One Piece: World Traveler

Chapter 18 - Promotion - Rear Admiral.

Aizen and Robin already returned back to the Headquarters, Robin was all tense at first, but as she caught on the lack of hostility from the marines, and rather, the envy of the females and the respect of the masses, she breathed in relief while still in disbelief.

To think that a day will come for her to be respected by navy soldiers.

The headquarters was lively as ever, and as Aizen was an eye candy, he was greeted by the happy cheers and the love confessions wherever he passed.

He already dismissed the three captains behind him, and started walking towards the fortress along with Robin. Sengoku already told him to come to his office after his return, so he was doing just that.

"Captain? are you sure no one will notice my disguise?" Robin was very tense and excited, at the same worried if someone could see through her cover.

"Don't call me Captain, Robin Onee-sama! just call me 'Aizen', adding a Sama, would be more than I could bargain for!" Teased Aizen while choosing not to answer her doubts. He was that confident in his power.

The duo advanced towards the fortress, and under the salute and greeting of the officers, they made it to the higher floors.

Fortress Highest Floors.

"Please this way!" Sengoku was already informed about his arrival, so Aizen didn't even need to ask and was led by an officer to a door.

And in a a couple of minutes, he was already led inside a vast looking room.

Robin tagged behind him, while keeping her eyes lowered.

The moment she gazed upon the interior of the office, she was frozen solid in her place. She already started to suspect if she was led to a trap.

She felt like crying.

Turning her head with difficulty towards Aizen, she could see that his lips was twitching.

Sengoku 'office' today must be the most packed ever. All the higher up officers of the marine force were present here.

The moment the door was opened, everyone of them turned to gaze towards the 'Honor Guest'.

It seems as if there was a feast today, as the lavish dishes and liquor was all around the room.

"Brat, hurry up! they will eat your share!" Garp said with a face full of food. He didn't sound convincing at all.

"Congratulation little pervert!" Congratulated Gion, with a glistening tears on her eyes. She was very proud of her disciple.

"Nice outfit boy, you look very imposing on it!" Added Momonga from the side. He already forget what happened, and didn't mind building some good will with the boy.

Sengoku couldn't help but nod. He also didn't mind having a 'cool' looking uniform similar to that.

The others also showed a taciturn smiles while nodded their heads towards the boy. They weren't familiar with him, and they were also afraid of offending him.

"Arara, who is that young lady behind you?" Asked Kuzan with a strange tone, he didn't know why, but he felt as if the girl trembled more the moment she heard his question.

Robin only changed her appearance, so her clumsy reactions didn't went unnoticed by the monsters here.

Aizen was unperturbed. He answered casually.

"She was kidnapped by the pirates I killed. It seems she lost her family, so I asked her to become my secretary!" Aizen prideful tone that changed to blinding sense of justice convinced everybody.

Yes! they are the justice. Even Sakazuki found the boy pleasing to the eyes.

The feast continued as Aizen and Robin joined on. People from time to time would try to leave a good impression baffling Aizen. He didn't understand what's going on.

Turning to his master, he asked her quietly.

"Master, why are they acting strange?" Asked Aizen. Robin by his side also seems to be curious. She already calmed down after seeing that no one saw through her disguise, so she was more relaxed.

"Sigh, It's because you are that talented little pervert, do you know that you are already scheduled to become an Admiral in the future? that's why they would try to gain your favor now that you are a mere rear admiral, rather than wait for you to become vice admiral and lose that chance." Said Gion with contempt, but her tone was very smug.

"Master, I already breakthrough to the Top sword master level." Teased her Aizen by the side seeing her that smug.

Gion brows twitched, and she was about to stand up to leave and train, when she heard his next sentence.

"I told you master, soon I'll make you mine!" Besides Robin that was near, none heard him, but the two women faces were red with embarrassment.

Gion who always take his parley as drivel, couldn't retort this time. He was already turning to the perfect man.

