One Piece: World Traveler

Chapter 21 - Dealing with Arlong

East Blue - Loguetown.

The town within this 6 months passed through great changes and modulations.

The most important thing was the highest level of security and safety, as no pirates crew dare to approach about 5Km radius of the Island. It wasn't just the town that know this kind of change, rather the whole East Blue seems to enter an era of pirates hibernation.

Every crew pirate with a little bit of intelligence, choose to lay low as they couldn't afford to offed the newly appointed Rear Admiral.

Depending on rumors, the Rear Admiral was a powerhouse that came from that legendary place 'Grand line', and no matter what kind of devil fruit pirates that challenged him in his stay here, no one lived to tell the tale. But some of the witnesses spoke about a mere glance from him could kill the strongest in the sea.

He was revered as 'The White Knight - Haku Ryuu Kishi' by civilians, loved and respected while the pirates and criminals labeled him as 'The White Demon - Haku Ryuu Akuma', feared and resented, his black eyes that could swallow souls coupled with his unperturbed smile made him fitting to be acknowledged as the embodiment of demon.

His white and elegant suit, coupled with his katana and imposing manner that was full of honor and justice, made him to a loved and famous figure in all of the East Blue, as from time to time, he would move personally to slay any pirates, or suspicious people that could endanger 'justice'. He didn't even spare 'Captain Morgan' as he deemed him unworthy to present justice.

What made things even worse for pirates, was his so-called right hand. A beautiful female captain that had white wings like angels. She was fierce and ruthless.

According to witnesses, she danced wittily and beautifully as she reap souls of wicked pirates. Her weapons suspected to be hidden daggers.

6 months until now, no one was able to made it to the reverse mountain, and the Grand line stopped welcoming any pirates from the east blue.

The both of them, Aizen and Robin, played their roles to perfection.

While The East Blue celebrated the resplendent 'Marine Era', with Aizen as its King!

Even the Revolutionary Army seems to be troubled by his oscar-like performance. They tried to contact him several times, but Aizen wasn't interested in talking with weaklings.

He would wait, until 'she' couldn't wait anymore.

Marine Base - Aizen office.

"Rear Admiral Aizen! we detected a potential pirates crew that seems to be heading towards Conomi Archipelago!" Along with the report, came the voice of the officer that was resounding with power and belief. They were no longer scared and weaklings, with the help of the other staff that came with Aizen from the HQ, they were trained to splendid soldiers. As for the former captain, Aizen didn't question his disappearance as he was suspected in a lot of corruptions and scandalous events.

"They finally came? huh? you can go, I'll be moving personally." Said Aizen while ignoring the startled look of the officer.

It was a normal reaction, the rear admiral moving personally? for them it was similar to Sengoku moving personally. They look at Aizen as if he was a 'God', so the fact that him moving personally was either the threat level was higher, or there is some complicated thing about to happen.

Aizen left his office while moving towards Robin resting room. He was now about 189cm (14-15 years - unknown), he grow up both in height, build and power, as his breathtaking appearance only got boosted to the extreme, that may take women life with just a wink.

For others they may not notice anything, but for him, Hypnosis doesn't work on him. Inside the room was Robin releasing stifled mȯȧns as lubricious sounds could be heard with his name called often.

As his curiosity kicked in, he approached more to the door, and used his eyes to look through the room, only to be amused.

In front of him appeared a rather sŀuttish and ŀėwd scene. Robin was sitting on her bed nȧkėd, ċȧrėssing her brėȧsts hardly while trying to kiss and suck them from time to time.

a little white hand was protruding from the bed playing around with her ċŀɨtȯrɨs.

Aizen thought no wonder she liked her devil fruit power, she won't be frustrated at all.

Aizen was really tempted to intrude her room, and give her some lesson about the 'Will of D', but break in may turn this whole situation to a more awkward incident.

So he turned away and left, while suppressing his bulging rod, while thinking.

'She is a girl after all!'

He didn't know if she was doing it intentionally (seducing him) or not, but he need to leave now, that hot body could be enjoyed soon anyway.

Conomi Islands.

The Fish men barged on the island, and they threatened the civilians, as they blackmailed tributes from them.

The moment Aizen made it to the islands using his speed of light, it was at the climax.

The battered Belle-mere stopped Arlong Pirates that seems to swagger away with confidence.

"Hold up, who says that was my share?! that 100.000 is for my own daughters! I'm short on mine!" Said Belle mere without care towards her life, as she emphasized the part of 'daughters'.

Genzo show a terrified look, not understanding why would she do that?

Seeing his look, Belle-mere could only ask for pardon from him, as she wasn't the one to lie about her not having a family.

Her stance as she choose to sacrifice her life without blinking, that would have made even Aizen who watched the anime shed a little 'Tear'.

