One Piece: World Traveler

Chapter 9 - Fighting Level 3 Monster

At another side of the forest, Groups of recruits were either teaming up against monsters, or hunting solo with confidence.

Those teams often attack Level 1 and play it safely. It would take a lot of time and effort so that all of them can pass, but that doesn't stop them as the ȧssessment deadline was three days.

Drake with his devil fruit Zoan was one of the recruits that showed a lot of talent in this trial, as his dinosaur jaw could even tear iron apart.


A desperate roar ranged out, and a monster corpse fall helplessly under the ruthless grip of Drake.

"Another one down, with this, it's counted as a pass!" Said Drake calmly, still his eyes were shining with confidence.

He believed that he was the first to ever hunt five Level 1 creatures and passed the test.

"Not enough! if I wanted to get enough resources and attention, I need to break my limits and risk it on a Level 2!" Said Drake with determination. His background wasn't that clean to begin with, and if he wanted to be given some respect, he need to show his capabilities and worth.

Aizen was still the same, in his way he met a lot of Level 2, but with his rising power and skillful sword, he didn't wave more than once.

Meanwhile he discovered a rather interesting thing. He was gaining insight to some of the rokushiki martial arts from the monsters.

At first he was clueless about the reason, but soon he was able to make his deduction. The Orb seems to refine the monsters souls and extract their memories along with experience increasing the pace of its analysis, and as the bar filled, he was getting stronger, if he wasn't wrong, he was about 700, and he power up in a rather undemanding manner.

Tap, tap, tap.

Aizen ears perk up as he heard foot steps approaching. He could guess that the person approaching him was a female just from the sound of her hurried steps. Meantime, the hurried breath coupled with thick sweat that fall in the ground only help in confirming her scared demeanor.

Aizen finally could see a pink haired female teenager recruit that seems to be running away from something. The girl also was able to see him, and her expression changed to her worst one.

"Run!!" Shouted the female, while heading with even more speed towards him.

Aizen finally discovered the reason behind her fright. A relatively enormous looking snake creature was tailing her, however with his enhanced senses, he could feel that it's toying with her, as the creature Level was the max that could be found in this island, and could swallow the girl effortlessly.

Aizen put his hand on his katana, preparing himself for his first real struggling fight, but he was surprised, as the girl who approached him lift him like some sac of potato, only to run crazily once again while carrying him.

The girl was a teenager version of Hina, using her combo 'devil fruit and guns', she was able to hunt monsters easily, and her success started making it in her head inflating her with overconfidence.

She choose to hunt some Level 2 creatures alone, but her bad luck just lead her to one of the overlords of the island.

It was as if a cold barrel of water thrown at her while she was scorching with power and conviction.

What made it worst was that she met one of her juniors while she was running away. A person with a strong belief of justice such as her won't use her fellow trainee as a bait to escape, what leads to the current scenario.

Meanwhile, Aizen was very distressed.

"Big sister, can you please put me down, I want to fight that snake" Said Aizen with a soothing tone while looking at the girl with a calm expression.

"Crazy Kohai? Level 3 overlord, Elite Recruits teams hunt ! Hina can't understand!!" Hina almost fainted from shock, she looked towards her kohai with an incredulous look.

Before Aizen could answer this mentally ill senior, they were already intercepted by the big snake that seems finally bored from teasing them.

Aizen at the moment felt an intense throbbing coming from the orb, it seems if he was able to slay this monster great things would happen to him, he may even broke the 1% in a single breath. (0.94%)

"Over ... Over ... Hina die vɨrġɨn!" Hina started to mutter chaotically, while Aizen finally made his escape from her bosom.

"I think this is where the hero show his power, and the princess fall in love" Said Aizen while looking at Hina strangely. He was already thinking about how she will throw herself in his hug after the end of the battle.

Hina who heard him looked towards him not understanding what he was talking about, but behind the video dun dun mushi, a certain master forehead was bulging with blue veins unconsciously, while the two old geezers were laughing their ȧss off at his ċȯċky line.

Aizen moved his sight towards the snake like creature that seems snarling at them while skillfully sheathing his katana.

'Kyōka Suigetsu, shatter!' Mumbled Aizen while posing his katana vertically in front of him.

A glimpse of light went by unnoticed, and every being in his range was put under his complete hypnosis.

The serpent creature was provoked by the action, and lashed out at Aizen while bearing its fangs maliciously.

"Watch out!" Screamed Hina in horror as Aizen was frozen in his place without moving.

The serpent made its way towards Aizen almost instantly, and in a flash, the fangs teared apart his head.



Gion was the most affected as she saw her disciple head flying, and unknowingly a tear slid from her eyes. Her eyes turned hollow, and her bloodthirstiness exploded.

Z and Garp stand up as they couldn't understand what happened in front of them. To put it simply, someone of Aizen calibre could easily evade this attack, strangely enough he didn't move.

Hina face was shocked as she saw the frightening sight occurring in front of her while her eyes were reddening. She was desperate, only if she was strong enough, she wouldn't have let that to happen.

Everything happened quickly, but as the Vice Admirals group were about to move, they were shocked as the serpent was sent flying with a trail of bloody mist, destroying a couple of trees in its way.

