One Piece: World Traveler

Chapter 10 - Combat Assessment

The Assessment time was finally over, while the sirens all around the archipelago reverberated all around.

The recruits shadows soon started to lay in sight, as they returned to the harbor, some with triumphant while others crestfallen.

"How much monsters did you hunt?"

"Not much, but I expect some good news!"

"What about you?"


"He, don't worry, you still have a chance the next year!"

"I heard that someone hunted a Level 3, is that true?!"

"Bullshit! none could do that in the recruit camp, even Elite aren't that powerful, it's merely a rumor."

The recruits were gossiping all around, but through their conversations Aizen that was the first to go back to the harbor, already guessed the true basis behind this test. It wasn't just power level, it's more about if you dare to draw blood or not.

After the Orb broke through the 1% mark, Aizen got more informations about his orb, as it seems that the power of the this cheat allow him to break rules and cheat laws. Totally a fitting power for his soul type.

The only detriment was that his soul power was innate and not trained, his body wasn't stronger enough to harmonize with it and extract all its power, so he could only exert a portion of it. But he wasn't really bothered.

Currently, he can cheat 1 law, per example, break the curse of a devil fruit, ability to eat double fruits, awakening of a fruit, Immune to sea stone, Resurrection, Gravity control, Air control, Fire control... things that this world logic didn't differ a lot from in his past world. As for Elementalization, it was something that didn't have any data about, he didn't see any one of the admirals in action.

The more his bar percentage increased the more he will be able to negate more laws, and even manipulate.

Aizen wasn't interested in eating devil fruits, nor did he care about cheating the laws, but he didn't mind gaining a new superpower such as Gravity to call upon meteors or Air Control to generate Disasters.

Aizen that was focused in his own phantasy suddenly was pulled by the ears.

"It hurts, it hurts .... Master, please stop!"

A mad looking Gion was currently pulling him by his ears, while her eyes side were red only demonstrate how worried she was to the point of crying.

Just the fact that he made this woman cry made Aizen felt proud. After all, who wouldn't be happy to have someone that cared about him that much.

He may have been looking to the characters of this world as imaginative, but the more he understand his powers, the more he treated them as 'real' people, because for him, real or false, he is the one to decide, and the warmness in his heart was real.

"You unfilial disciple, how could you make your master this worried! now spill it, what was that?!" Asked Gion with an irritated expression, while denied his request.

"Ugh, please master, I'll talk, I'll talk!" Gion finally let him off after seeing his 'pained' expression.

"Hmph! Go on!" As she said that, two other geezers joined the conversation while looking to the boy as if looking to a jewel. that gaze brought the chill down his spine.

"It's my sword intent, I can use water to create either ice or mist, ice for attack and mist for illusions!" Said Aizen with a miserable tone, as he felt that he was mistreated here.

The trio were somehow convinced, as it was the only explanation, but the cold look that his master still gave him left him unsettled.

Soon, The results were revealed with Aizen having the first place.

It brought a huge uproar, as he wasn't that famous other than him having ties with the higher up, but the fact that he was a strong Vice Admiral disciple convinced the people here.

They knew that Garp and Zephyr weren't people that would employ underhanded tactics just to cheat them.

"His name is Aizen? I heard he is only 11 years old! he must be a true genius!"

"I heard about him, It said that that two months ago, he was brought to the recruit camp by Vice Admiral Gion, meanwhile, some recruits wanted to bully him, but he was still able to beat them up without any injuries!"

"As expected of a Vice Admiral disciple! I envy him!"

"Hmph! so what if he got the first place here, the next sparring trial is all what it counts!"

"Right! I will make him look for his teeth!"

"Hina Perplexed! you death seeker?"

A lot of people weren't convinced, other were mad with envy, some found the whole ordeal interesting such as Drake.

He was a person with an overconfidence in himself, he only look towards Aizen as a stepping stone to show his worth.

The Warships left the artificial island with the recruits on board, and made its way back to the headquarters.

The people that got qualified will be joining the last trial - Combat Assessment.


Through the white stone pavement of the city, Gion dragged Aizen with her, as she refused to let him go. She was very perturbed as she almost lost him back then.

"Master, are you ok?!" Asked Aizen worriedly. He knew that he was monitored, but at that time, he didn't really thought that even the snail would be hypnotized.

Gion didn't bother answering him, she took him all the way to her private courtyard, throwing him in her bedroom. She carried on as she took away her marine attire.

Aizen almost got a reaction down there while admiring her sėxy black lace undėrwėȧr, that ėrȯtɨċ body.

As expected from a sword master, every part of her body was carved, those white tights, that plentiful ȧss, and those jiggling bȯȯbs ...

Aizen lost his focus as he admired the creation of god. This peculiar scenery only fueled him to work harder and to master his power.