To think that even though they didn't share blood with each other, they made up a great and true family that shared bonds, something even thicker than blood.

"Belle-mere!!" X2

To think that for even a second, they doubted their mother, they felt shame and remorse as they drown in the warmness of their mother.

It was even worse for Nami as she still remembered the last dispute between her and her mother, while crying that she didn't mean any of those words!

Belle-mere who prepared herself for death, coupled with Genzo last strife that only got him scarred.

The villagers was soon shown as they run to resist the invader fish men.

"huh, They've become bloodthirsty all of sudden? Don't kill them, Just show them what we are made of!" Said Arlong with his mean looking face, as he approached the injured Belle mere.

Belle mere didn't back up, rather, she throw her little Kids inside the house, and faced the death with bravery.

"You'll die for your pathetic love!" Said arlong, as he was prepared to pull the trigger.

The sounds of screams and battering could be heard as the fish men with their above average power could be seen hitting the the civilians.

"Die!" Said Arlong with a bloodthirsty intent as he was prepared to pull the trigger.

At that moment, a strong wave energy was released from a place not far away from the battered civilians.

The power seems to warp space and lock time.

The energy was released masterfully as it bypassed civilians and locked on Fishmen, knocking them of one after the other. No one was spared expect for Arlong that didn't seem to fare any well.

The villagers looked around them, not understanding what happened.

Suddenly the fish men stopped hitting them, their eyes turned white, as they fall one after the other.

The whole scene was weird and creepy, but soon, footsteps could be heard, as a tall, handsome looking face in a white peculiar uniform with a katana scabbard-ed in his right hip.

He moved leisurely as his right hand was laying comfortably above his katana.

Arlong body was locked under a strange power, as he couldn't budge from his place at all.

He felt fear from a lowly human?! unbelievable, unforgivable...

The footsteps was clear and clearer, as Aizen finally stood near Arlong with a disregarding look as if he was looking to an insect.

Arlong was about 240 cm but in front of Aizen, people could feel all his grandeur vanish, and only the white clad man was the focus.

"I will be troubled if you kill someone under my shift! I may have ignored you if you didn't pull that trigger in favor of Warlord Jinbe, but this and that are different, if you pull it, no one can save you from me, even Jinbe could only watch as I skin you alive.

Is it bad being enthralled by humans saw-shaped nose? Then why don't you go to Marie Geoise and take your revenge like what fisher tiger did? a spineless coward!" At the last of his condescending speech, he moved with an unbelievable speed. in a blink of eye, Aizen Knee was in front of Arlong nose, pouring a bit of strength in his attack, Arlong face was deformed as his nose was in weird looking shape, his eyes were white, he already lost consciousness, as he was sent flying from the recoil.

The villagers watching this happened were shocked! wasn't fish man a legendary race that stood on the chain peak, why are they so weak in front of this human.

Aizen turned his face towards Belle-mere, she was watching him in disbelief, as her eyes trailed towards the symbol behind his back.

Aizen merely smiled while nodding to her, and signaling that she could go to her children.

Belle-mere gave him a grateful look, as she joined her two daughters in an intense hug.

Some of the villagers already knew his identity, but they were still in shock.

To think that he would kill opponents without even looking at them. The scene of Arlong standing there with terror in his eyes, made them truly understand what a monster this marine officer was.

Aizen took his Den den mushi, and under the eyes of the villagers, he started to talk.

"Aizen boy? why are you calling at this time?" Sengoku answered, but it seems that he was within something important.

"I think I'm in a little trouble" Answered Aizen with a smile while faking his tone to troubled one.

"I don't think you are the one troubled, what kind of trouble did you make this time?" Asked Sengoku with fed up tone.

Aizen already told him that he was approached by some folks that called themselves revolutionaries. They even gave him secret files about the reason his 'island' was destroyed because of his 'master' lack of discipline.

Yet, Aizen wasn't fazed at all, even if his master was the one to killed them personally, what that had to do with him? but Sengoku was shaken hearing about this.

Aizen didn't know if it was scheme of Cipher Pol or truly the R. Army, but he was careful, and played his role to the extreme.

Even his speech was thought of, if he was any other marine soldier, he may not attack Jinbe followers at all, or mindlessly kill them all. But he was different, he used 'kill civilians' as a reason to enact his justice. Even Jinbe wouldn't be able to save them, if he didn't choose to pay a price.

Diplomacy can make life easier.

"I just met with some Warlord Jinbe pirates on my territory (the East Blue), I wouldn't have cared about them, but they wanted to 'kill' civilians Sengoku sama, I can only knock some senses on them!" Said Aizen with a calm tone. But he could feel that there was a strange atmosphere on the other side.

