One Piece: World Traveler

Chapter 11 - Blank

The crowd in their seats were boiling with excitement as they watch the two strong looking recruits that ascended the arena.

The referee in the center recited some ceremonial rules.

"No killing, No heavy hands, let the match begin!"

N°14 lashed a at N°15 as he felt that his own dignity was challenged, later a 'grand' combat started.

The fight in the eyes of the normal 'crowd' looks heaven shattering, and every punch echo would draw cheering.

Aizen at the side, couldn't help but lament. If it was the past 'him' of three months ago, he would have the same reactions as the scammed mob, maybe even more intense, as every punch of those recruits could even kill the strongest man of his former world. For the current him, their intense combat could only be described as 'kids brawling'.

Aizen let his eyes trailed towards the other contestants, other than the veiled guy 'Shu' that he recall his ability to rust swords, Drake the dinosaur and Hina with her iron shackles, others seems just to there fill the blank.

There was another one thing that Aizen didn't stop doing, and that was giving internal commands to his orb to scan Borsalino.

The scan seems to be successful, but he will need at least hours if not days to be completed, and Aizen didn't have that luxury, thereby he closed his eyes and with a calm and dull expression and started forming all kind of plans inside his mind while ignoring the clatter of the crowd.

There were a lot of eyes on him such as Sengoku, Garp, Z etc...

"The boy seems to be uninterested!" Said Sengoku meaningfully, but he was impressed, that only meant the boy was that confident.

"Hahahahaha! of course he would! with his power even a fart could sent those two to their demise" Laughed Garp as he stated a simple 'truth'.

"Only, this kind of attitude isn't allowed! He must no belittle his opponent, or he would end up dead in the battlefield!" Z wasn't approving, but he let it pass, as he would instruct him 'well' in the future.

"As serious as always Sensei, no wonder we couldn't get along!" Murmured Borsalino from the side with an upset tone, but his dull face never changed.

He never took his so-called sensei advices seriously even since they had a fight because of his devil fruit dependance.

"Brat, someday, you will ended up with your ȧss kicked!" Warned Z from the side.

The fact that Borsalino became an Admiral only by abusing his devil fruit created an internal conflict inside Z.

Was he wrong? for him devil fruits must never be the main power, it should be an auxiliary system that only boost your main body prowess, but the fact that Borsalino was doing well, in addition to attain the Admiral rank, shook his beliefs was only an understatement.

Back to Aizen.

The moment he closed his eyes, he could feel that his analytical skills were off charts, he could come with different plans and situations, attain more than one goal with merely one action, he could even deduce repercussions that may tag along behind 'his' every plan.

That was something he never felt before, either was it because of the orb help, or because his soul was no longer that suppressed, he wasn't bothered by the source, as it's his 'own', and that's plenty enough for him. The fact that Gion was away from the island to complete some mission would help him a lot, as she was the only one currently that could see through his hidden intentions.

Aizen thought that if he wanted to increase the scan, he may take a direct approach or an indirect one that may bring a lot of benefits.

The direct one, was through manipulating a fight with one of the contestants, he would use the flow of combat, and attack Borsalino with a flying slash activating his passive Elemntalization.

Such a plan would have been great for the 'past' him, adding a simple sentence such as :

"I just wanted to know the difference of power between us!" with a hotblooded tone, may bring the approval of Z and even Garp, but such a lack of discipline would end up offending a narrow-minded Borsalino and even Sengoku.

Borsalino was described as a narrow minded person that would take his revenge on the smallest of things, coupled with his blatant nepotism, it wasn't a wise action to take.

Sengoku may not be bothered that much, but such an act of not putting an Admiral in his eyes and attacking him in front of the crowd, would only give birth to a lot of negative feedback, and Sengoku as the crafty person he was, he may turn wary of him.

That left Aizen with a risky plan, but along with it, came a lot of benefits, and even a 'future ally'.

Aizen commanded his orb to start passing him the control of 'Gravity Law'.

Gravity was the same concept with earth, which made it easy to crack with the current 1% ability of the Orb.

Calculating the stamina needed, he came up with the conclusion that he would end up with low level stamina after launching his move. but that was expected, he already have a plan.

This action may be dangerous, but he was confident in the power of the marine to alleviate the threat and protect the innocent populace.

As everything was planned. Aizen started his first performance in this World.

"Winner N°14" The referee announced the result, and the crowd cheered.

As the referee was about to announce the next battle, a sharp scream was heard all around the arena, taking everyone by surprise.

Turning their heads towards the source, everything was baffled as a young man from the recruit batch was hugging his head while screaming.

His face was pale, and it seems as if he was having a grievous headache.

Garp, Sengoku, Z and borsalino were taken by surprise. What happened to him?

