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 900: Planting Fairy Beans

Xi Rihong watched the laughter of the two, holding a small mouth and laughing to the side. As a casino owner, the ability of playing card fruits is indeed quite practical.

As for the abilities developed in the follow-up, Xi Rihong also didn't care very much. After all, she was already a shadow-level strength and had already formed a unique fighting style.

"Love you love you, how dare you not love you, besides, you are eighteen years old, where are you old?" Luo Ya quickly calmed down Tsunade's mentally-wounded Tsunade. He had expected such a scene as early as when he was in Pirate World. .

"My sister took the elixir of life only at twenty-eight." Tsunade squinted at Luo Ya, the meaning was very clear, don't change some high-level lines, this is not over today.

"Uh, my Tsunade will always be the youngest and the most beautiful." Luo Ya was at a loss for words, and simply hugged Tsunade, bound his arms, making him immobile.

"Little Akiba, it's okay to deceive Hong with this kind of words, do you think you can cheat me?" Tsunade struggled, seeing Yuri Hong who was laughing, and he dragged him into the circle of war. .

In fact, she knew in her heart that just because of her cheating gambling luck, she really wanted to have the fruit of the card, and start to win money every day, the Naruto World is estimated to be broken.

"Sister, how can I be so deceiving." Yurihong was dragged by Tsunade on the soft couch, showing a large amount of white greasy in front of her, shrinking her neck, and said with a smile.

"You two are now working together to bully your man, right? It's the opposite." Luo Ya pretended to be dissatisfied, and began to wipe the oil with dishonest hands, and the noise between the three was endless.

After spending a day on Mikazuki Island, Loya arranged everything in Tsunade and Yuhihong the next day, and returned to Konoha with Lizi and others who had finished the performance.

The shadow clone was separated and used the illusion technique on the linen cloth as usual. As soon as Roja entered the Hokage office, his body suddenly became stiff.

The Naruto office is actually full of rich natural energy, and this richness has even faintly surpassed the sacred land of the wolf clan psychic world, Jianyuetan.

Looking to the side of Uyue Xiyan, I saw its ability to spur clusters of fruit, ripening the flat peach pits planted in the flowerpot. At this time, the flat peach pit has broken open the core surface, and a little bit is drilled out of the soil. Little shoots.

"My lord, this seed is so magical. It feels like there are so many shining things in the air." Mebes stood by the flowerpot. The ability of the elf fruit allowed him to clearly perceive the characteristics of each plant, even capable of With the naked eye, see the existence of natural energy.

"Husband, can you feel it? I can only feel that the air seems to be much better. Xi Yan said that this seed seems to be able to absorb some kind of energy." Xiao Nan doesn't know how to immortal, and she doesn't perceive natural energy at all, she said The air is much better, just because the free natural energy has doubled.

"Master." Hearing the words of Mebis and Xiao Nan, Mao Yue Xiyan stopped urging the fruit, and turned to Luo Ya with a quiet smile.

Everyone in the office knows that Roja treats the things in the flowerpots as treasures, and Uzuki Xiyan and Mebis will ripen them together when they are free.

Among them, the most heart-warming is naturally Uzue Xiyan. She loves all kinds of plants very much, and her affection for Roja makes her also full of expectations for this plant. Even when dealing with documents, she will Come and ripen it.

"Xi Yan has worked hard, and I will give you a big reward." Luo Ya saw the young shoots emerging from the ground, with a bright smile on his face, and in a good mood, he casually said to Uyue Xiyan.

"My lord, sister Xiyan's face is so red." Mebis, the little loli, scratched the back of her head with a look of confusion, wondering why Uzue Xiyan would be so shy when she heard the reward.

"Hurry up and read a book" Yuyue Xiyan thought carefully about where she could say it, panicked and pressed Lori on the sofa, picking up a book and blocking her face.

Xiao Nan turned back and began to process the file with a smile. She was naturally very clear. At that moment, Yuyue Xiyan definitely wanted to get crooked.

Luo Ya listened to the women's laughter, with a hint of smile on his face, turned his head to look at Yuyue Xiyan on the side, and saw that Qi was shyly turning his cheek.

Of course he knows Uzuki Yuyan’s thoughts very well, but for a long time, there is really no good chance. You can’t climb the window in the middle of the night.

Ask for flowers

Letting go of the careful thoughts in his heart, Luo Ya looked at the small buds in the big flowerpots, feeling the natural energy attracted by the surroundings, and making a sound.

Did you let Xiaonan and others take the time to learn immortality? Their temperament is far more pure than their own, and they probably won’t learn the immortality like they did before, and the difficulty of learning immortality will follow. This kind of rich natural energy reduces the difficulty a lot.

Now the environment of the office is no weaker than that of the sacred place of the wolf tribe, Jianyuetan, and with the growth of this small bud, this natural energy breath will surely soar again.


The office door was opened, and Hongdou, who had just delivered the papers, walked back and lay down on the sofa comfortably, sipping the tea he had made long ago.

"Master, what use is it for you to feel better than planting some herbs to recover from the injury." Red Bean snorted while sucking tea. She was so careless that she didn't notice any changes in the office.

"No matter how good the herbal medicine is, there is no way to compare it with it." Luo Ya rolled his eyes at the tired red bean. This girl is now a stubborn girl, not a brain, and sometimes a word can make him angry. dead.

What kind of herbal medicine that can recover from injuries can be compared with flat peaches with the same longevity as the heavens and the earth, the same life as the sun and the moon, and the essence of Lingzhi and ginseng can only stand aside.

Wait to recover from injury

Roya frowned and hurriedly opened the system warehouse. After checking for a long time, he found the only two fairy beans in the corner.

"Red beans, go to the tea garden and get me a big flowerpot back." With a happy heart, Luo Ya turned his head and said to the red beans, if fairy beans can be planted, the effect is not as good as flat peaches, but It's definitely a good thing.

In the Dragon Ball world, the cat immortals have accumulated a lot of fairy beans. Although the amount produced every year is not much, they are available every year, which means that the growth cycle of fairy beans is actually not long.

"Master, you don't really want to grow herbs, right? I just said casually." Hongdou said with an embarrassment. Seeing Luo Ya's face, I was afraid that she would be angry with it..

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