"I've never thought that my little disciple is a pervert!" Said Gion, that was currently in her pink revealing pajama. From her tone rather than expressing letdown, Aizen that brought back from his reverie could only feel her delight.

Presently, she was about 30 years old or so, but she still have the air of twenty or so maiden. Aizen really couldn't scoff at her extreme self-regarding.

"You are really beautiful master, when I grow up I'll marry you!" Aizen didn't mind play the child role that she regarded him as.

He already knew that his master never really thought of him as a man, so even after he was laying in her bed, and maybe he will join her once again in her sleep just like the previous two months (If Tokikake knew about this, he will kill him), he wasn't expecting more than that.

"Fufufufu, Marry me? you are really getting bolder, aren't you Aizeeen chaaan!" Gion giggled as she found her disciple getting bold lately.

When she met him for the first time, she was really attracted at how cute and otherworldly his appearance was, plagued with her self-remorse and guilt, she took him with her.

Later his mȧturė conduct made her find a way to atone her guilt, but the more she passed time with him, she like him more and more like her own little brother.

But to conquer her, a haughty arrogant sword master, Appearance isn't the right approach at all.

Aizen also know this, because of that, he wasn't really bothered at his master mocking.

'There will be a day when I'll make you mine, master!' Murmured Aizen inwardly, while he was hugged like a pillow by her.

It was the same thing that happened to him the previous months, the trigger was the bullying, he still don't know how to thank them.

'I wonder if Hina fall for me?' following the world laws, princess always fall for the hero.

Aizen didn't take a lot of time before he slept as he was very tired.

The next day, Central Square.

Today the square was lively, The Combat Assessment will start soon, and all the recruits, City Civilians, some VIP characters, what's more, Admiral Borsalino, Sengoku, Garp and Z also were there.

A lot of recruits come from a marine background, children of Commanders, L.Commanders, Captains, Commodores, Rear Admirals, Vice Admirals ...

The last time there was such a gathering was the time when Smoker with his logia fruit passed the test. Only, until now, Smoker didn't really show any good sides other than depending blindly on his fruit, while showing a lack of discipline. It was one of the reasons Sengoku was doubtful after hearing about a 'genius', this word only brought him bad memories.

The Central Square was transformed into an arena like shape, as the crowd seats were divided into recruits area, civilians area, and VIP area. Meanwhile, the highest and imposing looking seats were of course reserved to the Higher ups (Admirals power Level).

Sitting on a purple golden impactful chair, Borsalino was watching everything in front of him with a dull eyes.

"It's very lively down there, don't you think so, Z sensei!" Said Borsalino with an excited tone, but his expression remained uninterested.

"You brat! if you didn't want to come, you shouldn't have done so!" Answered Z with a cold tone. He wasn't really comfortable around this arrogant disciple of him.

"Stop making troubles!" Said Sengoku with black lines forming in his forehead. Hr didn't really want to hear their couple bickering.

"Z-sensei scary! Sengoku san, you know I hate troublesome things!" Said Borsalino with a scared appearance, while Z forehead were full of blue veins.

"Hahahahaha! You can't win against him at all Z geezer, Hahahaha!" Garp said with a mouth full of cookies.

"Shut up Garp!" Sengoku appearance right now was quite the sight to behold.

"Hahahahahaha! Sengoku, you aren't fun at all!" Added Garp while teasing his comrade.

Aizen down there in the arena, was looking towards Borsalino with fervor in his eyes. If he was able to make him take an action, he would be able to record his light element procedure and even manipulate it. He already thinking of plans to activate his 'Elementalization'

"Quiet down!" Z sound was heard through all the arena, and soon the noise stopped, and everything was calm, and that only demonstrate how respected he was.

"The combat ȧssessment is a little bit different from the previous one, this one is to give a chance to the other people that aren't convinced. A lot of you may be thinking that they were unlucky in the previous trial, so here is your one and only chance to prove your worth, power and talent!"

The recruits started to shout happily. Still some of them were bewildered.

That kind of line-up (Hero of the marine - Fleet Admiral - Borsalino Admiral) no way was here to watch them. Nevertheless, they were disciplined marines, and they wouldn't question the higher up aim.

"This ȧssessment is based on ranking, the recruit with the lower rank can challenge any other one above his rank. Of course, the challenged recruit won't be challenged immediately after the fight."

Z turned to the side and ordered a staff member to project the ranking list.

Soon, the ranking list was on sight.

It was the same ranking as yesterday, with Aizen at the first place, followed by Drake, a veiled man that his name was Shu, Hina in the fourth place ...

There were 15 recruits that were able to qualify, and only the first 5 will be allowed to promote to the recruit camp, as for the the losers, they may wait for the next year, or graduate.

"Let the competition begin!" Shouted Z, and following his order, The 15 challenged 14.

The crowd then started the uproar.

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