"Hm? It's not that I don't want to train it Sengoku Sama, It's because it hinders me. I can already predict people movement without depending on it. There was a time when I unconsciously took a glimpse of the future, but I don't really knew how to control it!" Aizen directed the flow of conversation towards what he needed the most, and while putting a troubled face, he waited for someone to took the bait, or to be forced to.

Aizen didn't believe that no one in the marine officers here could see glimpses of the future.

And he was totally right.

His master, Garp, Sengoku, Z, Tsuru, The Three Admirals all look towards one direction.

Following their gaze, he was confronted by an ugly drunkard looking middle aged man.

His thin eyes, and a sharp nose coupled with an angular jawline made him look like a suspicious Ossan.

Feeling the gazes of everybody on him, his eyes twitched.

Tokikake would rather die than help that ċȯċky brat. He didn't like Aizen at all.

"Tokikake san, Jealousy may bring your health to the drain" Commented Borsalino with a faked concern, but his dull expression never change.

Tokikake mouth shook a little as the cigarette in his mouth fell to the ground. He could only sigh helplessly. His beloved was looking at him with fire in her eyes, if he refused, he would only looked down upon ever more.

"Alright, I will help!" Mumbled Tokikake with discomfort.

"Thank you Tokikake Sama!" Said Aizen Happily and innocently, not minding at all the different gazes he got from all around the room.

Even Robin could draw several conclusions from what happened now, but Aizen was unperturbed.

For him, even if his master was that old man wife, he would still take her away.

He do whatever he want, and don't care at all what would others think.

The feast soon was drawn to conclusion, and Aizen was informed that 5 months from now, he would be conferred as a 'Rear Admiral'.

Aizen didn't know if he would be sent to some base in the Grand line or to one of the four seas. But he would work on it.

The five months was so that Aizen would work on his observation Haki speciality with Tokikake, and also to pick a good base for him.

"Attack me!" Said Tokikake with a a fed up expression.

Aizen smiled, and sent a punch towards that ugly looking face. Strangely Tokikake poke his right shoulder before he could even charge the punch.

He wasn't fast, rather, Aizen's movement in front of him was a replay like scene.

The Orb was already recording the process, and it increased from 6% to 6.4%.

It seems the ability to glimpse at the future was a precious data.

Tokikake used all the time to bully Aizen, and didn't really teach him anything other than fooling around.

Aizen didn't mind because he already got what he wanted, and choose to continue honing his abilities using that ugly looking man.

He already gave Robin green light to rummage through all the informations in the marine headquarters, and she would report to him every day.

She seems getting happy day by day, and although she found some hidden secrets behind the real reason of Ohara destruction, the young woman didn't said 'revenge' word at all.

Aizen also informed her to monitor Arlong pirates, and the moment they made it to the East Blue, she was to inform him.

Having Robin as his secretary made Aizen feel like he was the fleet admiral, as everything happened was reported to him. He didn't have time to use his complete hypnosis at all, and he followed the rules like a law abiding citizen, but Robin was very fitting to Kyoka suigetsu.

Unfortunately, other than general knowledge and shameful incidents that was hidden and covered from the world, nothing with value was found.

Robin was more and more disgusted, and asked him to leave this place as it find it worse than 'Pirates Den', but Aizen refused, and ask her to rummage even deeper, maybe they could find something that would become handy later, also ordered her to pull some strings to be sent to the East blue.

He wanted to grow up in power away from the peering eyes of the higher ups, a place where he will not show more a lot of power. Specially, he would be exposed the moment he power up because his body would grow up and get taller in seconds.

This five months, the ugly man had a very heavy hand as if he was having a grudge, but the more Aizen was injured, the more his regeneration perk kicked on.

Aizen was now sure that whatever 'Kaidou' body was, it must not be natural. Aizen regeneration and stamina was already out of the world, he could cut half of his body, and he would recover the next second, but he wasn't that though yet like kaidou.

