One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece’s Treasure Box System 902: Kakashi’s Mission

In the blink of an eye, the big bag on the red bean's forehead disappeared without a trace, as if it had never existed before, and the pain disappeared without a trace.

"It doesn't hurt anymore" Hongdou blinked, and carefully touched the place on his forehead that had just been bounced, feeling the redness and swelling completely disappeared, and directly took out a small mirror from Uzuki Xiyan's ninja bag.

Xiao Nan and Mao Yue Xiyan seemed to be watching magic, leaning close to Red Bean, and could not help touching the swollen area just now. This effect is really amazing, it is really just a blink of an eye, the original injury Disappeared without a trace.

Roja took off the mature pods, took out the fairy beans, and packed them in small bags. The two fairy beans were used as seeds. A total of more than two hundred fairy beans were planted, one to one hundred. The harvest rate is entirely the rhythm of making big profits.

Moreover, the vine has not withered yet, which means that it can continue to grow fairy beans in the future, as long as it is ripened by Mudan, the fairy beans are unlimited.

"Ten per person, keep self-defense." Handing the small bag with fairy beans to the girls, Luo Ya put away the remaining fairy beans and moved the flowerpot to the French window.

13 Xiaonan, Yuyue Xiyan, and Mebis smiled and stored the fairy beans next to them, while Hongdou stuffed the small bag into the gap of the big weapon with a dissatisfaction.

"Master, I'm angry, what I said is true." The red beans collected the fairy beans, patted them in front of him, and after making sure that they would not affect their actions, they moved to Roya's side.

Luo Ya knows a lot about the temperament of Adzuki beans. If this girl is angry because of such a thing, then she is not Adzuki beans. Her current performance is just acting like a baby and asking for comfort.

"A bottle of Noah's oath with a degree of fifty-three." With a slanted look at the red bean, Roja half-lied on the office chair. Last time he went back to Pirate World, he didn't know how many drinks he collected.

"No, a bottle is not enough, I need a box." Adzuki beans bargained with Loya enthusiastically, Tsunade and Yuhihong like to have a drink. Adzuki beans have been with the two for a long time, and they have long been blue.

Although the Noah oath in Konoha Distillery is good for drinking, the Noah oath on Roja is completely two levels. The level of Mackinaw winemaking is not something ordinary people can reach.

"Twelve bottles in a box, I'm not afraid to drink you stupidly, two bottles at most."

"Master, I have been beaten twice just now, and my head is still a little dizzy." Hongdou came up to hold Roya's arm, and the pair of big murder weapons swayed back and forth, constantly rubbing, for the precious drink in my heart, The girl threw the morals directly into the sea.

"Then eat another fairy bean." Luo Ya rolled his eyes, Hongdou had used this method countless times, and his immunity had risen sharply.

"It will be the cherry blossom festival in a few days. I want to have a drink with Xiaonan and Xiyan." Hongdou's mind turned extremely fast, and instantly came up with a reason, constantly winking at Xiaonan and Yuyue Xiyan.

Xiao Nan couldn't afford to smile, and Mao Yue Xiyan's face was flushed, and she hesitated, and began to help.

"Master, just give more red beans. I haven't drank it in a long time."

When Roya heard Uzuki Xiyan's words, he glanced at her in surprise, and then thought that the cherry blossom festival in the eyes of Naruto World's people is not a big or small festival, so he took out a box of Noah oath from the system warehouse. .

"Xiyan, Master really loves you the most." Hongdou held a case of wine with a look of treasure, teasingly said to Uyue Xiyan.

"Go to work soon, do you want to rest during the cherry blossom festival." Uyue Xiyan's cheeks flushed, and she jealously pushed her sister.

"Good, right now, right now." Hongdou looked at Yuyue Xiyan begging for mercy, took out a seal scroll to store the wine, and once again stuffed it into the treasure house in front of him, holding a lot of documents, and ran away. Got out.

"Is it all cushioned?" Roya caught a glimpse of Red Bean's movements, and Nene snorted in her belly. This girl is big, but she keeps stuffing inside. Isn't she afraid of other women jumping off the building and committing suicide?

Dong dong dong

During the rare break, Roya was making tea, the office door was knocked, Uzuki Yuyan opened the door, and Kakashi, dressed in Konoha's forbearance costume, walked in.

Soon after Roja ascended the position of Naruto, this guy was transferred from Konoha's dark part and became an ordinary Konoha Shinobu, and now he lives with Nakanin Sanshangyuanzi every day without shame. day.

In the Beiliuhu incident a few days ago, Kakashi was taken into the system warehouse by Roja because of the puppet charm. It took three full days before he returned to Konoha and released it with Azabuyi.

Originally, when under the control of the puppet spell, Kakashi's body was severely traumatized. He did not eat or drink, and almost belched after lying unconsciously for three days.

Thanks to the relatively good medical level of Konoha Hospital now, Roja helped him lift the puppet spell, and under the careful care of Sanshangyuanzi, he could gradually recover.

"Master Hokage, call me." After Kakashi came in, he respectfully bowed to Roja, with a slight doubt on his face.

"Give you a small task." Roja said, throwing a task scroll into Kakashi's hands.

Kakashi opened the scroll with a weird look on his face 187. It was the first time he received this type of task.

"Hokage-sama, is this task a bit heavier?" Kakashi hesitated for a moment, and said nervously.

The content of the task is very simple, approaching Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke in the form of chance encounter, and after the two graduates, they become the leader of Shinnin.

There are still more than two years before the two graduates, contacting and training them in advance, this is Konoha's support for some talented ninjas, it is not uncommon.

However, the identities of these two people made Kakashi hesitate. Son of four generations, Nine-Tailed Naruto Uzumaki, younger brother of Itachi, the genius Uchiha Sasuke who is most likely to open the kaleidoscope to write the wheel.

Let these two students be students, strength and identity are indispensable, and Shisui is now the minister of Konoha Anbu, Kakashi really feels that he is a little difficult to do.

"There is nothing important or not, you are very suitable, and I believe you can do it." Luo Ya waved his hand indifferently. He still trusted Kakashi's ability.

Akatsuki’s actions have been advanced, and Luo Ya can clearly judge from the information sent back, so correspondingly, he has to move a little faster. The two are the reincarnations of Indra and Asura. Can come in handy..

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