One Piece: World Traveler

Chapter 20 - Marine Base - Loguetown

The warship cruised along as it left the calm belt. There was no need for any resupplying as the destination was one of the most famous places where 'sea drifters' marines and pirates alike would visit to supply their shortage of water or food.

"East Blue, It will be interesting!" Murmured Aizen as he looked towards the blue clear sky. His plan all along was to amass exploits, merits and more importantly worth and trust.

It may worked wonderfully if he just got a placement on one of the Grand Line bases. Yet, he choose the east blue for different reasons.

First, because he didn't like some third rate character of the sea ordering him around the place. It may not be that excessive because no one would choose to offend him, but he still choose to avoid such event.

Secondly, Arlong pirates, the reason he choose them as a target wasn't just for saving Nami and her family, it's more deeper, and may generate a lot of merits.

Think about it, Arlong was someone that was part of Jinbe crew. They may have a fight or a disagreement, but Arlong still used Jinbe fame to run amok the east blue.

Aizen always thought that Arlong, or even Hody Jones were victims of the ugly sides of humans. If he a 'human' could see that, then Jinbe must be similar too.

Using Arlong and his crew as chip to force Jinbe run some errands to the world government may elevate his worth a lot.

Thirdly, Taking down a legend on the process and that was his biggest reason.

"Hm, thank you for informing me, Robin, any news about those fish man pirates?" Asked Aizen without turning his back.

"They are still lurking on the Grand line. Why is it that you are sure they would come to the east blue?" Added Robin with a doubtful tone.

"Because it's the weakest of all the four seas!" Answered Aizen with a small tone, but Robin still heard him, and couldn't help but nod her head.

She got her hands on some files that describe the misery that fisher men suffered all this years, now that Jinbe is a warlord that have a dubious green light from the W.G to do whatever he wanted as long as he pay the tribute and follow orders, a 'revenge' arc in the story could be predicted.

Robin only failed to predict their next move location. She looked towards Aizen with admiration as she appreciate his thought process and wisdom.

The warship entered the port of Loguetown, and as Aizen suspected, whoever the captain that was in charge, must have put some great efforts on it.

There was no sign of any pirates jolly roger on the port, rather, he could already glimpse at a marine soldiers formation that stood in queues respectfully waiting for him.

The Navy headquarters already informed them two or so months ago that they will have a rear admiral coming to take charge.

The captain also made his inquiries and using his relations, he already know that it was a fortune god that was coming to his base, so other than try to sabotage the process and show displeasure to his power that was taken, he seems in glee.

Aizen smiled a little, it seems the world wasn't full of idiots after all. It would be over estimating his worth if he thought that will encounter no opposition, but that was destined to disappear the moment he enforced his 'justice'.

He already planned to exterminate the captain if he showed any resistance, using jolly rogers of pirates or criminals as a tool to frame him.

No one would care about this kind of people, but it seems, that the captain that was full of smiles in front of him was reliable.

"Welcome, welcome Rear Admiral Aizen, I heard a lot about your exploits! I'm very moved, the headquarters actually send such a talented person like you to such a place, I'm flattered!" a fat looking middle aged man that look like a merchant, a modertae heigh (170cm) clad in a captain uniform, he put a marine cap on his head, but Aizen could see that he was uncomfortable in his uniform.

'It must be some years since he wore his marine uniform' Thought Aizen inwardly while watching the middle aged captain in front of him with a smile.

He looked towards the tense looking marine soldiers that didn't dare to meet his eyes. Their foreheads were full of sweat, and their breathing were haggard.

'Hm, well at least he did a good job in disciplining those marines'

Aizen could tell that this captain used fear to control them, but he didn't mind, as long a he did a good job, turning his head towards the brainy robin and his mouth corners twitched.

She also ended up with the same conclusion, but it seems that someone is going to be unlucky.

The captain seems distressed, he finally understand that made a great blunder ignoring those big bosses behind the youth.

Captain Rank in East blue wasn't even at the level of elite recruits, so showing such a blatant disregard to his superiors, it appears that he isn't that bright after all.

Aizen and Robin moved around the town, it was peaceful and a lively one. They passed by shops and restaurants, the civilians that saw his exotic look and the marine logo behind his back showed respect and admiration. He even got some free apples from a gentle looking old man.

The center of the town, Execution Platform.

Aizen stood there while looking towards the imposing looking platform while lamenting how much innocent lives and families got ruined because of Roger selfishness.

He tricked the whole world to believe that he had a great treasure, nobody know what it is, but they still throw their lives away to search for it. He felt that the way he used it was a little similar to the cults back in his world.

Convincing people that there was a god there in the sky. no one saw him before, but he exists because somebody says so.

"Will of D, What a ruthless way to pass his will!" Mumbled Aizen.

"You also know about that?" Asked Robin in an alarmed tone. Did he really have the ability to read Poneglyphs?

"Yes, I didn't thought that you knew this much about them!" Said Robin with an agitated tone, she was really an history fanatic.

"Not that much, only much to act mysterious, hahaha" Said Aizen while leaving Robin behind him with a pouting face.

"Let's go, I've already thought of something good for you!" Said Aizen while he moved away from the platform.

Robin reluctantly followed him, but a small smile face could be seen in her lips.

It didn't take much of time to the duo to find the marine base. It was the most imposing and colorful looking building in the town, maybe the whole islands, coupled with the marine seagull like symbol, it wouldn't be that hard to found.

Aizen made his way inside the marine while inspecting it with interest. The guards were looking at him with high esteem and reverence.

They didn't know much about him, but seeing that his 'weaker' lackeys treated their captain like trash without even being able to retort, gave them a clear picture how high ranked the handsome man before them.

Puru puru pruurup

The Den den mushi ringtone suddenly could be heard inside one of Aizen pocket.