The 'screaming' boy was of course, Aizen, he already depleted every section of his stamina to call upon his gravity law. It was a wonderful feeling as he was able to see the 'planet' from an eagle eyes, even the outer space, and that was the moment he ȧssimilated that knowledge.

Hidden from the crowd, his jet black 'irises' eyes gained another dark purple circle, that surrounded his dark pupils, and that the insignia of 'Gravity Law', but soon disappeared as he was already disconnected.

Aizen supported his body, and with a scared expression, he look towards The Admiral section Seat. With a despairing expression, he shouted with a frightened tone.

"Admirals Sama ... Help ... it's ... Coming!" Stuttered Aizen dramatically.

"Hm? What is this boy talking about?" Said Borsalino with a scary tone, but inwardly, he was on guard. He could tell that something creepy is going to happen, call it his instincts, but he was sure. The only doubt was that where is the attack coming from.

"The boy, seems to awaken his Observation Haki, The question is -" Said Zephyr while his hands was clenched. He was also having a bad foreboding. He knew the boy senses were high, and the fact that he was this alerted, only meant a great danger stimulating his body.

"What kind of trouble is coming!" Said Garp solemnly, while Sengoku clenched his teeth. he could feel the air around him solidify.

Aizen moved his finger while trembling, and signed towards the sky, that started to turn dark, as if the sun was setting.

The uneasy crowd that felt the sudden change, turned their sight towards the darken sky, and their eyes couldn't stop bulging, while sweat started falling in buckets!

"Me.. Meteors!!" Shouted someone of the crowd with good eyesight, and the arena turned chaotic.

Some were screaming in fright, others were paralyzed, There were even some pissed their pants at they felt themselves doomed.

God's Wrath! that was the only thought inside their minds.

"Scaaaary! Sengoku san, It's not just one, there are 7 meteors, that will be troublesome! What kind of monster are we facing?" Said Borsalino with a scary expression, but he wasn't fazed like the crowd, he was overconfident in his power.

"Damn! How dare they attack the headquarters!!!" Shouted Sengoku with bulging blue veins in his head. He felt as if the marine dignity was humiliated.

"Shiki? or another monster? those fire trails, it seems that they were summoned by some devil fruit powers from the outside space!" Added Garp solemnly, he was already arming his love fist with haki.

"There are 7 meteors, the other two, would be able to sense the change, and join us soon!" Z deduced calmly as the flaming meteor could be seen reflected in his eyes.

The first one to move was Borsalino, as an Admiral, and also under the unintentional urge of Aizen, he just couldn't back down.

Borsalino body turned to light photons, and Aizen orb started recording crazily.


Borsalino disappeared from the audience platform, only to appear in front of the first meteor.

Yasakani no Magatama - 'Comma Jewel of Eight Shaku'

bypassing the destruction, he already started charging to the next meteor.

Behind him, Sengoku Turned to his gigantic buddha form 'Golden Buddha', his abnormally large arms were put in defending pose, while his relatively tiny legs were exerting power, as if he was preparing to charge, the moment the debris were on sight, he unleashed a strong shock wave from both hands, sending all the debris away from the marineford Island.

Garp passed by his side, as he treaded on air itself approaching one of the other incoming meteors, Clenched his black colored hand, and intercepted the meteor in a frontal attack. no tricks, only a fist, the flaming meteor turned to dust.

Z on the other hand stood in front of the shocked crowd, alleviating any danger approaching.

The atmosphere suddenly turned cold, as an incredibly tall, slim, yet muscular man made his appearance, stepping on frozen air as he approached the other meteors, who is it other than Kuzan?

The moment he came into contact with the falling meteor, he hugged it strangely while muttering.

"Ice Time"

The Meteor flames started to release smoke, as its flame shell disappeared, and what was there after seconds, was a giant ice boulder.

Kuzan distanced himself from the falling ice boulder, and joined Garp and Borsalino, taking care of other Meteors.

Great Eruption -Daifunka!

A sea of magma in the shape of an arm appeared from one side of the headquarters turning the whole Ice boulder to crystal rain.

Sakazuki stood there in his red attire, while gazing at the sky with an angry expression.

"How dare you shame our Justice!" Shouted Sakazuki towards the sky. He didn't know who was the attacker, but he swear that he will find him.

The attack formation of Borsalino, Garp and Kuzan, coupled with the defensive one, Sengoku, Z and Sakazuki alleviate the threat, but everyone of them was burning with anger.

The crowd that saw the mythical power of the admirals, couldn't stop cheering and shouting all kind of praises and eulogy.

Some even look towards the sweating Aizen with gratitude, and was even hailed as the little hero of the marine, as he was the one to alert the admirals.

Coupled with the fact that he awakened his 'Haki', no one forced him to attain the combat ȧssessment, as they knew in their hearts that he was qualified.

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