One Piece: World Traveler

Chapter 19 - Calm Belt

Calm Belt

The Warship equipped with sea stone at the bottom made the trip relaxing, coupled with the lack of wind and the scorching sun, it would be a waste if not having a sun bath.

Aizen as a newly appointed Rear Admiral had his own array of marine soldiers : 2 Commodores, 4 Captains and hundred of soldiers that he didn't bother inspecting their ranks.

At his side was Robin in a black two pieces swimsuit, she wasn't derelict in anyway fulfilling her tasks and also gave a big bonus to her boss.

Watching her slim waist and hourglass figure, Aizen only sighed in appreciation at how sėxy the girls in this world.

Robin feeling his gaze didn't shy away, rather she continued teasing him by asking him to put some skin care cream on her.

The soldiers tending their tasks by the side drooled as Aizen got his chance to ċȧrėss that hot body.

"Why? do you want me to defect or something?" Asked Aizen back in wonder.

"I already reported to you all the shameful and disgusting feats that the marines helped covering, the corruption and evil that would make any small time pirate blush in shame!" Said Robin, a little bit agitated.

They say ignorance is a bliss.

The past her wouldn't have bothered because she never trusted the marines, but that, and getting a first look at what is happening were different.

"And?" Aizen was still unable to understand her motif, or rather, he was more focused on her soft skin.

It was now Robin time to show a confused look. She didn't understand why she is asking him this

"Robin Onee-Sama, so you see me as a good guy, huh?" Said Aizen, while his eyes never left her smooth back, he was approaching her lower back, so he couldn't be distracted.

Robin face blushed with shame as her pervert boss saw through her confusion.

"You see, Robin Onee-sama, Things aren't really that simple, Justice and Evil aren't easy to distinct. The world, would never ever be white or black. Things aren't that simple. Marines may be bad, but without them, there would be chaos in the sea and innocent people will perish. Celestial Dragons my appear trash like, but do you really think it's that simple? if they were that stupid, why are they still in control? Pirates are supposed to be evil, but you already know that their territories are safe to live within if you pay the tribute. Truth aren't always what we saw through our eyes.

You are labeled as the devil child, a calamity bringer, but in my eyes, you are my cute Onee-Sama.

This is why when I met you before, I asked you what you dėsɨrė. I don't care less about the world rules and its principles, because I made my own rules, that's who I am Robin Onee Sama, so stop imagining me as a prince with a white horse, I'm the Demon Lord that will rule the world one day, Hahahaha!" At the end of his dramatic monologue, his hands were only a little bit above that bountiful rear, he even laughed intentionally to distract her, but Robin succeed in running away from his deceit.

"Pervert Aizen Sama!" Said Robin with a red shameful face, but her eyes show more clarity.

Aizen didn't want mindless followers that only follow orders. He gave them their full freedom, he only demanded for one thing.

'Loyalty' Muttered Robin in daze, while she was finally able to understand what type of man was her boss is. She wasn't mistaken, he was the best.

Aizen already saw through her change this months, the pure white environment of marineford coupled with the justice drivel everywhere affected her mind a little, and as she was a pure kind hearted woman, her sense of justice run deeper than Sengoku himself.

He didn't mind letting her enforce her newfound sense of justice that appeared in her five months of safety, but he also needed her to understand that he wasn't some messiah, and from her clear eyes, he understand that the crafty robin was still alive somewhere there inside her.

"What is your goal Aizen Sama?" Asked Robin, it was the first time she asked this question. All this five months she was evading the subject unconsciously. Did he need her to read some Poneglyphs? did he look at her as a tool with distinct use?

Aizen smirked mysteriously, 'goal' was big word that would describe his far sight ambitions, still, what he was doing presently was just fooling around while enjoying this life.

"At that time, you can play the saint you are, until you get bored!" Aizen patted Robin in the head, He only cares about his own power. Ruling wasn't really his fort, so having talented people under him would be great, and Robin was one of the best.

