One Piece: World Traveler

Chapter 12 - Aftermath

The ȧssessment continued, but the crowd weren't that impressed at all after seeing the power of the admirals. The Admirals won't normally reveal their power, but the threat level of that 'Meteor Shower' forced them to.

Sengoku left the square along with Borsalino and Kuzan the moment they succeed in defending that 'Disastrous Attack'.

Sengoku was ȧssured that whoever attacked must be nearby, so he hurriedly move to inspect every suspicious civilian in the island, and secondly, he wanted to conceal those disgraceful news.

If people knew that the headquarters were attacked so blatantly by an unknown criminal, trampling their dignity and face in the process, their reputation would be on the ground.

Sadly, They weren't able to find any suspicious person, so Sengoku could only declare a hunting warrant to every one with gravity-based devil fruit. None even thought for a second that the little 'hero' was the 'criminal'.

Despite Sengoku efforts in hiding what happened, The spectacular 'Meteor Shower' was even seen by some passing-by pirates or merchants.

"Big News" Morgans with his influence and relations was able to get a wind of the exact news, only to be printed at the first page of the next day newspaper.

The News Coo flying around the world shared the specifics of the incident.

Titled as 'Big News : The Navy Headquarters under Attack, who is the culprit?', the rest of the article was all about how seven meteors fall from the sky, and almost destroyed the whole Marineford if not for their readiness.

The article also mention, rather, predict about to the ' probable motives' of the attacker.

Aizen also got his small space in the article as a brave and talented marine recruit that helped saving the marineford, his otherworldly appearance made the maiden all around the world fall in love with him, and keep his portrait.

"Oyaji.. did you hear the latest news?" Shouted Marco towards the Whitebeard, his tone could only described as " schadenfreude".

"Gurararara! Sengoku, that bastard must have offended some monster!" Whitebeard laughed uncaringly, for him, it doesn't matter, because he is Whitebeard. It's that simple.

There were different reactions all around the world, as even though the incident was shameful, the power to call upon meteors and the power to stop it, let the normal people, and even some inspiring pirates to be frightened.

Fish-Man island.

A large blue whale shark fish-man, stocky build and an 'Oni' face, was sitting in a palace like building, in front of him was a coelacanth merman, the king of the Ryugu Kingdom on Fish-Man Island.

The both of them were reading the newspaper with hardened expressions.

"Did you finally decide, Jinbe?" Asked Neptune, as he knew precisely the reason behind this 'person' visit.

"Neptune Sama, I agreed with W.G Terms, I will be soon leaving to the Navy headquarters to accomplish the Shichibukai final Procedures." Answered Jinbe with a determined expression.

"Then, I could only hope luck for you!" Said Neptune as he watched Jinbe gratefully.

Grandline - Juruiqa Island.

This was an island that was famed with its gambling attractions and black market, a Paradise for gamblers and people that look for rush, pŀėȧsurė and entertainment.

It was said that it was under a very influential person in the underworld, and even marine won't lay their feet inside this 'holy land'.

In one of the darken streets of this Island, the sound of a staff tapping on the earth could heard, as a short dark hair, a mustache, and a beard blind man appeared there. he has an X-shaped scar centered on the left side of his forehead that stretches over both eyes.

The blind man suddenly opened his eyes showing his peculiar white eyes that lacked pupils.

"To think that someone has the same fruit abilities as me, I think I should lay low this days!" Murmured the blind man, as he continued diving deeper in the black street.

Marineford, Convention Room

The room was intense, as every one of the higher up (Admirals - Vice Admirals ) present people were showing a solemn look.

The staff behind them were already gulping their saliva under the sheer pressure they were releasing. 'It was hard to breath!'

"Damn you Morgan!" Shouted Sengoku with loud tone.

"Calm Down Sengoku, The matter was very hard to conceal, not with that meteors formation that everybody could see from miles. Well, it's not bad thing, It may look like we were defeated, but the admirals power capable of stopping this kind of Disaster class attack will cower a lot of pirates." Said Tsuru wisely. she was the only one, except for Garp, that looked unperturbed.

"Any news?" Sengoku turned his face towards one of the staff, but other than sweating hard and shaking his head, he said nothing.

"The ȧssailant must not be a pirate, pirate won't made such a haphazard movement, rather, they wouldn't even approach the HQ. That left us with the Revolutionary Army, but even them aren't our direct enemies. Hm, another faction? but if so, they would have declare themselves.