"What is happening there Sengoku sama?" Aizen was surprised as he could hear a lot of noises.

"We are discussing Crocodile Profile, he accepted to join the Warlord system, and there is someone here that want to talk with you!" Answered Sengoku.

Sengoku Place, the conference room was lively today.

Empress Boa Hancock that always refused to come to this place was actually present while looking around her as if looking for someone.

Doflamingo with his sick smile and creepy tongue was sitting above the table, Kuma was reading a book, while Mihawk was laying on his chair not bothered.

Jinbe seems the only one who took the whole thing seriously.

Crocodile accepted to join the warlord system, and there was even other potential candidate Gekko Moria.

It was at that time that Sengoku den den mushi made a noise. He gave Aizen this number only to call him in times of urgency. So he answered directly.

The content of the conversation looks very satisfying to some of those Warlords (Doflamingo), after all, marines won't bother with their subordinates, and although they were about to kill civilians wantonly, they would still be released.

Hancock face was red, as her heart flutter with beating, she felt sweet as she heard the voice of the one she came to look for. 'East Blue!' She already got what she wanted.

Jinbe was the only one that had his face ugly, as he could guess what happened.

He took the Den den mushi, and started talking.

"Rear Admiral Aizen, I'm really sorry! There have been a dispute between us, so they must have gone their without me knowing about it!" Jinbe was a decent man and easy to talk to, he didn't mind apologize as to show how much he was serious about joining the Warlord system.

"I'm not really that bothered, I only thought of giving them a lesson after seeing them bullying civilians, but after the one called 'Arlong' wanted to kill, I couldn't control my self!" Said Aizen with a tone full of justice, that fooled everyone there.

Doflamingo snorted, Kuma only nodded his head while Mihawk show a strange look in his eyes. Although the boy seems to only follow the rules and justice, Mihawk could feel a strange feeling from the one talking. it's the same feeling when talking with shanks, it was a mysterious air that only little of people could have, the boy was suppressing his true personality, but Mihawk could still tell see something fishy, but he didn't care, it wasn't his problem.

Empress Boa could no longer stay still, she wanted to immediately leave this place full of disgusting men, and look for that man.

The fact that she was here, only fortified her belief in him, as he didn't talk about her secret to anyone.

"I would be thankful if Rear Admiral Aizen could make me a favor, and let them be!" Said Jinbe while showing his will to protect them.

"I wouldn't mind that" Said Aizen, as the people surrounding look towards him with a confused look. If he wanted to let them go, he didn't need to talk in front us. what is it? he wanted to destroy his reputation?

Even the trio mother and daughters looked towards him in confusion and disbelief.

"But I have my own conditions, First of all, If he put his dirty fins and scales again in the East Blue, I would take his head without any notice, as for other conditions, you could discuss it with my superiors, Have a good day!" Aizen didn't give Jinbe any chance to haggle with him, He trusted that Sengoku would understand his intent, and appreciate his effort.

At the same time, the happy looking faces of the villagers as they could hear Aizen stand up for them in front of a warlord made their eyes wet with gratitude.

"Don't worry, this trash won't appear again in your life!" Said Aizen with reassuring tone, as he made another call so that his soldiers come to fetch the prisoners.

Sengoku Side....

"Fufufufufu! What a domineering brat! I like him more and more!" Said Doflamingo while ŀɨċkɨnġ his lips, a fox like him, could easily saw through Aizen intentions.

Mihawk also confirmed his guess.

While Jinbe only show a wryly smile as he was prepared to be butchered by Sengoku.

But the most affected was Boa Hancock.

She looked towards that disgusting flamingo, as she clenched her teeth, if not for suppressing her rage, as she didn't want to reveal the relation between them, she would have already turned him to stone.

"It's not good! I need to protect him!" Mumured Hancock internally as she felt the danger coming from Doflamingo who was clueless seeing her reactions.

"Hum, Let's end it with voting!" Sengoku said, as he was also in hurry to end this.

"This Empress doesn't care!" Said Hancock as she left the room.

"Crocodile, I don't mind!" Said Doflamingo with a malicious smile.

Kuma only nodded silently while Mihawk only shrugged.

Jinbe also doesn't have any problems, he was more urgent to get his package back.

"Then From now on, Crocodile will be the 6th Warlord!" Announced Sengoku as he left the room with his flapping cloak followed by Jinbe.

Aizen waited for the soldiers to clean up the aftermath, after everything was done, he said goodbyes, after leaving behind him the legend of the marine that stood up to the people against a warlord.

"That woman would sure visit me some time soon, I'm really interested to know, what is this revolutionary army is all about?!" Thought Aizen as he board on the warship under the love-struck eyes of the female villagers and reverence of soldiers.

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