After the Straw Hat Pirates defeated the Arlong Pirates, they packed up the fish and brought them back to Cocosia Village. When the villagers saw the villains who had ruled them for many years, now all tied together half-dead, the cheers never stopped. Some brave villagers even stepped forward to vent their anger. Luffy and others did not comment on their behavior. Then, when Luffy decided to distribute all the treasures that Arlong had accumulated over the years to them and other villages ruled by Arlong, the cheers seemed to resound throughout the sky. "We are free!"

"Along was finally defeated, and even the mouse colonel who provided them with protection was overthrown!"

"Thank you Nami! Thank you Straw Hat Brother, thank you Long Hair Brother!!!"

Countless villagers threw the Straw Hat Pirates into the air and caught them again.

At this time, they had no other thoughts in their minds. What if the other party was a pirate? They saved themselves, and that was enough.

So, after Luffy excitedly shouted "Let's have a party!"

A party began.

That night, the entire Cocosia Village was covered with laughter, and where the bonfire rose, countless villagers were singing and dancing.

And at the center of the party, of course, was the protagonist of this time, all the members of the Straw Hat Pirates.

But the most eye-catching ones were naturally Luffy and Usopp, the two live treasures.

Because not long after the banquet began, Luffy showed the nostril chopstick dance again.

It immediately attracted Usopp's interest.

So after a while, the two idiots with chopsticks stuck in their nostrils started dancing happily hand in hand.

This caused the people around to laugh.

"Really, Luffy is fine, but Usopp also followed suit. It's a bit embarrassing no matter how you look at it."

On the side, Nami looked at the two people's funny behavior and couldn't stand it.

"Hahaha, I think your partner is very interesting."

Nokiko, who was next to Nami, held his chin with both hands and said with a little envy.


At this moment, a slightly greasy voice sounded in Nami's ears.

"This is the fruit wine I specially prepared for you two. It is sweet and sour and is most suitable for you two to taste."

Sanji put two glasses of fruit wine in front of the two people and said in a gentlemanly manner.

Nami didn't respond, because she knew that once she did...

"Wow, did you make it especially for us? Thank you so much, Sanji."

Nami knew about Sanji's situation, but Nokiko didn't.

Sanji didn't stay at her house for long before, and he was always bickering with Zoro.

This led to the current situation.


Sanji's face changed instantly:

"If Nokiko-san likes it, I'm willing to make it for you every day~~~~"

If there is a word to describe Sanji's expression, it is-

It's too damn greasy. . .

"Huh, you pervert!"

Zoro, who was drinking and eating meat on the side, couldn't help but say something when he saw this scene.

"Huh? You green algae head, do you want to fight?"

Hearing this, Sanji's face changed again, and he looked at Zoro with an unhappy face.

Nami couldn't help shaking her head when she saw Sanji's facial expression change from gentleman at the beginning to greasy and arrogant later.

This speed of changing his face is really amazing.

She couldn't help thinking.

It was okay before that there was only Luffy, but now there are Usopp and Sanji. Nami can't imagine the future.

If Bai Ye knew what Nami was thinking at this time, he would definitely comfort her. In the future, there will be a raccoon cat with a hat who will dance the chopstick dance with these two guys.

And there is also a bone man who is as lustful as Sanji.

Even... there is a pure perverted cyborg.

So, where is Bai Ye at this time?

The answer is to watch the video.

Before, he had shown a good show to the Navy Marshal Sengoku.

But later when they went to Arlong Park, Sengoku hung up the phone and stopped receiving the live broadcast.

Regarding Sengoku's behavior of not cooperating well, Bai Ye said that he would not watch the live broadcast, but there was still a recorded broadcast.

The Den Den Mushi that Bai Ye used was called the Image Den Den Mushi, which could not only be used for live broadcasting, but also for recording videos.

At this moment, Bai Ye was watching the scene of himself and his men beating up the Arlong Pirates.

While watching, he gently


Bai Ye did not record the scene of himself giving the Marrow Cleansing Pill.

Although Brian may have told Sengoku that he had the magical pill.

But that was just a healing pill. Although the effect was indeed a bit exaggerated, it was not important enough to attract the Navy's special attention.

The Marrow Cleansing Pill was completely different. It could 100% strengthen the physical fitness. Bai Ye could not guarantee that the Navy would not be tempted by it.

Before he and others grew up, Bai Ye still needed to prepare well, so he did not intend to cause himself extra trouble.

It was not completely fearful, well, that's it.

The reason why Bai Ye recorded the video was to show the Navy his strength.

At least from what Bai Ye saw through the video, the strength shown by him and others was no weaker than some pirates on the Grand Line.

As for why he did this, it was also a little selfish of Bai Ye.

Since he came to this world and became a member of the Straw Hat Pirates, Bai Ye naturally had a feeling of sharing the same glory.

In the original work, the first time the Straw Hat Pirates had a bounty order, only Luffy's 30 million.

The Navy set this amount based on the fact that Luffy defeated Buggy, Crick and Arlong successively.

Among them, not only was there no bounty for Zoro and others, but there was no matter of defeating Monka and Clo.

For Bai Ye, who is a bit second-year student, since he has come to this world, he is still very happy to make some changes that will not affect the plot too much.

Otherwise, he would have come in vain.

So his goal this time is to have a bounty for all members, and it must be as high as possible.

This is the team that will become the Pirate King in the future, so let's become famous in the world from the beginning.

Turning off the Den Den Mushi, Bai Ye also smiled.

Really looking forward to the scene where those navy members argue about the bounty order for themselves and others.

"Speaking of which," Bai Ye suddenly thought of something, stroking his chin and muttering to himself: "Should I give myself a nickname?" As a pirate, if you don't have a resounding name when you go out, how can you say hello to others. "Since you are the only Taoist priest in this world, then... why not use that." After thinking for a while, Bai Ye also thought of a good name and nodded. I'll tell Brian everyone's nicknames later. He will definitely be happy to help with this little thing. "Hey, Bai Ye, do you know where to get raw ham and cantaloupe?" At this moment, Luffy, holding a few hams in his hand, came here in a hurry and asked Bai Ye. "Isn't that ham in your hand?" Bai Ye was a little speechless. "No? Then I'll look for it somewhere else." Hearing this, Luffy's mind turned very quickly and decisively got the key information. Bai Ye doesn't have one here.

Watching Luffy's back running away in a hurry, Bai Ye shook his head.

He looked up at the bright moon in the dark night and said softly:

"It's almost dawn~"

"Since he hasn't come today, the navy assigned by Sengoku should be that one."

Bai Ye guessed something and couldn't help but feel happy.

After all, what he was going to do next was a bit crazy. If it was another navy, he would probably have some concerns.

But if it was that troublemaker, it would be much easier.

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