One Piece Treasure Box System

One Piece's Treasure Box System 903: See you from the messenger of the ghost country

"Uh, um." Seeing Roja's attitude, Kakashi reluctantly scratched the back of his head and put the scroll into the ninja bag, lamenting in his heart that he is a free and easy little ninja, I am afraid he will never be peaceful from now on Day.

After arranging a bunch of trivial matters, Luo Ya drank tea in the Hokage office comfortably, and the news that the shadow avatar gave back made her heart move, and a smile appeared on her face.

The girl Mabuyi has been tossed for so long, and now when she sees Roja appearing, she has no longer resisted at the beginning, she has become very calm.

The fixed forehead is nodded once a day, and then I have a dream that can humiliate people. For a long time, from the fear at the beginning, to the cursing later, and now there is no slight fluctuation, this girl is completely used to it now.

Luo Ya had already figured out the limit that Mabuyi could bear. After forty-one times and forty-one times, she could not help but pass out.

When the shadow clone went to the Konoha Prison today, he saw the look on Ma Buyi's face and directly reduced the adapted Hundred Spring Technique to 39 times.

Compared with the limit that Azabuyi can bear twice, the purpose of this is simple, that is to let Azabuyi fill the missing two times by himself

The inertia of the human body and mind is extremely terrifying, as long as it can autonomously complement the two dreams, it will definitely complete the opening conditions of the treasure chest.

In illusion, the passage of time is different from that of the outside world. In one minute, you can accomplish things that can't be done in tens of minutes.

After half an hour, Luo Ya looked at Ma Buyi's treasure chest in the system warehouse again, with a smug smile on his face. After the treasure chest, it already showed that the three characters have been completed.

"System, open the Xianli treasure box."

"Congratulations to the host for opening Mabuyi's Treasure Chest, and obtaining a variety of professional outfits."

Variety of professional uniforms freely change a variety of different styles of professional uniforms, automatically adjust the size, and automatically repair after damage, gifting 40 favorability linen exclusive.

Hey go to you Mad

The system, you play a hammer, Ma Buyi now hates Laozi to death, what can you do with a 40% favorability thing?

Roya saw what was opened out of the Treasure Chest, and couldn't help but start maddening in his heart. It took a long time to create a variety of professional outfits.

In normal times, 40% favorability is quite a lot, but it's different. Mabuyi is a treasure chest refreshed by negative favorability. After being so tossed every day, I may hate myself now.

Roja cursed the system angrily. Forty percent is enough to make Mabu obeyed and hate it, turning into a hateful situation. No matter how bad it is, he should have a love card for a long time.

"The items opened in the Treasure Box of Xunli are the most suitable for women's needs, and are most in line with the current status ." The unchanging voice of the system came. This kind of emotionless thing did not feel Roya's anger at all.

"The fit is also called fit Mabuyi, and I can still have a good impression on Lao Tzu and come to me." Roja cursed the system in his heart, but suddenly stopped.

The system will not tell lies, saying that the fit is the fit, which means that the linen can be done with only 40% of the favorability.

There were a lot of doubts in his mind, Luo Ya didn't think much about it, put on the invisibility cloak, and the ability to stimulate the moment came to the cell where Ma Buyi was held.

After taking out the favorability detector from the warehouse and pointing it at Mabuyi, the result made a black line rise on his forehead.

Azabu has a favorable impression of 59, and his heart is beginning to move.

What's the situation with Nima?

Roya stood in place with a dazed expression, Mabuyi is still asleep now, the two missing hundred spring techniques did not make her faint, she has not woken up now, it is just a habit of the body.

Dreaming and dreaming will increase your favorability

After thinking about it for a long time, Roya could only have this kind of speculation in his heart. Dreaming thirty or forty times a day, dreaming more than a thousand times a month, seemed to have a little hint of subconsciousness.

After leaving a note and putting down the ever-changing professional outfit, Roja wearing the invisibility cloak once again appeared in Sam Yi's cell.

Both of them are now in single-room cells. Although they are not more comfortable than the outside conditions, they are given the best treatment except for not being free, and they don't even need to work like ordinary female prisoners.

The Favorability Detector was aimed at Sam Yi who was in a daze, Luo Ya slapped Zui, and turned around to spur the ability of Moment to appear in the Hokage office.

Xunli’s treasure box was opened, and his favorability level increased. Although nothing substantive happened with the two of them, Roya always felt that it was not appropriate to keep the two of them in prison. How should they be brought out?

"Master, the guard of the witch in the land of ghosts, please see Soho." While thinking about it, Hongdou poked her head in from the door and asked Roya aloud.

"The witch guards of Ashohio Ghost Country invited him in." Luo Ya was shocked when he heard Adzuki Dou's words, and after nodding, asked Adzuki to invite him in.

He sounded a little familiar with the name Asho, and with the introduction of the maiden guard of the ghost country, Roja immediately remembered.

In the original book, the boy glasses brother who used the shadow mirror transformation method to turn into the appearance of the witch Shion and was killed by the enemy, although this guy is a bit stubborn, his loyal attitude is very worthy of recognition.

"The guards of the country of ghosts are long, see Hokage-sama." Wearing a standard guard of the country of ghosts, Asui knelt in front of Roja on one knee, and came directly to a standard guard ceremony.

This kind of etiquette was originally only used by the monarchs and daimyos of various countries, but Roja's current prestige is too strong, and after seeing it, Asui subconsciously uses it.

"Thank you, please sit down." Luo Ya waved his hand, and a glimmer of shining energy lifted the ear of the foot, and pointed his finger at the seat next to him.

"Thank you Hokage-sama for sitting down." Hokage bowed again and bowed, and sat on one side of the seat cautiously. On the fifty-centimeter-wide stool, he sat on less than one-fifth of the stool.

"I don't know what's going on with you when you come to Konoha." Roja went straight to the subject without saying a word after Asho was seated. Although the little guard was loyal enough, the identity gap between the two was so big that there was nothing to say.

"Hokage-sama, recently there is a legendary ghost that existed in the Warring States period, the nine-tailed fox Yuzao in front of my ghost maiden."

"I'm going, what did that stuff do?"

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