Robin felt her body shivering under the huge amount of warmness that invaded her body and made her feel internal peace. She quite enjoyed this feeling.

The soldiers at the side were already under Aizen and Robin full control, so they only saw Aizen teasing his secretary and envied him to the death.

If they heard what the two were talking about, they would have jump away from the ship without a second thought.

It was that appalling.

Suddenly the sounds of hurried footsteps could be heard.

"Aizen Sama, We have some troubles!" The worried tone of a Commodore could be heard as he approached. Aizen didn't recall their names as he felt that they were spies to monitor him more than subordinates.

"What is it? a sea king?" Asked Aizen with an dull tone.

"Huf, huf, worse, It's the Kuja Pirates! one of the Shichibukai, Empress Boa Hancock is intercepting our ship!" The Commodore relayed what is happening with a shaken appearance not fitting at all with his own rank.

Aizen turned towards Robin, and gave her a sign to not leave her place. he didn't want her to become infatuated, although he doubted that, because her fetish seems to be different than normal people.

Aizen moved to the deck, and sure enough he could see the The Kuja's Jolly Roger, a skull with nine snakes appearing from behind the skull.

"You avoided their ship, but they still follow us?" Asked Aizen, he wasn't surprised. The captain was that unreasonable woman.

"Yes Aizen Sama!" Answered one of the Commodores while sweating.

"Ok, stop the ship, I'll go and inquire their aim?" Aizen didn't know a shit about navigation, so he was a little bit nervous, what will happen if those fools turned to stone.

He didn't want to be the main character of some 'Lost in the Sea' blockbuster.

The Warship came to a sudden stop, and by the time the Commodores wanted to inform Aizen, he already disappeared.

Kuja Pirates Warship.

"Onee-Sama, wouldn't we ended up offending the navy if we attack one of their ships?" Said Marigold, a muscled, fat, large woman in a pink bikini with Kuja designs and gold tassels that trail down to her pink loin cloth and purple flaps. Her expression was one of worry as her Onee Sama seems about to do something unreasonable again.

But the one in question, didn't change her expression, she still had a cold look while gazing at the warship.

"No matter what I do, I'll still be forgiven!" Said the most beautiful woman in the world, Boa Hancock, without a change in her expression. For her no matter why she did. Kill, loot, bully. No one would would blame her, nor question her.

As she ended her phrase, a somehow tall looking teenager in white pants with a scabbarded katana in his hip and a nȧkėd upper half, magically appeared in front of the three sisters like a ghost.

Every woman on the ship were taken back, as they couldn't feel him at all. Thinking that they were under his mercy until he show his face brought sweat on their forehead.

"I heard rumors about your unreliability more than that of your beauty, I must say, I'm even impressed that you excel more at both of them!" Aizen give a small bow to the three sisters while giving them a smile.

The women on board were all taken back at how handsome the intruder was, even the three sisters that have terrible hate towards men generally couldn't help but flinch.

If it was to say that Hancock was the most beautiful woman, then he would be the most handsome teenager, as he still gave a lack of maturity and his face was still tender.

Hancock hurriedly recovered and composed herself back to her unreasonable character.

"Who are you! and how dare you stand in front of me?!" Hancock took her 'I looking down on you' pose as she addressed to him.

"A little advise Hancock Sama, Don't repeat it again in front of any other man, it only give them advantages, your brėȧsts are in sheer sight!" Said Aizen while not shying from appreciating her revealed bust, if only she go back a little, he could see her pink nɨppŀė in all its glory.

Hearing him calling her with her first name sent Hancock in a fit of rage, but hearing the second part, her face turned crimson as mist started appearing just to declare how ashamed she was.

She didn't understand a lot about male and females matters, but to be talked like that, somehow made the matter clear to her. So her brėȧsts shouldn't be shown like that.

The women on board also shown some amazement, it was the first time they saw Hancock this flustered.

"How dare, how dare you!!!" Screamed a red faced Hancock, while bringing her hand in front of her to heart shape.