Benefits of the orb, his body was peerless. The glimpse in the future was already mastered, as he could now look for about 4 seconds in advance.

The orb also started diving in analyzing space and time of the world, but he doubt that it will be finished any soon.

By the end of the five months time, he already unsealed some of his powers (900) bringing his level to the Vice Admiral Level (4000).

Central Square - Marineford, in front of the Fortress.

Reverence and solemnity, was the only description fitting to the scene in front of Aizen who refused to wear any other outfit other than his Arrancar suit, but no one really was offended, as justice wasn't just some uniform.

The soldiers stood in queue, while casting fervent, adoration and envy looks towards the two proud figures standing in the center.

Smoker and Aizen.

The both of them today were officially promoting to 'real' marine officers.

The new recruits that come this year also watched the ceremony with hope and expectancy, while gossiping.

"Isn't that Aizen Senpai? He is so manly! is his age really 13?!" Asked a weak looking recruit while gazing towards Aizen (185cm) in shock.

"I heard that he lost his memory when his island raided by pirates. no one really know his age, they only said 10 because he looked like one!" Added a recruit from the side. From his informations, it was clear that he has an intern and close relationship with some higher up.

"13 or 17! isn't he overpowered! he is a true monster, just like the admirals! so this is what they meant by Admiral Potential!" Said a recruit with envy in his eyes. He hoped he could be in Aizen place.

The poor smoker was totally overshadowed. But as the grown up person he is, he no longer acted like a child. This months he took some missions, and even though, he wasn't injured, that couldn't be said about his subordinates. To put it simply, he can be untouchable, but he can't bring down his enemies down either, specially the devil fruit users.

The three admirals also watched the platform center with a sense of urgency. It may not be a surprise, if they had to give up their positions in the future.

Admirals are the symbol of power, if any Vice Admiral except (Garp) find out that they weren't convincing, and thought he had the power to replace them, he can use his exploits or merits points to challenge them to a duel.

No one will die, but the shame would be suffocating. Everyone of them was brought back again to the days where they would compete against each other.

Exchanging glances, every one of them was full of belief that they won't lose. Each one of them started to eye Sengoku seat.

Soon, the noise stopped, as the Fleet Admiral made his way to the platform. Seeing the three admirals eying him with starving looks brought an unease to him. He didn't understand what made those troublesome guys so fired up suddenly.

Sengoku started solemnly speaking about the goal of the marines, eliminating evil from the world, and spread safety all around the world.

Aizen found his speech convincing, but Robin almost throw up.

She couldn't retort completely as the world needs marine, but the state of marine today don't look much different that any pirate emperor system. Robin gained a lot of informations this five months as she discovered more secrets that what Aizen know, but as Aizen show his lack of interest and total support, other than feeling grateful and warm, she also started to question 'The world justice'. If she wasn't Aizen confidante, she would have already joined the Revolutionary army and resist against the atrocious system.

Robin soon was brought back from her thoughts, as she saw Aizen stand up on the platform with a warm smile on his face.

He looked dashing and neat, coupled with his sole unique uniform, he attracted more attention than Sengoku himself.

Aizen spoke about his 'deceased family', about losing his 'home' and how 'Gion Master' brought him from the darkness to the light of justice.

She gave him a 'home' and he was grateful to her for all his life. He also emphasize that he sees the whole marine corps, no matter the rank, as his family members and would always be there to protect them.

His monologue was way emotional that it brought tears to Sengoku eyes along with a warm mood that surrounded all around the square.

Everyone was touched. Aizen mixed some lies and truth that he almost swindled Robin that looked at him with wet eyes, demanding him to give her back her honest tears.

The ceremony ended with a good atmosphere, as Aizen moved towards the harbor to his warship.

His next destination was - East Blue.

Depending on Robin meticulousness and slight hand, he was appointed as the big lord of the East Blue.

'It would be a waste leaving that trio beauties harassed and killed by fish' Thought Aizen as he board on his warship.

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