Aizen answered the call under the wide eyed marines soldiers. It seems they don't have ones here in the East Blue.

"Sengoku sama?" Asked Aizen in wonder.

"Aizen boy, I heard that you met that unreasonable woman, are you alright?!" The worried tone of Sengoku could be heard from the other side of the 'phone'.

Aizen finally understand, it seems that one of his 'spies' finally got the chance to inform him with what happened.

"I'm good, she seems very gentle and easy to talk to!" Aizen reassured him.

The sound of someone coughing and spurting could be heard, it seems chaotic on the other side.

Garp crazy laughing, Sengoku bulging eyes, he could swear that he also saw some malicious expressions that belonged to the three admirals.

After some seconds of infighting, finally there was calm. Sengoku face finally appeared on the Den den mushi.

"I see, well take care of yourself!" Finished Sengoku the call.

The Empress was hard to reason with, for Aizen to be able to negotiate with her, it only means that 'his face' played a big role.

So he wasn't bothered with their faint killing intents.

"it's called ability not just face, bunch of geezers that understand nothing about picking up girls! Hmph!" Aizen put a disdainful face while Robin behind was taking pŀėȧsurė in his misfortunes.

Aizen office was still under building process. After all he won't use a trashy captain office, not to mention that his subordinates were even more arrogant than him, so he asked a small time marine guard the direction of training room, and took Robin with him.

Training room.

"Robin, I've said before that I need your loyalty, but to be worth of giving it to me, you need first to get stronger" Said Aizen seriously as he watched Robin expression.

There was still about 6 months before Arlong made it here, so he would first train his first follower, and at the same time test something that he always wanted to do.

Robin was little bit tense, she knew that she wasn't strong enough to stand by her 'lord' side, but that doesn't meant she would give up that easily, if a mere training would make her worth to stand by his side, she would do it gladly, she would even do much extreme things if it's to stay by his side.

She doesn't know about love and stuff, but she knew that if he told her to go away, her heart would be broken to pieces. He is already that important for her.

Aizen didn't know much about her hidden feelings, but he could feel the determination in those eyes.

He wanted to use his power to pull away her devil fruit, but she seems to like it, so he didn't delve in the topic.

He asked her to approach him, and Robin gladly accepted.

"Close your eyes, and tell me if there is something that changed!" Said Aizen as he touched her head, trying to send Haki knowledge inside her brain.

"Nothing!" After some seconds, Robin opened her eyes and look towards Aizen with nervous expression. was she not talented enough? is he already thinking that brining her with him was mistake? am I going to be thrown again?

"So it's not like that? then what should I do?" Aizen was focused on other things, as he couldn't pass his knowledge with a touch.

Suddenly the orb throb a little, sending a message to his head. Aizen eyes suddenly showed Enlightenment.

If he used his soul automatically on her, he might pulverized her soul at the first contact, he wasn't that adept with controlling his soul, that's why his soul unconsciously refused to budge.

But what if he change the medium to another way. his liquids per example.

Aizen bit his finger dumbfounding a near despairing Robin, then he put his finger inside her mouth.

Robin showed an incredulous expression at first, but soon it seems as if some knowledge was passed towards her, so she stopped resisting, and caught his finger as she suċkėd it more.

The scene was quite ėrȯtɨċ. He choose his blood as medium other than his drool or sėmėn to avoid those kind of endings, but he still ended up with a hot scene.

Robin tongue didn't stop suċkɨnġ his finger even after the transfer ended long ago.

'Is it that my blood that tasty or something?'

Aizen passed her a part of his stamina and regeneration, haki knowledge, and Air Law teachings.

With that, she could protect herself, but what Aizen didn't notice was that having his blood inside her already deemed her as loyal follower until eternity.

his dėsɨrė for loyalty ended up creating a blood contract. Robin also got the notice about that, the reason why she suċkėd more intensely is to show her lord her resolve, besides feeling turned on, that won't admit.

Pulling his finger from her mouth, he couldn't help but gulp a little, that was too damn sėxy. He was already a saint for not attacking her right now.

Robin returned back from her bliss, she kneeled in front of him with a content expression and little red hue on each of her checks.

"Thank you for your own grace, Aizen, my lord!" Said Robin with a happy face. she who often felt insecure, this contract only made her more happy. She lost a part of her ' freedom', but she didn't mind, because her master guaranteed it.

The fact that he used his blood and all this 'mystery' was ignored by her, because she know, that someday, her master when he deemed her worthy of trust, he would answer her inquiries without even asking.

Aizen didn't get what happened at first, but later, he understood. It seems he was more op that he imagined, at least, he won't have someone backstabbing in him, that would be shameful.

Aizen from that day started to train Robin to a super soldier.

In 6 months, using her 'master' exclusive perks and Haki training, she was able to boost her power in an alarming pace, and following her master advices after he analyzed her devil fruit, she improved by leaps and bounds, and also learned his footworks quite easily.

The benefits of having a blood contract with the lord was that baffling.

If at first she was only able to fight a captain class with 600-1000 power, she was now at the Commodore level already approaching Rear Admiral. (3100 raw power)

She enjoyed her training and the result was her nickname. 'Angel of Justice'

In those 6 months, other than training her, Aizen used her wisely to accumulate merits.

She would go and hunt pirates all around the East Blue with her white wings.

Her status elevated to the point that Sengoku showed a lot of interest towards her talent.

Nico Robin was now a Captain Level, Aizen wasn't stingy and he pressured Sengoku to do his bidding, and it's not like Robin cared about the Ranks, but, creating such facades could make the higher ups 'appreciate' her more and more.

The 6 months of waiting soon came to an end, and soon a report about the fisher men invading East Blue appeared on his office.

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