"Mero Mero" a pink heart shaped light launched towards Aizen, but he didn't move, rather he took the full blow without blinking.

His soul was strong, and his body wasn't fazed by even laws, a mere charming fruit wasn't enough to made him under any 'state'.

Hancock was about to talk about the results of offending her, only to be thrown in confusion again, as she saw the man was still standing there without any change of his expression.

Her sisters showed a worried expression, while some of the females looked to the boy with heart shaped eyes, they finally knew who he is, after taking a good look at him.

"Hibehime Sama, He is the 'rising star' of the marines, Aizen Sosuke Sama!" Said one of the fans (former Kuja crew member) as she looked towards him with love. She didn't mind if he would take her now.

The others also started to show similar reactions, followed by the two sisters. Aizen already ȧssimilated her fruit and gained a huge charm stat in the process, only boosting his appearance.

Hancock started to show some nervousness in her expression as her crew started to act strangely in front of the man. She knew that he was handsome, but why are they looking at him like that. She felt jealousy because he stole her 'privilege'.

But as she was an 'empress', she steeled her heart and ignored their reactions, as she put her eyes in direct contact with Aizen.

"What is it that you want from this empress?!" Asked Hancock with a downcast expression. She could have attacked, but the fact that he easily ignored her charm made her lose any sort of fighting intent. She already knew that he must be the warship leader, and hearing her crew, she knew that she couldn't afford the price of harming him.

Still, she won't yield that easily. She wanted him to ask for it, so that she could keep her dignity as an empress.

The big reason, was the fact that his crystal baby like eyes that was full of appreciation, tranquility and lack of hostility and annoyance made her classify him as different person than the race known as 'Men'.

"I would rather please ask you to not intercept my ship, I'm a new graduate rear admiral, and I'm not privy about the territories classification and division, so if it's possible, I would have ask for your mercy and pardon if I offend you somehow!" Aizen saw through her dilemma, and easily consented.

"I will allow you that at the condition of returning my 'crew' back to their nature." She answered as she could tell that they were charmed now that she calmed down.

"I'm sorry, my charm sometimes acted unconsciously when I stand in front of strong character such as yourself Hancock Sama!" Said Aizen, but even though he dismissed his charm aura, they still looked towards him with crazy looks.

"Hmph! I forgive you!" Harrumphed Hancock, but inwardly she was happy at the praise. The boy attitude, age, appearance made her quite weak towards him. She felt as if she was a little girl throwing a tantrum while he acted like a pampering ȧduŀt.

Before Aizen go, he looked towards her with a deep look as he said:"Hancock Sama, you are really a splendid woman! Don't let others determine your worth, it's a mere tattoo, if you want it erased, you only need to pay a price!" Giving her a last calm and warming look, he disappeared back from the ship.

"Wai..." Before she could stopped him, he already vanished. She wanted to follow his ship, but soon decided against.

She was a little dumbfounded at first as she couldn't get what he was talking about, but hearing 'tattoo' almost took her 'soul' away from her.

The next part of erasing it, throw her emotions in chaos.

That day was the first time ever her heart skip a beat for the favor of a man.

She felt herself nȧkėd in front of him, but it wasn't a repulsing feeling, she quite enjoy his unrestrained glances when he was checking on her.

"I think I need to have a trip towards the Navy headquarters some time soon." Strangely, even though she knew that he saw through her secret, she was reassured that he won't let it spread.

A man that would claim his capability to erase that heinous mark with a light tone wasn't a lackey of the marine style.

The man from now on would haunt her dreams.

The inexperienced Hancock didn't know that Aizen from the start was planting a seed inside of her, just like what he did to robin and his master.

A seed that would soon grow up to sturdy tree of passion and love.

Back to The Warship!

Aizen appeared again, and ordered his lackeys to continue onwards.

Seeing that he was back without injuries, those subordinates eyes were full of respect and awe.

To think that he would negotiate with a warlord!

The Warship continued its trip, only to leave the calm belt towards Loguetown.

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