A personnel matter, revenge maybe? or rather a probe? I just can't fathom the reason behind this attack at all!" Tsuru showed a puzzled look. She can't come up with any logical explanation. She already started to suspect that maybe it's a coincidence.

"We won't go anywhere if we didn't find the culprit first, it doesn't matter, we are here to discuss a more important matter, I just got a report from the Gorosei, Jinbe accepted the offer, and he will be coming soon to end the last procedures." Said Sengoku, while throwing the matter behind his head.

"Ara ra, Jinbe? he agreed?" Said Kuzan with a strange tone.

"Jinbe, Sun pirates captain? another frightening individual, scary!!" Added Borsalino from the side.

"It doesn't matter, he only need to act his role, the dog he is!" Said Sakazuki, for him, as long as he was loyal to the system, he wouldn't bother.

The W.G already accepted his candidate, even if he didn't like it, it would still happen, why would he bother.

Garp by the side suppressed his laugh. Hearing Sakazuki talking about dogs, coupled with his nickname as the 'red dog' sounds hilarious for him.

The meeting finished, but the investigating process never cease. None of the people inside the meeting could forget the shame of what happened.

Gion Courtyard.

Aizen was laying in his master bed comfortably, the bar in front of him made quite the jump.

From his previous 1.3% all the way to 4.6%. He got a lot of informations from the performance of the admirals level geezers.

He was now able to understand the 'Elementaliztion' Law, and even the light that was obscure for him, Garp Haki complexity and one of it's last application: Ryuo.

The moment Garp blasted the meteor, he channeled his haki outside his body, and plus armoring his fist, he charged some of his haki inside the Meteor destroying every particle of it, turning it to dust.

Sengoku shockwaves, Sakazuki magma, Kuzan Ice, Z martial arts.

The only detriment, is that his power increased crazily, that he wasn't able to use it efficiently. If he wasn't wrong, he was already at the peak Rear Admiral and newbie Vice-Admiral Level with 3900 soon 4000 power level.

Aizen then used his Orb to seal some of the excess power of his body to help him adapt in the next days, months or even years leaving only about 1600-1700 near Commodore Level.

Powers with Laws as source would be easily ȧssimilated by the orb, and he would be able to understand it easily. such as Gravity, Air, Magma, Sock wave, Ice, Light, Darkness ....

But for Martial Arts or Sword Arts, he would need to use his own perception, the orb would help awaken and stimulate his body, but the later, needs his own perception.

He also discovered that Haki has a great relation with his own soul, so the moment he would awaken his Conqueror Haki (Haoshoku), he is afraid that he may end up destroying this planet.

For Sword Arts, he was already at the peak level Beginner, almost intermediate. If he met some Sword God that used law, he may be able to understand it instantly with the help of the orb, but as the most stronger person in this world is not even a sword heart expert, he would need to work hard.

Aizen was already informed that he was accepted as Elite Recruit, and was ordered to report a week after the end of the competition, so he could only train in seclusion in this week, and harmonize with his power.

Seriously, he already registered Suru, Geppo, so the other four arts are his target. Aizen didn't belittle any art, he already have a plan to accumulate all the martial arts - swords of this world, and create something that never heard or seen before.

Per example suru, sonido and shunpo, what kind of footwork he would end up with.

Now with his 4% filled bar, he could already rewrite a part of the Law, and upgrade his Kyoka Suigetsu to a 'real' complete hypnosis, bypassing even the Haki system. But he wasn't in hurry.

There are still a lot of things to learn. He didn't plan well what would happen in the future, so from now on, he would only show a part of his power, and copy the three admirals achievements, so to not bring wariness from the higher ups.

After all, if he shows a great power that couldn't be controlled by them, he would not know if he would grow up easily.

The three admirals may look strong, but to be treated as dogs by the Tenryubito while the admirals are happy to work for them can't be explained by shrugging.

There must be a terrifying power hiding in the shadows, and he wasn't ready to face them any soon.

The week passed peacefully, as other than waving his sword and training his body, studying haki and testing some of the newfound laws such as light that he found cool. There was some news that Jinbe was accepted as a Warlord, Boa Hancock ignored the navy call-up, so other than Mihawk and Kuma none came to the meeting.

Along with it some fish man prisoners were released from impel down. Arlong included.

"If I'm not wrong, the next year would be Doflamingo. Through blackmailing the W.G, he would be settled as Warlord, while the year after, Arlong would Attack Nami village. If I'm able to graduate early, I wouldn't mind use Arlong as way to accumulate merits."

Aizen started planning his future, and decided to use the knowledge of timeline to climb up the ranks.

But first, he would need to graduate.

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