One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 901: Ripening fairy beans

"As long as you talk too much, don't hurry up, this time things should be effective soon." Luo Ya gave the red bean Nizi a blank eye, and took out the two fairy beans from the system warehouse.

Since he had an immortal body, his demand for various medicines has plummeted, he will not have a fever or cold, will not be troubled by various diseases, and even a few injuries will heal in a moment.

Later, after gaining strength, there were very few injuries. The original fairy beans were left with two, they were put on hold and thrown into the corners of the system.

Although fairy beans do not have a very good effect on diseases, and are not very effective for heart disease and cerebral thrombosis, they can heal injuries in a flash.

No matter how severe the injury, you can survive by hanging a breath. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a magical medicine. Protect the lives of those around you.

In a moment, Hongdou commanded the two dark parts and carried in a flowerpot that was not less than the size of the flat peach pit, which was already full of the high-nutrient black soil unique to tea gardens.

After the two Anbu put down the flower pots, they bowed to Luo Ya and retired. Hong Dou stood beside the flower pot with a weird expression. This careless girl didn't know what to grow in the pot until now.

Even the matter of Pan Peach Kernel, Uyue Xiyan and others knew about it, she still didn't know very well, for this kind of thing, this big girl had never cared about it.

Luo Ya walked to the flowerpot and put the two fairy beans in. There was a seal of siji in his hand, and the Mudun energy quickly used the two fairy beans in the flowerpot.

With the surge of life energy, fairy beans began to sprout slowly, and gray-white plants like vines emerged from the moist and transparent soil.

Upon seeing this, Roya took out two fishing rods from the system warehouse and inserted them directly into the flower pots. The vines climbed up along the fishing rods little by little.

"Hu" Luo Ya let out a suffocating breath, and a smile appeared on his face when he saw the fairy bean vines crawling all over the fishing rod.

The chakra that has just been transported, if used to release ninjutsu, is enough to release two top Buddhas. Such a huge amount only allows it to grow into a growing plant.

This chakra does sound a lot, but compared with the consumption of flat peach pits, it is a drop in the bucket. From the initial shelling to the present sprouting, it takes several months, and the amount of delivery to it every day far exceeds The amount of chakra consumed by planting fairy beans just now.

"White Beans" Red Bean stood in front of the white vines with a surprised look, looked at the light yellow pods that grew on it, and couldn't help but make a puzzled voice.

When Roja heard this sentence of white beans, a brain collapse hit the smooth forehead of red beans. This professional wingman seems to be teasing himself every day.

Whose white beans can get this treatment? Moreover, if the Mu Dun energy just used to ripen the white beans, it will definitely be enough for the whole Konoha people to gather for a bean feast.

"Master, it hurts, isn't it why hitting someone?" Hongdou looked at Luo Ya with a grieved expression, and a small red envelope on her smooth head made him look pitiful.

"It's you who don't care." Luo Ya rolled his eyes, lifted the palm fairy technique in his hand, and gently pressed the red bean's forehead. This girl is getting skinny now.

"Do you know what kind of plant Mebis is?" The red bean is a typical example. The scar is forgotten to hurt. He turned his head and looked at Little Mebis, obviously unwilling to his judgment just now.

"I don't know. Although the white beans are white, the vines are actually green. I haven't seen this plant in any books, my lord, what is this?"

Mebis told the truth and asked Roja on the side. As the person who took out the seed, he must know what this thing is.

Xiaonan and Yuyue Xiyan also gathered and looked at the vines in the flowerpots. The two smiled at each other. They didn't put potted plants in the Hokage-sama's office, but they actually put beans. They would definitely laugh at a bunch of people.

Luo Ya's hand again bears the seal of Sizhi and continues to ripen the fairy pea vine. Xiyan and Mebis have just obtained their respective fruit abilities, and they have mixed natural energy from the flat peach pits. Obviously they did not see the special nature of this plant. .

Fairy bean vines, like flat peach pits, can absorb natural energy. Although fairy beans are not as good as flat peaches, they are equally precious and unusual.

"The name of the plant is not clear, but the fruit it produces is called celestial beans. Mature celestial beans can instantly recover their injuries and physical strength. They are faster than medical ninjutsu. As long as they are not killed by a single blow, they can be hung up. Save it, because there is a lot of energy in the fairy beans, you can eat one without eating for ten days."

Xiaonan and Yuyue Xiyan showed shocked expressions on their faces when they heard Luo Ya's words. I am afraid that only two people in the entire Ninja World can do it.

One is Roja, and the other is Tsunade who possesses the art of creation and regeneration. Once possessing this kind of instant medicine, even if it is fatal, it can be saved as long as it is not dead.

If it can be planted on a large scale, it will definitely not benefit a little bit of people. If the ninja of Konoha Ninja Village can prepare one or two, the safety will be greatly guaranteed.

"Master, this thing sounds like a food-saving thing." Hongdou, the girl's attention is always different from normal people. Hearing that she could not eat for ten days, she curiously put her pretty face near the vine.

Luo Ya's eyebrows twitched vaguely. If it weren't for the red bean girl who was born with no intentions, he would have doubted whether it was insinuating that he was too gluttonous.

In a short period of time, I input the chakras equivalent to the four topping Buddhas, and the pods of the fairy beans finally grew in batches and fell into the flower pots.

53 Roja picked up the golden bean pod and peeled it apart. He saw the very familiar yellow-green fairy bean with a smile on his face. He raised his hand and hit the red bean's forehead again.

"Oh, it hurts, Master, I ignore you. Ouch, it hurts to death." Adzuki bean was inexplicably suffered another disaster, and a big red envelope swelled up in exactly the same place on his head.

If it hadn't been for Hongdou as a physical ninja, and his body's ability to fight offense was good, I am afraid that the volume of this big bag would be several times larger at this time.

"Hey, come, try the fairy bean's ability, and then you won't have to eat for ten days." Luo Ya's finger flicked lightly, and a fairy bean was ejected into the red bean's open mouth.

A foreign body was suddenly felt in his throat, and the red bean swallowed subconsciously before swallowing the fairy bean into his abdomen..

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