Aizen appeared magically behind the serpent, but he had a frown in his face.

'Haki?' Murmured Aizen.

Everyone were one again taken back as the boy was intact, still keeping his head.

"Hahahahaha! This brat really knows how to make us worry!" Laughed Garp happily, as he returned his finger to his nose expressing his relief.

"What was that?! Clone? Illusion?" Asked Zephyr with an incredulous face.

No one answered as they were all the same.

"Just you wait stinky brat! how dare you worry your master!"Shouted Gion while watching the screen with red eyes. She really thought that she lost him.

Aizen was looking towards the serpent that started shaking ready to move, and something inside him broke. He was no longer the 'modern' human that was skeptical when it comes to violence, his blood was now boiling as the fact that he found a worthy 'prey' to hunt.

"Big sister, it would be better if you leave this place, that guy is only slightly injured!" Said Aizen calmly while his eyes never left his 'prey'.

Hina's happy face was soon frozen, as her ears detected the sound of the serpent hissing.

Hina was quivering as she retreated back, while inwardly, she was conflicted.

The fact that she need her kohai to protect her, only made her beliefs and values broke, similar to a cheap glass.

Aizen could tell, that it was using observation haki, but he was confident that even if it was so, he could still took that head off.

Aizen was the one to move, using his soul energy, he imitated a shunpo-like movement, while used the other excess of power to strengthen his cutting and ice damage.

The serpent was able to predict his attack, and what met his katana, was a sharp looking fang that was fortified with a black coating.

'Armamanet Haki' Thought Aizen, as he redirected his katana path towards the creature eyes, taking it by surprise. For others it may be impossible, but for Aizen with his abnormal combat sense, predicting his movement wasn't really a hindrance, instead, a possibility.

His katana moved as he generated a loud air cutting noise, plucking the serpent eyes. Alas, the serpent was fast in defending as it closed its eyes and fortified its eyelid with Haki, nevertheless, his katana was able to injure it heavily, sending the serpent flying again.

Seeing this, Aizen relaxed a little, but what he didn't expect, was that the serpent used his own momentum as it waved its fortified tail, injuring him badly in the process.

Thud, Boom, Crack.

Sounds of explosions could be heard, as the level of fight between the two monsters were in another level compared to the recruits.

Aizen destroyed a lot of trees under the sheer power of the serpent attack, but other than cowering, he only felt his power grow stronger while his regeneration perk made its work.

Aizen coughed a little blood, his face was calm, but his eyes were shining with ardor.

It was his first time taken such a damage. The Power of the serpent was about 1200, along with its haki boost, if it was another recruit, he would have turned to mincemeat, but his strong mȧsȯċhɨstic body only become stronger.

He moved his eyes towards the bar only to find that he was already 0.99%.

He supported his body to stand up, while trailing his eyes towards the serpent over there that was even more miserable than him.

Aizen smiled a little, feeling the newfound power inside him, he smirked at the serpent, as it had no more value.

"You did a great job little snake, Let's end this!"

The moment he finished his sentence, he was above the laying serpent head, exerting all his power on the sword, he channeled all his Sword Qi coupled with his weak haki coating that gained enlightenment to through watching the snake and the orb help.

His Soul force boosted his attack even more, and in terrific sword slashing, he launched a flying slash towards the center of the serpent forehead.

The crippled serpent couldn't move its body as the last attack damaged its nerves. It could only watch as the slash passed through it, disappearing deeper in the ground.

Aizen fall from the sky elegantly, as he sheathed his katana slowly. The moment his katana turned to his sheath, a magical scene appeared.

The snake started to split slowly in two along with the ground, leaving a large crack in the forest that extended to a whole fifty meters.

Aizen who saw this couldn't help but whistle as he admired his destruction level, and soon the bar turned to (1.3%)

Hina who was hiding a little back, was flabbergasted at her Kohai strength, but soon she recovered her calm.

"Hina won't lose!" Said Hina, as she run away, she didn't have the face to meet the boy.

In the observatory building, the staff were dumbfounded! even Elite Camp didn't seem to have this kind of power.

"Hahahahaha! what a scary little monster, he already touched upon the haki essence!" Said Garp without caring about the staff pale faces.

"To think that a 11 year old boy already surpassed an Elite recruit, nevertheless, he is still tender!" Added Zephyr while his eyes seems to shine with unfathomable light, thinking of different training courses to mold this brat to an even stronger powerhouse.

"That power just know already surpassed the 1000 mark!" Said a staff that was shaking, as he read the reports from the measurement machine.


"As expected from Gion Vice Admiral disciple" One of them didn't mind ŀɨċkɨnġ some boots while possible.

Gion face was mildly amazed, but the expression that seems to dominate her face was a prideful one.

The Test continued for Three days, but Aizen wasn't that interested, he got what he wanted, he only need to go in seclusion, and absorb his gaining.

Soon, the test ended, and the recruits starts going back to the island harbor.

Some were injured but happy, others were intact but gloomy, but that doesn't matter anymore, as the warships already left the island.

The ones who succeed were already apparent.

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